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Show CIVIL SERVICE REPOffik. Participation In Politics OoeaL I in the Olden DaysK Washington.- Tho annual H the United States servH mission Issued Wednesday HnH there Is still loo great 11 dlsirasltKjn tho part of persons In the ctaBfled service to puitlclp.ile actively Impolitic, Impoli-tic, In spite of the executive BdoVs lsiied fro mtime to time. ThcKentl-inent ThcKentl-inent In fuwir of the merit syslin Is steadily glowing, the, comilsslou says, not only In congress, bil nlo among the states, four of whlcl have adopted civil service laws. I The commission held durlnl the J ear fSU examinations nud a tlnl of 122,031 persons passed nud II, 8 were appointed, n decrease of 2?,r9A)xum-Inud 2?,r9A)xum-Inud and l.lSt appointed Ffotl-40 to CO per cent of tho highest cllgllo declined de-clined apiKilutiiient on nrrnuiillif the. low snlnrles offered by tho government. govern-ment. A 4 |