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Show DISASTROUS DAY FOR REUF. Prosecution of Alleged Grafters Scores Many Important Points. San Frnnclsco.- -Monday was tho most eventful, anil for the ilefouso tho most disastrous day thus far in tho prosecution of alleged municipal graft In San Francisco, Itn conclusion found the chief flgtiic against whom tho efforts of the district attorney's office nro directed Abraham Itcuf nearer by for than ho over before had been to actual trial in department 6 of the superior court, to delay which his attorneys have been drawing uhiii nil their resources nnd bending all their energies. Among tho many Jind fust following Incidents or a day full or stronuous "tfctlo'u nnd direct resulU,J the rollow-lng rollow-lng wcro chief: Tho supremo court or Callfomln denied de-nied Uuof'ri application for a writ of prohibition to restrain Judge Dunno from proceeding to try him on the grand Jury oxlortlou Indictments in the superior courts: Judge DeHuwn, In tho United Slates district court, refused re-fused Huef's petition for a wilt ol habeas corpus having In view practically prac-tically tho same end. and denied Kiwi tho right to nppen! from .this decision |