Show The Th Themi I r 1 I l emi Wee Weel I va iwi i J it ri v News Nes Nesa a 4 i THE GREAT GI GR GRI EA T I COUNTRY PAPER I OF TilE THE WEST VEST VESTs Is s Issued Mondays and nd Thursdays f tI J nd contain nil tho crollin of tha tIu Dally r lly and ond Saturday I I Wo pay 4 per Ier er cent Interest per annum on Jl U to Klont ZIons hank Dank DankA A Trust Co Joseph Josoph V P I Smith dent George M Cannon Cashier HONEST Wiring Wit InK I it 10 K J F First Int Houn Ithon Dry Iry at nt leBs le 1 than half price Pee Iee New York Cash nd ad Midsummer Ml summer ele i nie lc See New N York Tork Cash Ca h ad nl I Midsummer I solo s Now ow York Crish Store nd ad 11 Dry O nt at less Ies I than halt half price I Seo Nw New York Cash Store Storo ad nd I Storo Midsummer ad nt I r sale e See e New NOI York Cash A Delightful Water Water Trip Trill between Detroit unit and Buffalo via the tho De Do Detroit troit and anal ant Hullo Steamboat Company Is the he privilege of ot tho holder of ot any ticket from tho the West reading via the Trunk Hallway System to or 01 through Suspension Bridge Bridgel Further l particulars Including Illus Illustrated lus descriptive literature will wi bo be mailed on 01 ii application to Advertising Department D Orand Trunk Hallway System Adams St Chicago leo Oeo leov AV W v Vaux A i G O I J P t T A Midsummer sale Seo See Now York Cash Store Storo nd oI Ladle Lale Of Salt SnIt Lake Have you ou seen tho tha Century Sub Sul Substitute for tor thu tho Corset the famous R and Combination Skirt Supporter It I Is II nfl all ni tho the rage rago In tho East J ost Promotes health 11 forces es deep breathing Worn by men and also Dry nry Goods at Rt less les than lUf hll price Boo Bee New Ne York Cash Store Stor ml ad nl The Tho Children Arc Aro Home Why not buy huy n a PIANO for tor them NOW MUSIC CO eo 0 have some ot of the best kinds nt 46 6 80 So Main nl ROYAL nOYAL puro pure and bears our label loMI with wih Urn he crown At nn all Grocers and first lut class s ni TELEPHONES For 0 outgoing calls cals per month No charge for tOr Incoming ball calli 2 0 o for tor ox e 0 COBS cesi calls cals 1200 TELEPHONES For Unlimited service serice ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL pELt TELE TELEPHONE PHONE CO COREAL COREAl REAL ESTATE SATE l MEN mN wanting deeds contracts or other legal blanks will wi find I nil the tho latest forms torms at atthe atthe atthe the D seret News Hook Book nok tore store Hair For ladles ladies and gentleman n Miss Char lotte loto Lyngberg and Ml Miss ln a beaker Leaker formerly with wih Dr Nell Nel C Drown rooms roms to Constitution building Phone to Zion M f J S Mitchell many years yearn n a lending leading Optician of ot this city haM Ims hn charge O of at tho the Optical Department of ot John Sons Son 26 6 Main St where ho will be bA be pleased to meet his hil old ol friends wi A Guaranteed Cost Sale Beo New York Cash Cosh Store sore nd nil WORLDS PAm FAIR EXCURSIONS Via Dourer Denyer it To fit St Louis Lull and return To fo Chicago and return To St SI Louis and return via viI Chicago or vice versa l O Selling Tuesday and ond nol Friday of ot each ench week Stopovers allowed Final 11 n I limit CO 60 days from date ot of