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Show SUPPLY BILLS; IIIII ELSE Forecast of Work Likely to be Accomplished at Short Session of Congress The Report on the Ship Subsidy Dill Will Probably be an Exception to the Rule for no General Legislation Leg-islation at Coming Session. Ses-sion. Washington. Tho passago of tho appropriation bills and as llttlo other general legislation as possible. Such In brief Is tho forecast for tho short session of tho Fifty-ninth congress, which begnn nt high noon Monday. Thoro has not yet been timo for as general nn exchnngo of views among members na Is ordinarily desired by leaders boforo expressing their views, loaders before expressing their vlows, but all seenm to regard the present sltunton as so simple as to need comparatively llttlo Intercourse to arrive nt nn understanding. It is cvl-dont cvl-dont for various rcasoiiB that It will not bo possible to do much on tho appropriation appro-priation hill beforo tho holidays, and tho circumstanco may havo tho effect of condensing tho consideration of tho fourteen largo supply mcnsuroH Into two months. Considering that tho nRgrcKnto of tho appropriations to bo considered will npproxlmnto ono billion dollars, some senators and mem-bora mem-bora express tho opinion that congress cannot do bettor than give all ot Its tltuo to theso measures. Tho report on tho ship subsidy bill probably will bo nn exception to tho rulo for no geuornl legislation. Tho friends of Hint measure havo novel been moro Insistent than now. They aro extremely hopeful and yet vary apprehensive |