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Show Clara 7TL Glawson in has secured hnmedisie II HI delivery oo a group of J RAYON-SHEERS seat BEMBERGS III f"of rhe wirm dsyl theJI I Ml Some with sleeves elbow ' Ml length, when bracelet stogta II July Clearance Sale Reductions 20'to 30 OFF ON ALL SUMMER STOCK IN Cottons Included 1 1 AU Sslei Final 44VT SOUTH MAIN MJ5 coot Someday this will b the pi I (J tf tlf rure in almost every home LeseanaesaJLJJe v j everyone enjoying ocleviiioei 400 tl ' ( ' "' and tvrjom drimkimg milk. mTiXttt B r.nwl How refreshing bow cook M ILK Fd Jrf jog bow enjoyable to relax "Spnf" H "V' with a glass of cold fresh Jk5f R Zus 400" at Klevisioa time Rl Van, or at twj time! ,e'8a PI jgy Hot, dry July days are) SV good painting day. IffS PAINT HOW j'jjJ Select from big ffockj of EXoY 11 long-wearing finishes. pl KEM-GLO JjPl'&l' ACM! HOUSE PAINT Ijy.S ACMI SEMI-GLOSS ' VYvfell KEM-TONI V psS ENAMEL-KOTE tUyJ MUSHIS THINNIU L.r LADDfU PUTTY coNvmimr V5aS na nun vire. , iJOiM, TC . (rruurn Wte, e Jkv, ereeei SHORT & SNAPPY Sliced chicken and sliced pineapple couldn't quarrel If they would, especially when placed between golden, gold-en, toasted slices of Royal Table Queen Bread. Cut the pineapple slices sideways side-ways to make them twice aa thin. That makes your sandwiches twice as easy to eat ROYAL BREAD MAKES BETTER SANDWICHES HERO'S AN ANSWER TO POLIO! Up to $5000 Protection for Each and Eviry Insured Member of Your Family For as Little as a Penny a Day I Policy, written by Contlnrtfal Casualty Just answer the questions and mall Co. of Illinois, includes hospital ox. the coopon to Tho Salt Lake Tribuno- rJL0 L?,U Pmr rma' Telegram. Protoctlo Is offoctlva im. lung, braces, arte.) nursing car, and ,7 , . . . . piano, train, ambulant transportation ""hf roeolpt of application and. casts. first month's premium. j tO YD L WINTER. ReaieWt Ageert, i ir:czrz polio policy application j Salt lake City, Utah I Q Hs Sa lata ties see ' I The Sa tales Tie, me I.Mti4.rt..MphMMaaM . as esy hease ar easiest ear as lees skew aae rasa, ! FILL IN QUESTIONS CAREFULLY 1 eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBasBBBBBBBBSaaBBBealeBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSBaa -TTi-i-i 1 1 i i i r rr i r r isihssi lewesis eaassaan m an ties aim im ' net ' I j Sareet AaWreee waaanaae-i-rn' T-rt-rri t -rasjsmeismiri laaasi i ia iwiiieaaaeaaiasi i laieaiasMsejaisaaaejeai I .Oty r Tow y - eW a-s-. U ',, , j I aaa pplyl9 for lh P0 PeUcy I evr- I aysarf eeify, ec ertyseff esnel spouse (1 Sa per soettfi) . t . -. m .-ew'va. -if v v.. . 3 Myself, spouts aaad R emwisiileel efcJWreei h etwee lh ajae mt Mare snenrKs easel It I yean 130 per anoj ......... , Q j Hot any aieeibw aw root tamtf been aeoeed tor Folio during i . fi . t I e lost ninaty doyit J I T6S U NO j sure to aexlucte perymeetf far ftrat snoetrli's premlus wHh aaaptlcatloii. There ft at yaw Tribes r Teleyiai ecarriee- aolasma will tak year nafhry ejremlut porymeitt ttte rwaioteert an at. cdiu) item iiGiinii im xnni?' AHarla,baJue wlthersl top-quality brand, or other This summer's small oranges food grades from the same Cl- " ' A are sweet, juicy and crammed Uornia and Arisona grower, I ' 1 full of vitamins C A and B and T Important minerals. And s ff- V glass of juice from these rmaU fjM IvWTvf y ' i oranges costs you teas than s Vf-J 3 ' ' giase from large orangeal ' J i te Ikrlftyl Choose .mall At tkewa aere, tsaell ereaoes oranges for juice, salads, dee- provide mere fret juke fee the ' arts. Get Sunkist, the famous aaeae sssaey a aif seMnfll r7 ) l jj3ljJ&J tlMIMMt-AA orange. v juice comes only in these 'i'JH" round packages! j j f - . - - sr - -.- |