sale lo Pullman nail and tourist sleepers through to fit tU Louis without change Choice of ot routes See Sn any D It H O L Agent Dry lends Goods at nt lose lean le B than half price Nice See Sea New York Cash Store ad nd adr n r ot uv ou t fin 1117 n IsI H KM 1 9 5 STan T r hi bo b a w M kr 11 U 1 I U u s chUd ni U th I tn UMI n 1111 aim al an rIn n euro cu wind wied tour lr u Is lt th E bul bI tr nl ra 1 7 la M 3 cut tUII tU s l r If IP no store store OF YOUR STORES SIZE has ever run a page ad ld in this paper make tho the prece precedent precedent dent yourself and your store will wil soon be belong belong belong long In 11 the tho class of or whole page stores I J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE co end and Ild lot rods rod on 3rd South near Hast 1181 house ouO and nII lot ft tt Kant Fut ant 1011 South Houth great bargain In must lio ho told sold tills tide week Will Wi exchange for tor house near depot O house hou I o and 1111 amid lot Int near South and nna West Temple room now new lew modern mOllor house press pres brick on Ih West Vest near 1110 10 Grando Depol m cash caul monthly 23 story brick 19 l 0 rind and 7 1 rooms bath closets etc cle meats louts for tor MOO 0 and andon O on Brigham Ht St close CIoe In only 1301 1200 on m terms Goom brick bath closets brick barn burn barnd cistern d lef mantel etc elc wll wil wl sell sel for fordos 3 dos days only r RANCh Wo We have hlo a ft I Mn One 32 acre HANe ranch nt at Houn Boun that IMI wIll wi clear owner 16 each elch year ear A regular mint for tor coining money mony r M to 10 85 8 5 tons of ot lucor inch aci season lenson grain rin fruit amid nHI vegetables HorscH and alt all farming with tho Iho Implements go I place Ilace HOUSTON HEAl INT CO Broom pr ar PI bk B lIE 15 large lot cement walk trees 27 r O cash room pr or PI bk Lk N NJ II bench lot feet tet teI frame modern mo well wl built hull N K I bench hench easy terms Groom pr pro bk bk modern west side UY iO J 0 a Iler month HUBBARD INV CO 78 79 W 2nd Ond South IF IP YOU WANT WAND TO lUY A HOUSE HOUBE or lot or br tr for tor Investment see sea me roe I have some Bomo bargains 0 O F Peterson 63 b 3 W Vf 2nd 8 S S I TilE THE T HIST place to 10 buy homes hort or vacant property properlY co 6 W 2nd IN TOWN Bells neal Iteal Estate Loans lans Money Writes Bels Insurance No 11 1 K ii 1 First South Ground around Floor 1 loor MODERN HOU on North One location modern sized lot fur nce bath both electric lights bights Wn r SELL SEIL REAl mAk ESTATE ESTA r oil Tuttle Tile Uros liros red hall ball bai signs Ign IU J Main Bt St lF hI Y YOU AnE ARP TOHA I FOR on A HOME JOME or It If you oU wl wi h to 0 sell el your real estate holdings It I will wi bo iLe b to your advantage o to 10 call col on me A RIchter 19 I W V 1st lit Bo So Tc Tel Te UI HANCHES R FARMS F IB ACREAGE AO BIG 1110 i ll list t In our real estate paper fre free at II office Harrington Courtney Courtne 15 1 W Second 10 Main BE Street HOUSTON HOtSTON TIlE THE TiE 21 NEW MODERN 5 h or lot best bul location In tn city will wil tell sell pl for fors ro or Iu Fers s than cost cost Owner leaving State In Inquire no quire at l premises 12 South East Enst W WIIT I BELT YOU YOU AT AT A vacant lots