Show W SURGES AROUND R O ERI Senator Rill Mill Says That lie He Will WillBe DC De t Nominated by y Gorman t mm COCKRANS STATEMENT I In York Yerk Delegation Under Unit Rule Ride I For Parker arker but bat Personally Pre Prefer Prefer I Ifer fer Cleveland NOT DISMAYED Claim to CG I Have Hare ave Canvassed the Situation Thoroughly and Say He tic Will VIII Not Receive Over Om Votes H Et E lou Mo MG July Before tho the ell s wo Vo shall haJJ know exactly where I Br Gorman IkU U Is the pro Col Mur ono one of ot the delegates at atlate late ir from delivered to a 1 of or the Maryland delegation d Senator Dails Dans at the lattera room roost today n was IM to have havo l been een en ilia at al length at lit this conference but buthen hen elten H It was wa lIS dIscovered that Mr Clor Gor B H l d not yet made definite an nn l m nt an adjournment 1111 fA e to 10 a Malt alt hla hie hi action Mr site Ir Vandiver Pointed that Ito ho had hM h hoen heon on by hy Ur that he hat hall fully tully outlined ill ti position Gentian lUon In A 1 letter which would rub Nth s St Et Ix Louis during tho the day d Y It H 13 upon the strength of ot this IJa thAt Mr Vandiver made Ids his state Pal that definite Information Is In Ira m prospect ros I i CANDIDACY yon iohl of 01 tho thu parties to the Iho conference I fT to 10 have havo precise Information ns nil wyland l rn attitude ns OK o torI t hal b from him uc ay when he gave his hili a h i tand that he ho would 13 bs to only in It ll up 1111 Dami tin Rat fr Parker could coull not ot The most moat of ot them considered axtt aid nolY coaling pit 1 ll old that MB ho I is 11 a I is Vo at or tir ot of them In chorus t ea not deal w TB Yin i with u They T ey Teat rant no ho ho Concrete on this orca occasion lon Ion silt hat bellevo r If letter he effect or of ire r biro m t or of the race FOR I TOT On HIM 1161 Riling this meet mOtI or of II lUll sup la d ther h e WIll west Virgin In delegates Support port I to their ll torn to toK tod toI Sup K and nd d he of ot their neigh ta to the th he nod end en 11 11 y confidence that lector tor Tv I Will pr provo Prove vo a cWt M ute areL ar t f the If H West Virginia Virgin In Int f t far 01 him hian carrot men and II will vote veto Two hearing New Naz York Tork stab s t lon from rom th tim tho fran tron today Oar t was mad wa to m U lie 1 Parker 0 rm ni that thaI Senator ox ex pC er I tb Mb 1 h ha declined declined d it I 1 letter would ny any that taut th t a 01 tady the ha bo ay ft a and nd is I I bat nd ary y nM not n tl ot of it II IL to kl know o Senator Benator Hili sold laid of at tits this but WILT RILL um W k that h k Iter nominee Par p F of tie e work of at who whole I In W We have d delegate e I reason t 1 Ilor win wll that Bon Sen col aM We Ire I n a II late already a know kno y no I hl hi ble 1 name to betat tat ho o will not ot be rd aA d I A a minority n to te ee ent against A TUDD Tile The other hea na 0 from tho the the he caret t that er V nd lid was nil to n a poll shoved 1 that It u dol to Vier to 9 IB more mort war Ih oa l lo tor toron on either r the It 11 ro and thet after r t I 0 and ut rat ballot nn there thero would lie bo concentration on a dark horse horae that would menu mean defeat derent for tor Leader LC dor Charles p F Murphy re to iterated the llio statement that Parker could ouM not curry carry New York state but he did not dwell much on the Cleve Clove land situation This Thill failure to much over tin tho Cleveland candidacy led Eliot Danforth Dantorth who is very close to 10 Senator mil Hill to toay pay oay ay NOT FOR I On LAND ELAND Tammany Is IB not nol for tor Cleveland Cleeland and Ind would desert desort him It If It crone to t l a n point where whelo he might be bo nominated They are for tor nobody tot lor president They The want McClellan for governor and If It tit lit litany any lime time between now and l I could get a 11 promise that McClellan would bo be nominated they would stop working Judge Parker Will they get such a n 1 promise was WItS naked n kell They will not and they will fled that their votes will help hell to 10 Parker Senator Hill 1111 wn WM It If Iny nt I tempt was to be bp to break the tho th rulo rule In favor of ot a n 1 majority He lIe sold said that the Parker adherents hUll had no such Buch Intention What Khat Is la regarded ns as n a significant In Incident incident bout about Senator hints Hills r tera today loday today was wall the Ihl SItH paid by h many man members of tho the Pennsylvania tion Senator Hill was lI ked whether Pennsylvania would vote for tor Packer he ho replied Pennsylvania has hils not had Imd Its lis meet ing yet and I can cnn only say things look favorable Rourke o of ot Tammany said 8 Mr Mtr Hills candidate can not get gel a n vote Tho The various favorite sons sans II will receive n a total of ot more than of or tho the conventions prat hal bill lot and after that there will viii be conn con concentration on on another candidate Will that he be Mayor McClellan was vas naked asked PERSONALLY pm LAND Sir Mr Cochran raised his hili brows Dud and said Bald 1 I can car not tell what the tha convention do Our votes voles will bo bIJ bocast east cast for tor Parker J Park under time the unit rule hut but personally wo We arc are nt present for tor Cleveland C Tho Thu are not 1101 I l by h mid continued to hold hohl conferences for tor tIme the purpose of ot devising ways means for tor tho Iho detent defeat of ot tho Now New York comm can Raid Sold Notional National Committeeman 1 J L 0 O Johnson l sti t of or Kansas ns otter after ono one of ot these o early MII morning exchanges exchangeR Wo find much that Is 19 encouraging In a n thorough ramas of ot ho Iho Iho situation because be U O wo vo Ion can not 1101 see fee where Parker ran eon got to exceed votes voles He lie added the opinion that Mr Parker would never nover receive a n majority of ot the tho votes of or tho the convention a PARKER OPPOSITION The Parker Parke opposition has hols been somewhat encouraged by limn tho arrival of ot tho the Tammany contingent arid their the r opposition to tho ho candidate from rota their the r stale Mate They nl also nIHil r count upon Now New Jerseys adhering to In Mr Cleveland On the tho other Ill her hand some sono of or the tho Parker people are now noli nn claiming tin tho nomination of or their may man on the tho first ballot hallot and they thoy the mint count O upon the tho th old of ot Senator carmen In n the accomplish meat of ot n that result They say soy that tha tiro opposing elements Inn cnn not control their own votes vot It is III claimed for tor In Instance stance that on the th flint first break 43 3 of or tha the 63 03 Illinois votes Instructed In for tOI Hearst will VIII go ItO to tn Parker and some lomo of ot the Il Illinois Illinois l men arc themselves malting making this statement McCLELLAN BADGES Shortly after the noon hour some somo Tammany fa men began hogan to 10 appear with McClellan badges illidge The Tha badges b were elaborate and bore pictures of ot Now New Yorks young mayor Tons of ot litera literature ture lure taken Int Tammany headquarters was broken open and In tho the hotel ear cor corridors there wa WM soon snort a 11 plethora of or McClellan matter but no mention ot or Cleveland I |