Show MARKET GREATLY EXCITED Wit WI at a I h Pit i aad Wae Were or ol hail rued rouda lii In tie lit lck rl sc I ew York Nov ot of Amr Amen cans had md mad pr progress upward In J beure before the opening hee here and the ll list rose roe buoyantly In the Initial transactions ott the lie exchange Th The movement In the specialties threw the railroads Into the background futh en cut opened wide Id being Ing quoted at 41 to 10 42 compared wih with H ott on on the sale Ale of shares bar Union w was also alo carne carried ui a a point 01 on running sues le ot of aIO shares nt WI wits ft at high pitch ad said sensational marke dealings 1 In the mercurial specialties The market the same ame char as al for a week past palt namely enormous In cerain certain Itak stocks which hampered their ril rIse while hUe others other of the Are same group went upward Tte Tb In the west were 1 unde under huv heavy below pressure blow opening prices prien The Th steel group Sugar Leath Leather er and Peoples a were re and firm 1 to 4 poInts higher or of ora ofa a pint point frequently II In these tuck stock but bUI the cues were speedily reo re regained rained gained In the usually dormant Ion alon P 1 C C 81 St I and Wel Wells Faro Fargo express jumped 9 above their ait American Ic 14 5 At J 11 the ret Wa wa of off from 1 to tor I large stocks tock and lome some railroad stocks were back to level 1 Before the heaviest rl hi dl some e o h lillet f hd had below Irl level and alin gain In IalY of the industrials were nearly out Pacific Mail ex extended x tended Il its loss lus to l 3 on assertion by bya y ya a dIrector that no immediate w were re preferred broke a 34 A rul rally developed In lyn In Transit In n the lae large earning ro ne ported for tor the September quarter That stock Iok was I lifted d neal nearly tour four points carrying the other tracton tractions Ith I It Sugar and n Col Coil American Tobacco and Southern pala ro ruse to top prices alain again and Northern advanced U 64 Western Litton rol rose I United States Rubber 2 do preferred 4 arid and MI Mall re recovered covered 4 Ada Adam preA advanced ten plot points Over or the last lut IID selling price prie The M rai rally extended to the whole list bl the activity t or of tb the demand showed how d a considerable falling oft l r lb the ear t ly volume I Some Bome further r gains In Were made mad Ii it some stocks tok In the be final hour Iut but proto prof It taking wu was steadily folioed up b by th the hardening course our of at atthe the mone money maket market Prices ultimately reacted throughout the Ibe list selling eln b be became came precIpitate te s Ih the tal tall In prices Federal Fedral It steel el dropped 3 points to 10 below Saturday night Th hf principal Industrials lost between I 1 and poInts reacted 1 IL ILand and od ID many othar railroad stocks tuk lout about bUI a pint point The declines cC feted on smaller maln transactions than the earlier advances Taking of quick b by Ibl the bears rallied price te A fraction but the dOin closing was wa I exceed exceedIngly unsettled and irregular ad and net het changes hanN were wre much mixed buoyant Th The bond maket market wu was ath actIs alI and Sugar luar raw quiet fir fair roAsting 8 HI H test 4 10 f IaM lul dull crushed pow dt dined 10 crale 10 0 pw MONEY ONEY AND BONDS Mone Money on call steady at 4 per cent Prime Prim mercantile paper 4 Jr 5 per percent eDt cent pr Sterling exchange steady with actual cual business In iii bakel beakers bi bill at 84 44 or demand and for tor Ia days posted rt rates an and i commercial ll bills BIr Silver Dr lIar silver 1 Ie Mexican 1 SOM bonds steady tad r r rr i r reg and cp coup 10 ls nj and aDd r 10 rea ad and cur coui 1 o 4 11 s sr r 11 ret I awl nt coup 11 I Se t t rag ad and o New Y Now Nov stocks t Atchison U 25 du do I 77 it I B Bk k W NV 5 do U Arl Arla Amen J van a Too Tobacco Tin In Plate 42 do preferred 84 D 0 R T 9 1 15 0 C 1 14 do preferred 1 4 C B 13 Q 13 C C C 5 St L I 00 e C F I I C a 0 W 1 1314 C Con D Tab Tob a 5 c 0 O 0 D 12 1 1 J ls I II 15 Federal SteL Steel 49 do prete preferred 1 s Glucose I Central I 1 J 7 C L 1 S N 7 Leather U 18 do preferred Wi L 77 lit t r IC T 1 red 85 Man halin lr 1 T 1 r Re Hr I 1 r N I P a 03 J 1 preferred 1 N w York 13 Pennsylvania I 4 I Peoples O Oa 10 11 9 10 1 30 Rook island I rt ferl Rk nub St 4 lt St UJ 1 Un tIlt t lun 07 do 70 W Wt Rf PRO 71 CE Chicago tuv 12 l embr wheat what I opened hI at Ii I t to i 4 deU to 10 73 ralle rallIed to T I CIOe m D 1 I Jan 7 39 D floG IWO 1 1 Df De 21 2114 lUO ILO Jan 1170 I LrOY Jati Jan G 01 2 red 7 No o a 3 j ice I 8 bard wittIer No 3 d do No 0 I 1 northern Ira 1 7 No I 2 do 7 No I 1 f No I 3 OUN I 1 16 No J 3 1 22 18 orl tto 1 1 cents luI good O to pr steen tee 51 pour Lu v I 56 tor anti aM feeders mt 1011 cows 2 4 helfe r cD can canTiers nt Tiers IIO bUll buli I O calves Ta steers Ir mess t bul bulls hi row left over oer 1632 Strong ac ace live e 10 cents higher Top I Ie MIXed i end and but butche ro good t Lu choice I heavy rough h heavy ay IJO 4 1 bulk ur of el sales Ue 10 Sheep steady tay lamb lambs weak to 10 tents lower lowr G Good t to choice w fair to sheep P 40 43 Teg sheep 2001 natIve lamb abs 4 western ter lamb 8 5 63 Irl S orr STOCK Kon Kansas City CUY Mo In Nov Steady to lower na nath natIvi th tIvi ItH steers Texas TeXa It 2760 65 Texas cows 2 native cows Wl Wlad ad and betters stockers and nd ted teden feed era en S bulls ul calves 45 I I JoIel t 90 5 to 10 10 higher Hulk of soles 4 hevy heavy hackers U mIxed 40 light yorkers 40 pIgs lamb lambs mutton muton 43 01 1 III Omaha No 4 20 steady on best l slow and lower 01 on common lommon Nat Native beef steers teer western steers Texas steers cows cossa anti h heifer canners anti and t feed d pr era cal calves bul bulls stage tar elt etc tl 2440 10 cents high higher Ir er H heavy mixed tU light pigs bulk bulko o of sales laiN Ut CU 40 steady slad Fe Fd muton mutton western muttons mUlton UI O sheep lambs lambl ST OUIS WOOL St Lua Loula No Nov and un Unchanged changed Territory and western me med turn lum 1 lolS fine coarse 13 HA SAX CISCO GHIN lan San I Francisco No Nor Irm firm My May 11 ch cash 10 December r 7 71 cash 75 Boston noton No Nov aD M I D B l n n 76 70 offered |