Show CHICAGO CHICAGO Sept 25 IU U. U S. S Department of Ag Agriculture l Hogs Receipts 1000 active 15 16 to SOc higher than Thursdays Thursday's average m medium and heavy weight butchers butcher and packing sows sews 15 1 to up light weight 26 25 2 to ISo 10 hl higher her underweight un on- show full ful advance shipping outlet broad big packers doing little bulk good and and choice 14 to pound weight top 14 1425 26 majOrity majorIty majority major major- majOr I ity desirable to pound pound 30 butchers butchen bulk packing sows 1200 1200 00 1260 better strong weight night slaughter I pigs largely heavyweight hogs med medium ur 1615 16 1426 1429 15 light light ht light 4 packing sows I g 1275 slaughter 1 pigs 1 0 1178 Cattle Receipts Cattle Receipts all al classes ac active ac- ac tive tiye tre firm to unevenly higher fa tat fat t steers teera strong to c up quality considered very fe feW good and anc no choice offerings offering offered most grassy an and warmed up steers f n se best bent nf 1200 U sizable a I string of weighty 9 1000 some held sound around 1076 1075 07 Montana heavy heifers heifer 7 1 lively ly Trade trado In she Ibe stock stOC and bulls buls heavy bologn 10 to ISo Hc up but best around vealera 1300 Sheep Receipts heep-Receipts Receipts fat lambs fully tully ful tul- ly Iy higher seven dOule doubles double of range lambs 1490 l one e double 1485 8 most ae iv 1 desirable bl natives 1 few to city butchers butcher 1465 16 sheep and end feeding I lambs steady desirable native ewes mostly odd lots feeding lambs lamb no choice light kind kindon on tales sales lale |