a n cottage or cm 0 a model mocel hou hous house In any part nt ot the Iho city cly Jas Jan IC J Shaw under Walker Walkr r Eros Bros hank bank ESTATE TP Tf LOANS Y Rm INS Hill 11 Investment Co S B West Temple FOR RENT OR SALE NEW NF B 5 AND oS S from US 1100 t to easy terms Apply 4 South West Vest Temple Templo St FOR RENT mod mot 1031 K N 2nd So mod br hI new d E r I So soi i mod bra bri br 4 Amos Terrace Ferraro 2300 mo In Ho fo Main l cot n l I Uh Ih So 80 0 jun mud mod br Ir Sw Ew K J So rm mod mOIl br hr cot col E 1 So 2000 20 Grm rm mod rot eat 79 Ord rd II St Srm ft S K IC I Sn Bo Main 1001 Srm br hr Ir 8 S K If m W V Uh So I 8 90 01 21 W V Eth h So Ho S TIm Till Main Mores good gool mention location reasonable rent HUlAn NT CO 78 W V 2nd South BROOM HOUSE SSt St al 2000 J I JUGI CK 3 I CLOSETS til 1110 10 00 State Sinto tT CHEAP J AP TWO FIVE l FLATS nil alt RI modern moler Improvements fine mF location K 2 a SI It Phone TWO TWO CHOICE CIOC RESIDENCES CLOSE In heat Hent for tor or and nn 2300 20 month Wilt Will sell I cheap for lor cash a Uto Oto to B 5 Hell Ecu Dc I owner Wil m Main nin St nt ft 1 MODERN AVE AVEnear AVEnear near South bouth temple TE St SI Apply News NewsROOM ROOM nOm MODERN Enquire nt at house SM S South State Stat l St SI E HEWING MAChINES MACINER J 2 PER Im White a 10 W 1st let 1 tt NEW Tl MOD MODera era frn er No 4 2 East ROt 2nd So Ro tb at from 3 to 5 I p m I WE lEAVE HAVE GOOD TEN TENnants nants for tor cheap chelp houses homes Call nt at lUll Hill 11 EN In Investment Investment vestment Co No o 15 South W West t Temple Templo St Bt Ok HOUSES AT ALL times J D I IN Main street Phon VACANT HOUSES TEL m 27 2 7 20 2 PRIC AND AN KINDS Tuttle Eros Uros HJ 3 Main Bt SI red ball signs CALL CAL UP TEL Tm 7 FOR FOn hOUSES 0 FOR RENT REUT FURNISHED ROOMS FOn I on housekeeping Apply App 71 Fifth 1 street AUCTION TERMS 0 ON jio 10 jio 10 0 ON or o JIM M NO Interest on furniture carpets ranges curtains baby carriages carriage and on ant I X U I Carpet Installment House Complete Completo CONTRACTORS UTAH UTAI RI JN AND Ali Jon JOI general contractors of e all ll kinds of at new nw or repair work stairs store fronts front fixtures and nd buildings bu It I fl S ock Bon aon Props n U South Bouth Temple NOTICE CITY Bal Sale Bale Notice la I CIT hereby given to 10 the own non ers era tIl of the thi hereinafter described oln and Ind to 10 hol Per It may concern That Thil timer them ore orp Impounded at lt tho tio present time In the Ih city Pound the following M td ro animals One Ono roan ronn mare marC about 4 years year old ol branded K P 1 with bar isal under tinder on o len left 1 hum hip one OM sorrel horse horac hOle C 0 years nIsi nid nl brand ed eti C T VI t I wih with JU JI 51 1 under tinder on left hip also als lef one bl bay tt 2 Z ears tn old branded F P I with wih bar under on 01 left mft hip also one bay 1 2 years old no 1 brand stripe In taco face ly also n s 13 12 2 liend of at lamb Iambic and 4 owes IWI 8 head branded diamond on right tIght side 1110 if It wild iid animals are tre lre not nt claimed call nail ami all amounts amount I 11 nl dul due paid RM said Mid animals taken away within ten Irn W t n days from tho the date data nr first