Show TWO STEPS rite Tho LAS Last true due thin Fin FinA A sick coffee cortee drinker must take two stops steps to bb be b rid rill of ot his hili troubles mind and gO goe strong and well again Tho The first Is 18 to tl rut off orr absolutely That removes the tho destroying element clement Tho The next step Is 18 to 10 take liquid food that Is 18 Food Coffee Correo that has hns In int It 11 t the elements nature requires to change tho the blood from pain pink or white to rich red rot and good red blood builds good goad strong and 1111 1 healthy cells In place of the broken down cells destroyed by coffee With well boiled Food Coffee to shift to hoth holh these steps stops are easy eMY and and pleasant The Tho experience of ot n a Georgian proves Novell how Important both are nrc From lf 1872 72 to tho the year er 1900 my wife and I 1 haul hall both been afflicted with sick or nervous headache and nt at times timeR wo suffered untold agony We were coffee coffea drinkers and did not know kno how to get Iet getaway getaway away from Crom It for tho the habit Is hard to quit Hut But In 1900 1 I read rend of ot a II cass case similar fe ours where Io tum Coffee Coffeo was us used d in tn place of ot the tho old coffee coffeo and n a 1 complete cure curo resulted so 80 I concluded to get gel some and try It Thin The result wan vas after three days use of In place pineo of ot tho the coffee correo I n nCr rr hind had a II symptom of ot tho the old trouble five 00 months I 1 had gained from 14 pounds to rounds pounds My IY friends asked mo almost dally what wrought tho the change My answer always is la leaving off art coffee coffeo and drink drinkIng drinkIng Ing log In Its lis place Wo We have many friends who have hav haver been benefited r by b s Pos tum tumAn As An to or not I 1 have stated tho mho facts truthfully I refer you Oll to the tho Hank of ot Carrollton or any Iny business firm nm firmIn In hint city I 1 have lived for tor many years not antI am nm well known kno Name given Iven by b Co Battle Creek Mich Theres a n rP Look In tn each pk for tor the tho famous lit littie little littie tie tle book The Road to lo |