Show SCHURMAN MAKES REPLY Says Sixto Sixlo Letter Leite Confirms or of Ills ni Report Our IIII You thu Iho it II Irl Prey tn 0 1 P I Du Buffalo It 10 N Y No Nov Prot J Jacob b bG G 0 Schurman who Passed through this city elly this tn en route from the Ibe West to handed to the Asee MO dated Irue r the following reply to an open letter to hIm by y Sixto Mr r Sixto Lope tn 01 open letter ot of tIme the 3rd instant io to rue me I 1 have not yet seen It In the tue newspapers I Is a gratifying proof lit of the correctness of oC the report of the Mr fr Lopez by hI hits declaratIons all I have said Id of tile the promising educational POll pua In the Philippines and aud ut the admirable character of the educated few teV though they are who lair Inay be taken u as a type and ot of the future or doss dOlI Mr deny that tbt the m masses of the inhabitants ot of the island ot of all U tribes and races al ama uneducated and viry H Ignorant 11 by silent acquiescence In the report ot of our committee Mr Ir Lop Lopea acknowledges that the majority ot of the either desire sovereignty an is II the taco with the themen themen men ot of and property or Ir cc c In It or are indifferent to It it and that the demand for tor Independence orl originated with tM the ambItious Talol InSUrgent leaders who have diffused It wIth 01 a flee and word sword aIded 1 b by a atrocious or of tb the aims aim and purpose ot of the Stat States lUy Mr r Lo l clues lItI not question the andl ot of our commission that tIme inhabitant of at the J Philippine island l lare are marked by great I loll and trIbal by r I of l all tIle way ay from the It Manila down through all r f barbarism to the naked age alle ot of lanco and Northern lul I 1 by rt multi multiplicity lIr f hid ue ire mutually iv 10 I a demise l ignorance on th the Part if r I Iii h mOil of oC the veople 11 by th the a n i r uI n nand and nd concert and Ind the I io I of It th h Idea and nd sentiment or af by Ute the absolute ml II I e 1 r all 11 el clue la In tb the affairs ef which Spain allu always kept in I hand And tb the t i Ii 1 from all cli this I is equal eQually I in III 11 nr nor lees dott Ur Mr Lupea seek I pUtt it name that the varIous en nd fled Ifill ot o the J are at lb the time In ihle hll 1 f as a t th 11 al are utterly unfit to itt accept the Over the archipelago even If tb lb Amen merl M m can people wished to t them with It nor have they al any Ill bole lit of ever er bl be becoming coming a tr and nd nation except In ht the ot of sovereignty Ir ver them and andin in hi the peace prosperity and creasing liberty ot of the American meron Ila them Pul Pull down our la lag and you vou leave leve levetie tie the Philippines a prey to Internal feuds and domestic Insurrections which would quickly bet beset anarchy This the intervention of oC foreign powers for tor the protection ot of the live and property ot of their ubet O of coule course the Illand would eventually be divided up among them and the FilipIno would exchange the tr free In tl Of oC home rule which merl cn can people desIre I as Ion soon I as possible and In the largest degree deree practicable bestow fur tur tIme genuine to blow Un upon Im imperialism of the old world emperors kin king ald amid cz czars It I Is tte the mission or of our Republic to lve save the Filipinos who In len general 1 Ir are mOt most promising estimable and nd even lovable pe people le from this cruel fate tte and to train theta them u uto up to th the Ut Use ot of Cr free institutions and aud the noble work ot of jut just u as quickly and nd u generously as they or any porton portion ot of them can b he Induced t to exercIse a civil Ivl function 1 so arduous And so 0 unaccustomed |