Show I T Evans Evans' Sport Angl Ange 9 I Playing the game square pays It pays to give your bost efforts effort's s on the ball field It pays to accept the bitter with the sweet without a whimper It pays to conduct yourself on and andoff andoff off oft the field In a manner that will bring credit to your profession profession Those four Bente centers s tell the story of the career of Christy Mathewson the once great pitcher now fighting for his life against tuberculosis The fans have not forgotten about him away up there in the Adirondack mountains His deeds and his actions form an epoch In baseball history that will live forever The other day the news report carried a story that a check for had been sent to Mathewson That tidy sum the receipts of a benefit benefit benefit bene bene- fit game played on the Polo grounds for the great Matt Matty It was the largest largest largest larg larg- est sum by thousands of dollars ever taken In at the gate for such a cause It was the testimonial of ot the fans tans showing their great regard for Matty Matty Matty Mat ty It was a great tribute richly de do- do served SpeakIng of Matty I recall an In Incident Incident Incident In- In that happened at the tho close of ot the tine 1912 series The series was over Matty Matty Matty Mat Mat- ty had been defeated In th the final game because of ot the now famous Snodgrass muff coupled with a few tew other errors of omission He lIe had pitched a re remarkable remarkable re- re game goD and lost Waiting at atthe atthe at atthe the Back Bay station In Boston for forthe forthe forthe the train to New Now York I spied Matty walked over to where he was standing and remarked That was a tough one to lose Matty Someone had to win lie he replied with a smile That was his only com com- ment He had no unkind words for th the unfortunate players who had lost th the game and championship That was wa typical of Mathewson |