nt 1 publication of n this thin notice nolle they will wil be b sold 11 by hy the Ihl city Ply r at RI public sale 1 I m lt a city Iy Pound In this Ihl cH city nl at the hour of ot 2 C p l in Sn I to 10 this tho lio high cat rl Mailer Dale Date ot of nut first publication July 0 O II I Morris o 1 FOR SALE BALE 8 SECOND HAND lANO wagons complete In lint claw class condition right If It sold quick Address Knight City j I 1 VERV FINE PIANO IANO DOX nox MOTORS 3 S 4 AND 8 G horse power for tor mb il tt t a a bargain Apply Noun News Newl HORSE AND ANO EXPRESS Wagon cheap Leaving city ch Ho f o OLD OID NI I FO OR WRAP WRAPping ping one cent rent p per r pound Apply D suot Tens NCI Office h WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE TO 0 AIL ALL HIDE HIE and junk dealers denIer ant and Individuals In city cilY and Ind country The Tto T o 01 ot Western Iron ansi and To Co a On Inc capital 23 hero by hy announce the tho opening of or oi tho the largest t hisle side of ot hll metal and Junk varda ards this Chicago where they the will wi be hn glad to quote you ou tho Iho highest prices tar for til hides Iola wool cool ool beeswax furs also alto scrap Iron metals bottles rags rubbers rub hers etc It I will vIlI willbe wil be he to In II your Interest to phone or for tor or price lists Wo We defy competition as 11 to 10 prices and fair air rail dealings Wo W So guarantee correct weight to 10 every er ono one OR Largo lots late our specialty 21 to South Bouth First West St SI S Phone JOB iMlESS Printing Co YOU TO KNOW THAT YOUR CREDIT Is rood Mens Mons leOW ens and Youths Hull Hul Cash Cush or monthly payments You You 01 stilt lt with wih fIrst payment down We o olio niso trade suits for tor groceries meat mOlt hay liny or else els lush Hub luh Clothing House HOIs 5 Wot ct South Templo T Street JUNK dealer In iii Il nit all ni kinds hInds inti of at junk funk Carload lots lol a n specialty State Tel 1237 SECOND s HAND WANT WANTed ed cd Matson NN 2511 8 lb State Siale R AND Io LOCAL N Nto to sell fell el fruit trull rA trees Liberal terms L Cash every week e Outfit furnished Pioneer Nur Nurseries erlo k Company ny Salt Lake UTAH tAJ JUNK CO paid for tor or scrap crp Iron rn bottles hOlle rubber copper etc elc fi E th h Bo HoTel el MALE HELP WANTED BI IA IN the barber trade Moler Harber College I GO East First Frt South Street I OFFICE HELP AND SALES BALES PEOPLE ur good positions by registering here Domestic anti ami note hotel help also alno rain gain by hy calling Bureau 2 Atlas HELP LP WANTED I IA A FOIl Fo GENERAL I homework 47 7 3rd mn Street GIRT OI FOR pon small smal fatally family Third Bt St COLLECTIONS JOHN J 3 WALLACE W CO D I F I Walker Salt Snit Lake kA collect debts debs everywhere ev references Walkers Hank TOMBSTONES n hS I McKENZIE Mel MONUMENTS AND tombstones Write for tor prices n State Bilie i street Iret t I SHOEMAKERS A JOHN MOST MORT Scientific entitle Shoemaker Solid 1011 comfort tar for ten tender tende der de or deformed feet teel CS W Third South BOlth PALMISTRY MADAM MADU LYNN PALMIST and Astrologist K II Second South Bouth SIGNS SCENERY ETC PI RICHARDS St Bt PHONE Metal signs badges banners etc elc UMBRELLAS AND RECOVERED AT Salt Sll Lake Lako