Show SUNDAY i CONVENTION MEETS Largo Attendance of for forthe the tho Good of thu tho Young folks I TOPICS by coo Ct t ibis II II It Ju I V J III 11 rR II M I II Young The Tue tint session Ion ot o the ascend con COb of oC the Bund of the ot of fetus Christ of held heleS Iti III tile the lIall this mornin at The lieU wee decorated for the with at o bunting cad and II tIeu while the lite stand coveted with and flower Dele Del Delegates gates were present from all tb the In Utah many from hom snide Idaho Idabo Colorado WyomIng Arlson and Mex leo and Ind the room was a well filled leeS there thre about 1500 delegates present General Superintendent George Q Cannon p presided over the deliberation cUll the musical exercise which were a promInent feature of the program ot of ever every session were wert conducted by Elder D Pro Prof J J at atthe atthe the organ The Sun ung ot of the Workers wan the song on number rendered b by Ute the 1 delegates followed with open In prayer br by Elder John W Taylor Then followed a short hort service of 01 lone ong In which the tbt school chool songs were sung une Song of Catch the Sunshine and Well Sin Sing ll 11 hail to Jeus Name Nam leo GIO Q annon In hi felicitous of welcome kome referred to the Pleasure felt Celt at the success of the convention and the anticipation of the ot of the Present was al enhanced b by past The Interest In the and the Import Importance importance ance of the cause caul hp he said uld w was evinced by tile the er large larn attend attendance ance It gAve him great to welcome to the of the cIty the many delegates who bo were here to tore re represent the Sunday Runday of the I Church The spiritual welfare ot of the children of at ZIon Is III of paramount Im and an any improvement In Sun iun Sunday day chool chooh method be welcomed b by evey t one who hu has the welfare of o othe the Church It at heart beart tile The convention wa was called to directly relating to the through throughout out the Church Ir rJ 1 M Tanner of the Sunda Sunday school board very ery abl ably the and hygienic condition ot of the Ole Sunday among Ute Ule mast maat urgent ne to tilt the of U th he said wu was the janitorial lal service eMI pleasure hout hould gO hand In hand wIth spiritual anti and the comfort of tie the should be R ia very er Important In ever every school In modern edu educational mAtters no greater Improve Improvement ment had been made In an any ont one par particular than In the yen aPPliances Hut But many of at hue Improvements were In too loo Inan many of the Sunday Sundar school room Through Inattention to the matter of h heating the often otten were very cold call Oll one Sunda Sunday and the Sunday the other extreme was waa met an anthe the room may be warm The school rooms should be thoroughly ventilated an hour before sChool sea t elan All MI windows and doors be opened the room tilled with pure air and the heating of oC the room should be beom complete om l te lJ by a m in School room hoult lot be b dusted or swept out on Sunday morning It If dirt he be present It ItI were hietter for tor the comfort I of the children that It yemen on the floor than that It be stirred up to bl be befoul foul the sir aIr of the room and Irritate the lungs of the children A beautiful organ orall solo The Shep herda Chorus w Wa rendered by Irot McClellan Elder Seymour n H Young followed with Ith an address on Loyalty to tile the SUn SUII SUnday da day SChool The loyal worker was 8 one who bo was devoted to hI work RII a a teacher In hll LI life and devoted to the welfare of hI his class by I study Ino and preparation was true to hits hIli tile U leader leadell the and A a superintendent lent or om omer er tile the loyal worker was devoted to the welfare of hili hi school and In intia tia hili to promote the good ot of all under his hili char charge t deeming no effort too great that enhanced the are of hla hi school he wu was loyal to hIs hla Bishop and andall I all over oer him In the PrIeSthood loyal I also aliG to the truth by an exem exemplary exemplary I plary 11 life fe beautIful composition I For all lIterally wu was rendered by Mi Luella Ferrin Fenin m home wu aa the theme of an earnest and interest interesting ing addrell delivered by President Jo Joseph seph F 11 Smith who took 11 as hi his text ft a portion of Gt th the chapter or of Gene GeneI I 1 and Ind th the remark made by the h Sa Savier vier to 0 the In relation to marriage Paul to hue bUl bands to love loe their wives a and for wives to reverence theIr hu hand was the very vry foundation ot of home homebuildIng building The Ih eternity of the m marriage 11 WU dwelt upon It at In III Inthe the and Covenants Sec 45 41 v U II It is Ie ata stated ted that marriage Is III rn 01 of for man lean and I not a manmade It Is Ie not a Colt An to tn be entered Into and laid aside Ide at mane It is e an In III ordained of rOd God for tor the eter nal nai happiness or I man And God u hedged about this Acree sacred Institution with th the law and conditions all sacred In fact Carl RII as tite II laws WI for tile the preservation of hf and aM infringe infringement ment u al a severely The speaker deprecated thee the modern practice of I your oue men postponing nut till ItI J m made de a fortune or till th they old uld tile the mansion and nd ot of the rich With a good with love loe perfect confIdence r F fI Ito lr Ir Who are arl fittIngly h hIO a IO tear to 10 begin the reefing rearm of a home where joy an rest will bf be I the he portion of both even eyen It If the they had but Utile little of world goods tl to begin with withA A leasing episode occurred at t close or of t Smiths Smith address II lIe leave tonight fur tur a length trip to and Mexico and tomorrow be ItIC Inq the anniversary of hili hi birth d associate II the Sunday school hool board sprung a happy surprise and presented hIm with Ian an Immense of beautIful flower flowe The welt well wish and blessing of h hi were wert In IL a brief address h hr Mis Ifill lat