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Show " i Isv kJ I" mined" u pounds iParalstent Anaamla Cured by Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills After Othor 'Remedies Had Failed. " Whon I began tnkliiR Dr. Williams' iPink Pills," saya Mrs. Nathaniel Fluid, of St. Albans, Somerset county, Maine, "I was tho rutlcst, most bloodless person ' 'you could ininKiiic. My tonguo mid gums vrcro colorless and my Angora nnd ears were Illco wax. I hurt two doctors nnd they iiroiiouiiccd my trou liluiuuciiilii. Thud snclls of vomiting, could not cut, In fnct.dld not duio to, I lind such (lis. j trcisnftercntlng. My Moinnchwnsllllctl with gas which caused mo awful ngony. The lxtckncho I sulTcrcd was nt times utmost tilibcnntblo and tho least exertion made my heart beat no fait that I could hardly breathe. Hut tho worst of nil was 'tho splitting neuralgia hoaduclio which nover left mo for seven weekH. About this timo I hud had nveml numh spell. My limbs would bo cold and without any feeling and tho most deathly sensations would come over 1110. "Nothing had bellied mo until I began taking Dr. Williams' l'itik l'llla, in fact, I hud grown worso everyday. After I had taken tho pillnn shoit timo I could sec that, they were beuelltlug mo and ouo morning I awoko entirely freo from ptiiu. Tho distress after eating disappeared disap-peared and in thrco weeks I could eat auytlilugl wanted and suffer no lucoii. yenlence. I also slept soundly, I haro taken sevemllMixesof the pillsand havo 4 gained in-welght from I'M to 1G4 pound , aud mil perfi-e.tly well now." I I)?. Williniim' Pink 1'ills euro anieinia I' because they actually miiko now blood. I ! For rhoiimatism, indigestion, nervous I t headaches and ninny forms of weakness I i tliey aro recoiunieuded even if ordinary I 'iiiedlciiieM havo failed. They aro sold by I i :nlldruggNtH, or will bo sent postpaid, on I I I receipt of jirieo, GO cents h.t Imix, six I ; lxixe for $3.60, by tho Dr. Williams I j Modlolno ComiKiuy, Schenectady, N. Y, II J Natives Steal Many 8heep. 1 1 , A farmer nt Wlnburg, Ornngo Rlvor I S 'Colony, alleges that in his district 1 1 J alono 21,000 Hhcep aro stolen annually li by thn natives. On this basis ho calcu- 1 1 i latcs that .100,000 Bheop aro stoUn I i tbroURliout tho colony ovory yoar. I Deafness Cannot lie Cured bf tool rpllMllnM, thrj cannot reach tha Jit-BJ, Jit-BJ, aawl r"llon of tha ar. Tlirra la unly ii. war to J firJ-4rnt,aaltlit l.br.Miilllallcnlreiiif.ll. larnr.a a eaui hjr an lnHmJ coti'llllm ot tha B inuroualtnlniiut Ilia Kualaclilan Tuta. When title BV Inhale InilaiiiM (run Into a nmtillnictounilur liu- r pifl hrarlM, an.l when III. emlri-lr clo.a.1, Deal- I J t"lalliarriull,amtii!ilatbelnl1aminallncnte H I J Uaen out ani thla tuba rMium I to In normal con II- 11 llvin. Iiaaiipx will In 4r.lr.rM Meier l nine ce.e I f "'"' "1 ar raawj lif Calarrb.whli.il l noihln- ( DalaiiluaaniajFailiil f Ihaimicmiieiirfarei. lVaw (iiaOna lluiiJrnl ill,ra r.ir aor ca.cot th-erneM Ic4u.et lif calarrhi that cnn,.t be furod bf Main Catarrh Cart. hnl r.if circular. fr. . ,,, , . ,.,-'CIIK.VKVCU.,-iola4.,0. BB ; n.nl l.r tirtili,7vu H t Tauilall'aFainllf rule for nmillpellon. UTAH IMPLEMENT CO. Makes Statement Through Its President. Presi-dent. Since there haH been n gieat deal of publicity given the Utah Implement Company, ot Salt Lake, recently, owing ow-ing to nn action brought ngnlnst tho management by live ot tho stockholders stock-holders who had been maliciously misled mis-led Into a belief that their Interests were not being properly handled, I doom It ndvlsahlo to let tho public know that Investigation proved tho charges to bo without foundation, and that tho complaint was withdrawn, I and tho officers of the compnny exonerated ex-onerated from tho charges brought against them, and tho case dismissed. Tho company Is solvent nnd the business busi-ness of tho compnny 1b progressing as usual, nnd wo thank our many friends for their expressions of confidence nnd Bupport, which wo will endeavor to aaterlt In tho future ns wo have In tho past UTAH IMPLEMENT CO., Dy SI. D. Whitney, President. Townsend'-s Enamel Cream Wakea altraeilrr farta Imtnvdlatolr Superior to lac ioIrrt. Ila ua la not dt ladit. For ! awary what. Prlo 30 ont Union Assay Office M. a. muk. . o. o iaa I 4 V. aSOllR. aLT l OITV. UTAN aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You ought to own a Diamond tJT Unless you are nn expert in JtiilgiiiK B precious stones, your chief care should he in choosing it reliahlo house to deal with. The oldest and largest reptttahle Jewelry house in the west, 'with guarantees that are specific and good, is X ESTABLISHED- aaaaW jLJtZrrtW C BBBBBr BBbaarBBa7 aasTYt. 4r ,aW ytJtS&VIO - 'lilBIMAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Ask your hanker if we are responsible. Then until your order to us 1 '! Rowe, Morris, Summerhays Co. Donlora In .. . . Soil Loko City, Utnh Hides, Wool. Furs, Sheepskins, Etc. Full market price paid. Cood selection given. . We want your business. Send us trial shipmont. '4H ' icTO a FlrBt '"B PLASTERING HAIR i " ; A Modern Watelp Works System HBLgiB at small cot it powible anywhere by uting Faiibanls-MorHs FKr A Gai, Gasoline, Kerosene or Alcohol JBfB -aaataL S 2 W' P ' 2 H'P KjBnT'jBBB'rV ric samc cngne can e u 'or BUrMH"3HM electric and many other purposes. 1 P' SlforlUu.laJC.uloag.Na.T 805 J FAIRBANKS, MORSE. S COMPANY i ! Salt Lalle City, Utah I I Vb ,.. i a aaaaia aaaaa i I -" I |