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Show Commercial Club Committees. The following nro the members of the committees named by President Win. Thornton of tho Commercial club to act for the ensuing year: BOARD COMMITTEES Admission and Grievances; T. E. Steele, T. J. Chipman, E. H. Stout. Finance and Autitlng; J. T. Gardner, M. 0. Randolph, Wlldmun Murphy. House and Property: J. H. Clarke, J. T. Gardner, C. M. Beck. Reception: Wildmnn Murphy, E. II. Stout, T. E. Steele. Rules: James T. Gordner, C. M. Beck, T. J. Chipman. STANDING COMMITTEES Manufacturing and New Industries: S. L. Chipman, J. F. Pulley, W. D. Loveless, Jus. II. Clarke, Dr. J. F. Noyes, A. M. Smith, .1. II. Storrs. Ways and Means' E. H. Stout, Wm. Thornton, F. A. Jackson, T. E. Suck., Chits. Tyng, T. J. Chipman, Dr. II. E. Robinson. Laws and Legislation: J. II. Clarke. J. T. Gurdner, J. M. Thornton, Wild-man Wild-man Murphy, J. J. Jackson, H. E Robinson, J. II. Wootton. Good Roads: C. M. Beck, J. S. Wild, S. W. Chipman, Willard Chipman, Peter Pet-er Ailamson, Sr., Jas. Crystal. Railroad and Transportation: J. W. Storrs, E. II. Stout, A. Chipman, C. M. Beck, R. W. Gardner, Wm. Thornton, Thorn-ton, W. D. Edmonds. Irrigation and Water Works: A. K. Thornton, J. II. Storrs, Peter Adam-son, Adam-son, T. E. Steele, James Spratley, Isaac WagstafT, W. II. Chipman. Entertainments and Socials: Wm. Chipman, Dr. A. Christenscn, J. J. Jackson, Wildmnn Murphy, Dr. K. M. Christenscn, Arthur Adams, F. A. Jackson, Osmond Justcscn. Agriculture and Stock Raising: S. W. Chipman, Reuben Chipman, Jesse Greene, A. B. Adams, T. J. Chipman, S. S. Beck, James Spratley, and A. A. Greene. Commerce: J. II. Storrs, E. II. Holey, S. L. Chipman, A. K. Thornton W. S. Chipman, J. II. fVootton. Mines and Mining: F. C. Tyng, W. D. Loveless, Chas. Tyng; J. II. Wootton, Woott-on, E. II. Boley, John Cleghorn, A. K. Thornton, M. 0. Randolph. Trades and Labor: Arthur Adams, cDaf A damson, E.H.. Boley, , J. S. DurranOrM: Tnr&oVJ.H. Pulley? J. F. Pulley, II. S. Rasmusson. Education: Osmond Justcscn, W. D. Stewart, J. B. Forbes, J. R. Hlndley, E. J. Clayson, J. M. Thornton, Wild-man Wild-man Murphy. Advertising, Boosting'nnd Entertaining Entertain-ing Home Seekers: J. II. Clarke, J. J. Jackson, Win. Chipman, James T. Gardner, W. D. Loveless, M. 0. Randolph, Ran-dolph, C. A. Storrs, E. 11. Stont, C. M. Beck. Improvement and Sanitation: Wild-man Wild-man Murphy, Osmond Justesen, II. E. Robinson. J. S. Wild, J. M. Thornton, W. 1). Stewart, E. J. Clayson, J. II. Forbes. |