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Show Deserted Doy Given to Utah Couple By Freak Meaael Telegram leased Wire . PROVO, .July s A two-and-a-half -year-old youngster sat quietly quiet-ly ha Fourth district sourt Friday to hear officially decreed what he had known In hi heart for quite some time. Nobody had te tell little David Joseph Pace who his real parents are, but just to make things all legal-like. District Judge Joseph K. Nelaoa of Spanish Fork approved Mr. and Mra Robert Pace of Thistle This-tle ss his mom and dad. AbaaAoaed la S. L. Judge Nelson okehed the legal decree of David's desertion and then officially named Mr. and Mra Pace the folks th child has claimed as his owa ever autce he was abendoned two years sgo In a Salt Lake City railway station ss his parents by signing their petition for adoption. It all began In the Denver at Rio Grande Wester railroad station sta-tion In Salt Lake City when a strange woman raced up to Mra Pace and placed the child, then only a few weeks old. In her arma The bewildered Paces, who had always wanted a son. for they have two daughters and no boys in the family, stood by and heard the unidentified un-identified mother tell them the baby's formula, but before they coulld leera the Identity of the woman she had disappeared Into the crowd. Begsrded as Owa Ever since that time David Joseph Jo-seph has regarded the Paoee ss his parents, and they nave considered con-sidered him their eon. Mr. Paee I a railroad engineer for the Denver at Rm Grande Western. West-ern. He owne a home and farmland farm-land at Thistle. Judge Nelson sJao approved a request that the bov a dn e of birth be designated as Dec. 27, 194. When court procedures were completed, little David Joseph quickly took mora and dad by the hand and matur-of-faclly said: "Come on, let s go." |