Show JORDAN NOSES NOSES' OUT BINGHAM PLAYERS I IBy By Special News Service BINGHAM Feb 23 Jordan Jordan and ind Bingham Bing- Bing Bing Bing- I ham engaged in a track basketball meet here last night and the tho Jordan boys proved to be bo the best and won out 52 to 60 50 The Bingham boys led at atthe atthe atthe I the end of the first half halt but Hamiltons Hamilton's men came back with a spurt that could not be 5 stopped D Brady was the best e man manfor manfor for g the e winners g rs while Whitely tA ry rye Nichols I and Marthakis l were the stars for Cor the Miners The lineup and summary Jordan Din m. m Brady It If Whitely Walbeck rf rf Gregory Anderson c c Knudson Dewey lg g Marthakis Riordan rg rg Nichols Morress Field baskets baskets Brady Brady 5 5 Walbeck 11 Dewey 2 Morress 6 Whitely 18 Gregory Gregory Greg Greg- reg- reg ory 2 Knudson 5 6 Foul throws throws Brady Brady 4 out of 7 7 Whitely 6 out of ot 1 Referee Referee Ausherman |