Show PAST ELECTION SURPRISES Contests That Have Upset Upsel Calculations III Days Uns That Thai Are Parry has lias n a Surprise in Store for the Other Tomorrow I 1 I er Ir the other t I 1 i It in 11 the a sac f I I h 11 to 0 be bethe the lb Ib SItS tJ t I II dL p PJ is II IIII 1 II LU irl tu to the lOll losing aId Ide oni onil l j 11 i see e the wi Wl the 16 I t I long loni befrs the lie vo vol l p it v but thu I ii so 10 tt tM b t Ih taking I n boy at iii aU w was In InI Ink k t I III 1 J and that Washington n l 1 be b 4 v first in war Abet t tn In 11 hI lirI t In thit th oS or b hi hiti ti II I Uk III U II that nobud el w wag men rl I liI in 11 wIth u the IJ ii II IC I In 10 the Sa In which hleb h he helUt lIt lUt 1 to lu h t u The pIe I I hi h make hint the corn 4 j f of nt the n fl 1111 ar of Wu was tn In InI I b tt fUI ot of that V bli ii I u to a BritIsh hl him n II I IOU tt II I ha have e been bel n ten lout lot lotI I Mn inns were Vere It not ton tor th pu lIn and of Wash n Ihie th which II he In Int InI t I lu III the heath of all patrIotic one ot of the att kol avalanches In country jl I The Thc WhiM party nominated a ah ft h hrc r In III that year as a Sa 1 1840 1540 aft and 11 thi Ih of the arm army Tn Ut l ur l Mexico Who had al albon 1 bon In the with ta m a lIi I t n century The rII u Li lung III Hi their Ill also u el ted a soldier t lIn It 1 but he waa wa I a ak k f Scott And won no re ret rea t a l I In I he conflict Ite he de deJ det t J that ly by a which haa I tim I b n ii In magni t At tim the party Wile was Wilee wk e k till the dominant slav m 1ST I hv 1 t both In the 1111 II I th louth Houth the It 1 l It if It its hand In the fl I f thu fugitive slave Ilave law Il and l lt the t uth turning It II aUle aUlee St e n I lla lka that Its lis candidate Scott won I hi t the rn of the an I 11 met partIcularly Sward It If lit ha uld hI he elected ott carried only foer Stat and got ot but U 12 electoraL y i with 2 1 electoral votes ot hr to lu a a aj j Republicans were surprIsed In they dId not carry the try In that year although the real lOal tift 1 fr fir surprise as 1111 the Is II l Is III that they caIne so 10 near Mar us UI thy they dl The Tue Jr r IIII on two YEars veers old At the It I 1 for tor Preel of f the men who were n cx t I its Ita candidate and III II him hall had not I namo Rl but were 11 known as 1111 mEn Ill n no political reputation I In served a short tIme In InI leh I I ron n of the Ihl senators from au I ni the 1 can II t on the other hand had been boen boenIu Iu r 1111 11 t lIa it a thIrd o or a century and bid bad boon been one Of f the 1 lead Si of 01 the party part ot or Jer halt haU of that time Ume Moreover Uw the conservative tie tient I meat nt of country feared that the tho of the party would precipitate find civil wr war wrIt as asIt It undoubtedly ba bae t dOIle doas sad aad for un on that a the tbt v vote l of end and either Indians or IllInois all three thres ot of which the he carried in 1160 would woul have given Im the the vIctory In 1856 a S I ives alter the lI spilt among the t em um In the Charleston convention of 1810 through tb the Southern ale Ie mont ment put up and the Northern nominated ru were many in III the country who that ont one or the of their party would Itt get a majority In the electoral elpe clany as a party of n ing themselves lonal late lilli nominated Hell and bott bot botwell well known knon old Wit who were ilK ul to draw heavily from the tbt Ue Ito but bo I Is had nu no following or of any n except pt In Inthe inthe the South loUth the portion Qt of the country countr The par parties ties or sectIons of lIf palUd had Jut Just US Votes lii hI the aggregate a with Ith for tor In ID nil hi nilo o ular vote the aggregate of tb the tWo Democratic faction and tb the C aUtu tItu Unionists was a though 1 In excess of that thai of the can canAll canA All A UI ha elections o of 1 1 and aad 1872 are viewed by persons who merely meNI take a glance lance at am theo the totals of the ot It will ILl s It If tb the nfl was wa the only party It In In thoe years Lincoln Thurlow Henry J 3 an and many other of the moat mott skilful Jud judges of tb thi drift rm of political be believed lIv until be Union anTi victories In the latter part patt of the 1814 1564 that McClellan th the Demo Democratic cratic candidate win Sey Seymour moors mour tit friends friend by no means despaired ot of the result at say aay tIme In Inthe the campaIgn of 1881 While IIII at the out outset set In 1672 the thame to favor Orley the nominee of the Liberal Republican party and ot of the Demoe Ill roy C After Afler 1572 Ih the presidential con contESt contests tests tESt were wen elo close to keep the result In doubt douht thu votes were counted The Issue was 88 so 10 close eloe In 1676 that the Ihl electoral heel bal balto to bt be In by both to a the and the margIn for tor the Re In the electoral college collece w was only on one vote In 1644 1184 the w wag for two or three Ia lays after the election on of the narrow margin In the delite lt Stute of Nw New NewYork York Yurko Toward the of th thy cam campaign In 1892 1822 In lh the winning parry Jot got the la largest majority In the II college which any party hu has hAd since line 1872 Mme Republican lost hope hopt but the majority of the party part retained until the returns return on the night ot of the showed that IllinoIs and other ran Rn States had hod over to Cleveland Both and Republicans no mAtter how y the drift may ap appear pear to 10 he be them In presidential kp keep OA to the end This tl is the American way h U |