Umbrella Works lie 18 E B lit lt So PERSONAL LADIES School Schoel Learn to 10 make malo your dresses under competent t Instruction 11 E 1 Ird Id So St lit at atTIN litTIN TIN AND SHEET IRON ION WORK WESTERN hEATING I AND SHEET hIREr Metal Works Work Manufacturers of ot nil all kinds of at Tin Ito tn Copper and Sheet Iron ni Work ork Furnace and In Image Work ork a I m specialty Rear Hear Commercial Club Tel Tol J A A JOHNSON TIlE THE TINNER CAR CARrice it rice rles metal mett ceiling In stock All Al work at nt tes tha thu lowest lowel prices price 1 E 2nd S a Tel Tel x xA A I WOO ll W SOUTH Temple Furnace Iron copper tin gut gutter gutter ter tel and ond rootIng roofing Work York solicited Tel tn Jt WALLPAPER CLEANING 31 RICHARDS ST LOST LOSTA A AND COK CO c ji money mony between It Ii tHreat Street and Fifth East I and nO Second South Knuth Return to 10 19 K n Street und receive liberal reward aM OI a GOIA L LC J iT 1 C W V two 10 picture Inside Re Ho Return lb J turn lur to Templeton Illk Ik Reward Tn Im Imo FROM PASTURE NEAR NIM mouth of ot Cottonwood canyon Juno eno one bay mare branded I J 1 on rIght I lens leave Inlo any Iny Information us lS mm to 10 the whereabouts of at the tho animal at 53 3 Wet et South Street Street lt ENGRAVERS AND DESIGNERS A DF DIS D ENO lO CO CUTS CUT FOR FOIl nil ni a 2 and 23 W V Bo Tempi Temple Jon Jonni GRAIN CRAIN HAY AND SEEDS BAILEY fc SONS GRAIN ORAIN HAY AND seeds Heat goods lowest prices priceD Q 3 East Second South Routh HI Street Streel reel PIANO POLISHER H n W McKIM MoRIM Mcl EXPERT PIANO POL VOL Isher I her factory experIence Leave orders lOr at Fergus Coalter Conler Music Co MIDWIFE MRS MiS IZI O LI 8 W THIRD North attends cases case before borore during and alter after will wil nurse nure al nt At tt her homo home If It desired 8 given II en ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS W A POWELL LI rom r 18 IS a and 17 1 over Walkers bank ihno 1 SEWING MACHINES New 7 T 1 Dr Drop Head 3 New Nel 7 1 Dr Ir Ir Drop rop Head New home ome 0 Utah Sewing Bowing Machine Coop 49 E H lit 1st Bo So Boor Hoor or 22 Washington Avenue Ogdon 11 u SPECIAL STOVES TAKEN TAUm DOWN and stored for tor tIme the season seaon Redman Van Co Ki 35 5 WORKS A RUGS MADE FROM YOUR OLD 01 OAR GAIt ICU K L 1 lumby Prop MS fIt 26 vr W So Ho t cleaning lImone CLEANING AND DYEING DYE DYl WORKS 12 B Ii W V Temple Phone PASTURAGE AT TIllS Im 2 3 MILKS west of State Stale South Good dood water wlter and plenty lt if shade lr l Al C I S 0 1 J r Ik c DE lt A W J 18 11 M 1 I I 1 I l 1 MONEY TO LOAH lowe lavee terms on 11 o TI seti I l lt HIO Io It Iv al I hock Or I I Any oui ilAI MN 01 I ur a able es or any nus good gu ni se e mono mone 10 ted c lems terms J l rut II I i ir r n a I 1 SALAH torah terms on VA LA Y 1 thump on M all t U U UA I A Ii Crescent Lutu Lu J NEI lo Gui Ih ut It 0 11 k t 1 WE T ti houdes WE I LEND t I is not ot MONI TO T to 10 D buIlt bUil Ct e ell ns na the Iho huo ro adane t he Iu lart I mu I n tuno 32 fA MaIn Street Me M ur I 1 a eo me W IF f li you vi your Cain lt I F vit Star tar Ln Atlas Co libock Man M MON e eON ON lINOS l no I ol 10 15 troll V IU So 10 I WAN LOAN ONI u Y 0 No N MONI No eastern 10 fuse No o third Party |