Show IT WAS AN ACTIVE MA MARKET When It Were Vere d Gain the list lilt 0 trader Tuo lr JUte hue or at Hi I Per limit III Call iw w York Not dm were executed w whet n tha mu I laii riI all lb lit nt hit r the ih local traction stocks Me Anaconda amid nd on one or t two qt cC e stocks roes front from about a point 10 1 Gains aln In the lie railroads a point In Ina ina a nUMber of ea cases took Cly on Us bt r rIS amid u as the demand for tor prices t tran ran off ocr ocrA offA A feature t th t was II the numerous odd kits dealt III and the frequent cub cash A rally of ofa a point la In sugar and vancel In the tbt steel teel group roup caused a renewed In which some ot the rallied to the best to C At preferred sad d B A 0 but the animation of the market wa was not notA reo td tdA A number humber of arger gains were tre made In isolated stocks The fie ad advance was U checked by a rim rill to 10 tI 16 per cent ent In ca camo call mo money becam dull and the general somewhat The steel continued strong tron Por lar Ute the AtchIson MoeN and aDd Union Pacific prices rose rOlle l full points point over Saturdays Ivel milid aM In other stocks almost u ii snitch In the late lale proM fractional The Tbt cl M wu very vry animal td top In Ute the r were Wert orm on a light Inquiry au dull fair I 1 M K test teet 4 mo 2 IIi Rd Relied stall powdered I MONIC A AD D BONDS floD Mon Money on call caU strong at t pet per percent cent Prime paper per cent Sterling Welt weak with actual business In tt bills bill it at 4 u fr or demaRd aria and to for lit cummer dal bUll bills 4 silver II er 1000 oun ounes at atu u silver dollies dollare Ii IiI I weak at r 5 rg and ancl coup III 5 ref an and coup I i M fleW 4 res reg mad coup old oldIs Is reg ad coup COUll Ii ree and nd coup 11 1 STOCKS n ew Tar Tor NOv o closed clONe Ill as follows Atchison II 3 Atchison r erred 7 IL A S 9 WIt IS 3 A S W preferred n Tobacco 1 1 Tin Plate 34 31 American Tin |