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Show NEW YORK ENJOYS OLD "STOVE" CHATTER ' Sport Writers of Gotham Give Yanks Greatest : Team Ever By Henry L. Farrell - - United Prose Staff Carres pondsnl NEW YORK, Fob. 39. Pennant winners in the American league and world's ehampions for 3921 the New York Yankees. The Woolworth building may shrink to two storlee over niirht. the Hudson river might b drained by an armlfM man with a sieve, (.rants tomb might be turned Into a saloon. MAY HAPPEN. Count lews other strsnge things might - happen.- enrt th WTingeur Pf stt-wrmh b to aee the Tanks fail to sweep the baseball field clean next season. Whv? hook at thia team: Pitchers, Coveleakle. Mails, Walter Johnson. Kerr, etc.; catcher. Kay Kchalk, Sieve O'Nell and Perkins; lnflelriers. Judge. Sinler, Collin. Wamby. Scott, t'ecklnpauK-h, Ward. Gardner: outfleldera. Rice. Ruth. Roth. Jacobeon and Hooper; usaiatant managers, Cobb and Speaker. SOME TEAM! . True, the aren't all on the Ruppert- Huaton payroll yet. Rut give 'em time. Plenty of days remain yet before the1 season opens and numerous trad-a are In the process of ma kin a. i New York sport writera have put Ooth- am fans through the tradin'eat winter In history. Practically every atar player In the American leajrue haa been mentioned one or more t tinea In aome kind of a proposed pro-posed deal just about closed by Mana-irer Mana-irer Huggins. SCRIBES SCORED. Scribes In other cities of the circuit have risen up In a wrath against the practice of making newa that la causing some of the alar piuyera In rumored deals to become dissatisfied. Some wrieirs assert It Is an inspired campaign. cam-paign. A writer In R port Ins; News gnes far as to recommend that New York be thrown out of both leagues. OTHER TRADES. The Oianta have also figured prominently promi-nently in the rumored trade activities. rUbbtl Maranville, Heinle Groh, Rogers Hornaby and Kddie Koush were announced an-nounced as almost sure acquisitions to the ranks of the National league club during the winter. But so far they have not lieen secured and their chances of coming do not look worth the prica of a czarr's penny. However, the Brooklyn Robins were spared. Uncle Robby pulled a real sur-pries sur-pries when he e traded Marquard for fteuther without a month's campaign In the column. The Yanks have done a lot of trading and they look stronger on paper. The Gtants really have been trying to gat a good infielder but the Robins seem con- Itent to sen the same candidates out to I repeat last year's victory. , |