Show LEHI OTiS S fleet Beet Inre lIar e fO lam n Up Special Correspondence Lehi Lebl Utah lah Co Nov account or of time the recent story stormy weather tb the farmel farmer or of Salt 1 Lake county were riot not notable able to dig dh their beets I as fast a tn they would havo otherwise eone done and It wu was advisable to eoe close the station at Jun Junction Friday night last lut In order to let the tare fanner gt get their beets Into the sheds le than ship them to Lehi lb The factory here elat down th this morning tor foi a fe few bour hour to have a general clean up bil but will 1 start u up again abut about Ted Tuesday evening or We Wed tl morning and will 1 continue un until tl til the beets t are al all which wi will bf b abul about the lt 1st ot of u December embr The fre farmer ar rushing In their bt beets from rom every vel district mOt moat all 1 of them having ll been |