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Show VALUABLE FORMULA WELL.KNOWN AUTHORITYCLAIMfJ IT IS M08T UFFECTIVE. Says It Will Break Up a Cold In 24 Hour and Cure Any Cough That la Curable Inexpensive. A noted authority on diseases of tho throat and lungs, who established n enmp for consumptives In tho Pino Woods of Maine, and whoso remark' able cures there havo attractod great attention fiom tho medical vwnhl.suys that his ontlro treatment consisted of fresh air, nourishing food and tho Pure Virgin Oil of tho Whlto Pino Trees mixed with Whisky and Ulyccrlno, In tho following proportions: Virgin Oil of Pine (Ptiro)..V4 or. Glycorlno 2 " Oood Whisky 8 " Used In teaspoonful doses every four hours. It Is claimed that tho above mixture will heal and strengthen tho lungs, break up a rold In twenty four hours, and cute any cough that Is curable. Tho Ingredients ran bo secured from any good prescription (linguist at small cost and can bo oasll mixed In your own homo Inquiry at the prescilptlon depart mont of a leading local pharmacy elicited tho information that Virgin Oil of Pine (Puie) Is put up only In half-ounce vials for dispensing Kach vial is securely sealed In a round wooden case with engraved wrapper with the name Virgin OH of Pino fPnre). euuranteod under the Food nnd Drug Act. June 110. 190(5 Pro-pared Pro-pared only by l.oncb Che ub ,il Co Cln clnnatl, O plnlnly printed thereon. Only tho cheaper Oils aie sold In bulk, but these produce nausea, and never effect the desired results. |