Show SECY WILSON ON FUTURE OF SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY Kecy See Sec Wilson Wison Is II a B strong lt rang friend ot of the American beet He lie le has hUll great faith grea In tIme the sugar beet ns as I n a sugar proposition anti and as iou an n adjunct to both the live IIvo stock tock dairy Industries The Tho beet heet sugar factory Is enormously costing from half a n million del dol dellam dellam lam lara up and the tho questIon of getting the tha beet pulp 1011 after time the sugar Is extracted back to the tle farm turm urn to be he utilized as stock feed Is la a I serious one Ol In lit II probably time the majority of ot cases It cannot bo ho done dono f of nf h n I I shipped Into time thc big g factories f l l ctr front from I far r distant farms t some somo of them a I hundred miles away and It Is la obviously Impracticable to ship the tha pulp back for tor feed teed Hut But the time beet sugar experts are aro lra looking hooking Into the time feasibility of O establishing lishing numerous small email plants at nt a cost of ot a n comparatively few Cow thousand thou land dollars dolors In which tho the preliminary process procESS of at sugar Hugar extraction cnn ho bo accomplished In lit 11 other words whore where crude boot beet sugar ran can an bo ho made If I his hilt Idea can bo be worked out In practise It will wil mean a n wonderful advance In both American sugar mak making makInI lag ing InI and nn rattle cattle catte feeding r For Instance sail said he If it they can have havo one on big refining factory In the tho middle of at the tho state of at Iowa lown amid Ind then n a great Brent rent number ot or small plants through throughout out omit the tho stale to reduce the time beets to crude cruce sugar It I will 1 enable the lime farmers to utilize their pulp pull to great grent advantage Ind am would tremendously stimulate su sugar sugar gar beet growl ng Another thing these thele great Ireat factories ns as they are operated now no cnn can sugar lugar for tor only a n tow few months each year then they must shut hut down until time thA next crop during durin which time a n large In Investment II vestment of IH capitol capital Is II i Idle hue It I this lit lt littie tie te factory factor Urn Idea In is II started and cnn can do cia dothe time the work of ot raw rW manufacturing time the tle big lg refinery can nn be bo run the tho year around rould an anthe I antime the time capacity cRl of tie refinery will wil bo ime reg ren regulated according to the tho output of or the tho small plants plant a With Wih the small Inal plant well wel distributed time the beet pulp could bo ho Ml stil t for tor stock feed IL It con cnn bo be h kept In silos sio I as o well WIM ns as can corn fodder or other green toed teed Have you OU seen leen our late Inte bulletin on beet pulp Yet Yes I answered though I did not admit that I had not read rend It I Well Wel that tolls tails you 01 all ni about tho time value alun of or beet heet pulp lint Hut this other in m mIt li liter t tIer ter Ier Is just an aim In lien Idea There hero Is o osny soy about It I am just starting form Inquiries All I of at which Mr Wilson WIllan Is in very or mod modest modeM est eM In tn but It Is In this sort ot of Initiative mo effort efort which has hM brought tho time American department of ot agriculture Into world worldwide worldwide wide prominence and has made It the foremost agricultural bureau of ot time thu globe Tho The most wo we are ara doIng now In beets he h continued U Is In lit II growing seed boots b etl We must grow all ni of ot our own seed e d In this hun country We Wo will wi keep homo halt half a n million milon dollars n a year and amid we will wi have better beter seed need We Wo cnn can grow tho the best b beet seed need In the world as an wo we now grow row tho the best beets Hotter oven ovon than timan tn the tha German seed Med seedof seedof of at tho the long unpronounceable name Ohm Oli yet yes es far for better We 0 can grow Iro bet better better ter boots beotA In America richer In sugar anti bigger per acre American farmers havo hlo grown beets with wih 28 per ncr percent per cent saccharine and aim 38 tons tone per acre The Thu question CuOton now lies lien les with tho the farmers Tho The yield Is In far tar too low eight tons Ions per acre Our ur people must grow gross I I more tonnage if I we can cnn grow groot an nn aver avern lver n nite e of ot 16 15 tons loris per acre nore wo so will vIii wi not then need necal any ony protection In II the form torm of tariff 15 tons per a acre ro re and 18 per cent sugar That hM will wil heat beat the tho world Even Kven en the Philippines where they the can cnn grow row sugar for tor a n cent a 0 pound Yon Yes wo 0 can C even let the bars barn down dOIn for the tho Philippines anti and that Is I coming sometime MI surely coming coining Tho The advantage tage Ingo which the time tanners farmers of ot our temper lemper Otto nto zone will wi have over the Philippines or Cuba or Hawaii Is in that while their roll roil fertility will wi decrease with wih a n con can constant slant stant planting to n a L single crop our omir far farmers mers marll will wi diversify their crops and all thus thul Keep up the fertility of ot their soil ol Why Wimy oven even In Hawaii now they are need needing ing to use iia fertilizers erB very largely They have to send end to lo ChIle Child Chie for nitrogen to tu Florida for for pho and to Germany Gennon for and they have to take tako over ocr overcool cool coni from tram British Columbia to pump water for Irrigation Then th the question I of transportation tram front these thue countries Is In an nn Item Iem How low much of ot fact tac Is It II there In the tho statement made mado by hy the tha opponents of or the tha sugar Bugar Industry that the th Amen Ameri American Ico can co farmer will wl never wako make a ft I tul ful beet bet sugar grower that ho imo will wi not KOt got down on 01 his bunds nUll and knees nor permit lilt his hlf wife and Ind children to make tho time best lest care rare of at the limo beet plants tho tIme way the tho tim foreigner does dOOl Nothing Our growers made mado Indo n a n blunder They he tried to cultivate beets with wih tIme the hoe They Time Imported I labor anti and lied had their beet rOI ro ims hoed lac and alt weeded by br hand linac The Tho hoe loc does not cultivate deep enough After the tho plant 1 nig anti and tho limo thinning everything should bo ho done dono with the time lorto horse o cultivator |