Show FOUR PERISH IN THE FLAMES Burned In the Gifford Gilford House Housel Poplar Mo SO IE I Ibid u n It Trap fur Cur r 8 u Lile 1110 hut Loeu Loe 11 I Poplar BitU Mc Nov lire ac e compacted wilk I oc cursed be hers Ihl this resulting IlIn In Inthe inthe the 1 Gifford ho I erg till thres it rl trine build tn lag Th list lilt or of i 1114 e is II u fol lowE lOWI Clark CIrk DanI Mo Ow Pc r JL Shelby n 1 flail I DId CUrley CUrey l I lUID Etta ra ha t ft Stowe I ue Dalton Hot Ark 1 he following were nt badly I turned or Injured In Jumping tr from ll J i A Smith Bluff terribly bum burned about the th Moe lAd aed hand Barner Dt Dl Mo hands and face burned Stradley dIal brul f Mrs n Shelby DIf bk back injured burned b Pink Elmer r iid UI tp hUNh Poplar verely 11 bume burned An unknown l slit sought to tobe he be fatally td t afa dOln dusen inure morl slightly bU t received bruises In trying I Ia PS tm from the I IThe building The fl originated this In tb the rr o at the hotel and itt In a few which W entirely of wo wood wu was a IU of flamel There TheN Well 1 In fl th tl to hood vt of pl t in t the build buildIng In Ing and the potter the Ule only pern person awake In tb the hole hot wa was uble to o Il IlI give I an alum e sloke smoke and aDd I drIving hIm blk back The fhe fn tire W wil o on hand early but wu wa unable to render ay any assistance to the InD T The guests on the and second ud and Jt were like rt rats In a ct 1 t the fe Are pr pre preventing venting theIr escape y U the and they lep leaped from th the atory windows fleck and nd One ut of these Hek Clark jumped broke hi ba k EU Ett Irp leaped from a a third wIndow stad 1 broken limb And 11 In pl aI which wt wilt cau cause Ier her o N were sIso Intern Inu l C 0 Uan S SIJ 0 ip Irom a IJ thereby lve saved b her t lt life Mr i Shelby by tried to fP escape I by h be stairWay but bul the smoke and Itam drove hll him bat bac He II asserts that h he 1 ean ten or fIfteen per lor lorIns person Ins son In the hal hallway war overcome by I If title this II I the cue Cai I a dozen or more Inore Ile bodies mi ina b be fOnd In the ruins Many Ian or of tile the get guests ha had hairbreadth hairbreadth 1 escapee and rn tart from rm tile the doomed building clad In ther their night clothes losing overt ven they In the world Their haIr and eye eyebrows brows were singed b by the tue lame Numerous felt eat of ar eta reo re tred carded and If some lome of at the male guests bad not aided th weaker sex ex the death ll list would I be large larger A yet It It ha lm In to tell Just hot Iny many Uve lives were lost lOll Quie Quite I a number of the guests were not Ind and their na names ar are un Unknown known room roum In the hou house forty Ive five In number was occupied Men Ien are arenow no now I at t work on th the ruin but I it wi will probably he several Iral days day before the tt o of wi will b be obtain ahll able The house wa wes one of the oldest lotis botell In southeast Missouri and I it ha been a death trap for Cor a number ot of W P Noni WI a I the b proprietor lt IT and hl hI wife le e ci i but bit I |