Peart ag Ae Jeseph F Dear I Continued on page two SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION h MEETS S from rom tinge onet 1 being ln your our bIrth d clay tse had h hoped that vU would 11 hue ben been with wilt us I ws WI learn haul t to our I I Iret gret ret tl that thIs evening you tl Si the distant south tend we shall bv be dt do or of the or of your e eald ald and teachings Iut while you journey urney frol trout u us be 1 that we Ihal not forget torrel that years eal ago OU first I saw Ihl the light ot of this world In the troublous days a ot or perse 11 Pr N Nor r shall ban we forget your Inay many Ibn labors In III behalf or of the people or of lod and for sake pe which ba hate endeared d you I U to 0 an aIr who ho to 10 tobe be saints It end U as 1 a take ot of our re garth and nd affection I In behalf ot of this convention ot of workers Present OU wih wIth this bouquet of frag rant dwer flower trusting f It will gIve you IS 85 Unalloyed pleasure to accept tem temas as al I It do does u us to pico place Ulm them In your hands hand WhIR We invoke the blessing of Our heavenly Father Fuher to rut rest upon you ou and yours your In iii all 1 your future life said throughout al all eternity President Cannon tannon desired to 51 he Importance of the set sub Jt discussed Ill lne b by President te Smith n II deplored thE the Ill In lug disinclination to particularly the tendency to deter defer I it to 10 later Iter life In Ut effort lort should b be made by the Sunday school teach pr ens to thIs growing evil that there may bp be unmarried In the ot of I the h Saints arlel should houll 1 be enjoined t as ae the t law ot of God and Ill It should b be taught In Inthe Inthe the Sunday Sundo chool hotl The hymn beginning 0 Yf ye mountains mountaIn high war wag sung un for tor Ih the 10 close of the morning and Ile iii benediction w was I pronounced by Elde Elder Angus 1 Ii Stake Blake Cannon president of the Salt Lake IAk lalION 2 Marching Homeward wag wa lun sung u as the opening hymn and prayer Young oun WI was offered by practice followed under the direction ot of alder T c who ho conducted aU all th the musical exercises of this session Ion Dd Did you ou think to Sweet I is the work my Got God 10 any ICIng and Id God od speed the were the given The first number on the Ibe wu was wasa a claps clu rendered by th the Forest ForestDale Dale Sunday Bunby cia class Sisters M A Leone one Tay lor br Trestle Olson Rub Ruby Young and Maitti lok nok instructors The lesson covered the work of oC II an entire school hool Session lion ad and au I given to illustrate the work urk of a Builds Bunda school chool or infant cl class The little tots their part In excellent style antI showed their I good training antI and the Interest they Ihy lak take in fn len lessons adopted to their cap cape city Th Tb recitation consisted of an It at Inton exercise In verse followed by bya bya a a God Good moring morning 11 song gisin ghIn to 10 train the little eople In tl the poetry of at mo molon lon Ind and to 10 teach them to gret greet each other This WR sas b by the reli FOLIO of a short hotl prayer for tor the Irs Lords blessing 01 on their len lesson intended to train the children to pray pra fur tor what they want and teak for alt All In the name ot of Christ A few Im Im not notto to too young for tor God to Ile see were wert sung to teach the children to sing Ing and that God 01 les aes their thoughts and sets Th ThIrd The Ird Prayer repeated In chorus was followed b by R a molon motion lesson In vel Verse I Iti Squirrel which served ere to teach the ot of kindness to animals Nel Next followed a length Inath narrative lutra In a lesson laNon In obedience an anthe and the gift f of healing Cart Can a Itt little child childlike Ik like ins Ine thank the Father fittingly Wi was repeated to entertain the and inculcate of gratitude Th This II was followed by other verses er anti Ind the reial recitation Ion closed with a benediction the praying in concert not only serving to tah teach th children to pry pray but ut also training theta them II in prayer BOnn was artistically rend rendered ie b by Prof I 11 a 5 Goddard r A 5 Karl G 1 lff In an earnest address on the Objects anti and Benefits of Stake Slake Union Meetings To beo become ProfessIonally acquainted Ih larh each other and each carla otherl work tha that II the b beet t tl ms b be formulated anti and Also Meo that tb the teach teachers f may acquire re ll iw wIth their dule ditties an and IC ac acquire quire thoroughness In their work Tue successful teal tea her the speaker MIl said h Is vr ever on the alert lor or new thought new newlen len lesions and ne new m methods ot of presenting them be he ha would become stereotyped and unprogressive and the theon sooner on r a teacher resigns from hi class labors thc th Ilter better It will 11 b be for tor forthe the class object of the he UnIon is II to unify the work or of al all th the schools throughout the stake tal that al all may tate harmoniously toward the pe per perfection feton that II is alme aimed at b by the Sunday echol school boat board T Pite pla place ot of the Normal ela Class In Inthe th the funda School was discussed very er IntellIgently Elder Henr Henry Peterson That school choo which hlll has 1 a rIo ot of pupil who tire r welt acquaInted with the prin of at tend and hav have an adapts to tea teach h may with elt establish noral normal cl classes 8 provided I a suitable instructor can devote I hil his time In formulating studies antI and lessons ant and show how ho how Ilch such i lessons I may b be presented to 10 the ver var loul bus ot of the school The sneaker thought that normal nl not b be un under Under der t tendency lie the direction ot of the Stake An Am violin solo Wi was rendered h by Prof O Genre P F Ian pu b by Irot Prof McClellan on the or orIan IanThe The concluding add address ot of the ater after afternoon non noon Wf was riven by J George D 0 on Some ot of St Stake Sunday lunday school eon |