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Show Learned Scholar Dead. The man who lu our times has hid (he widest acipialiilaucu with the liter iitiiie or the lime of Shakespeare died a few ia)s ago In London. Ho was Mr. W. K. Craig. Ills learning was marvelous and his scholarship profound pro-found Ho had Hindu extensive prep-urutlons prep-urutlons for an ixbaustlJit-with ixbaustlJit-with IBim the literature of flHsWssHLLLL the ilnest fruit of a llio devidcdTto study was his work on the Oowijon edition of Shakespeare, In tlie r.eneral editorship or which he was ur, uclated with Prof. Kdwanl Douilrn r Trinity college, nnd In which lie villi' il neoion-nlly neoion-nlly with supremo success King I.eur It will bo dllllciilt lo llnd ii worthy successor suc-cessor to Mr Craig lor the superintendence superin-tendence of the several volumes In I tho edition which remain to lw printed. I : |