Show OMAHA Olt I OMAHA Neb Sept 25 Hogs Re Hogs Re Receipts active acte to shippers lOc lc to Uc higher lilt he and light butcher butchers butch butch- ers era er showed most advance adaMe 14 to 80 pound Jd 26 desirable desirable desir able l to O pound weighty weights t 1350 top p I 1360 O bulk ce gt to 00 pound butchers utcher 1215 0 packing sows sow mostly smooth up to 1225 22 bulk of all at sales 11 average cost Thun Thursday ay 1260 1250 weight weIght Cattle Cattle Receipts 1500 1000 fed steers steer and yearlings yearling generally steady sed bulk 1100 medium weights 1200 u. u odd head hed 11 1375 1378 grass gral steers steer steer scarce steady ae she stock steady bulls buts and veal veal strong stockers and fee feeders er nominally Itea steady y bulk gran graes graP cows eo heifers heifer helfer canners and cutters cuter 37 bologna bulls bull bule 60 few beefy natives practical veal vai I top 1100 heavy calves Sheep Sheep ee Receipts fat lambs 10 30 i Cr higher tat fat r range l lambs bia 4 U I 1450 10 top 1460 natives 26 sheep steady ledy few desirable weight ewe ewes teer steady to strong bulk lai lambs b. b I |