Show Garland Chamber Elects Officers BRIGHAM CITY Sept 25 At At a meeting of ot the Garland Commercial club held at the library building In that that city during the week a are re reorganization reorganization re- re organization of ot tIe Ufe officers was ef ef- ef A. A D. D Sargent was elected president and Parker Coomb Coombs secretary sec sec- r tary of ot the club with the followIng followIng following follow follow- ing a as directors J. J L L. L Harvey A A. R R. R Cal Capener ener Harold James Jarne T. T BIgler and John lohn J. J Shumway Ezra Jensen presided at the meetIng meetIng meeting meet- meet Ing and J. J A. A Wixom was chosen secretary Principal Clarence ESmith E E. Smith of of the the Bear Boar River High school addressed the club reviewIng reviewIng review review- Ing In conn Connection CUon with the Junior HI High h school and the e ninth l t grade as first e established I b Sat at t the Garland darland school h tt Then he followed with a comprehensive ac count of the advancement made Inthe In Inthe inthe the part four years year Of ot high school nt at itt the B Bear ar River High 1 |