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Show Niitaa. Al laaat aoaia uf tha la Ilea of Cache or thankful for tha reetorntiou of the Iraaonl. I Ibatr era, a wilueee Ihe preperailona belug maoo f r b lonater celeuralloa of Ibe avaul next Krlday evening. Tu namea of prouiliei.t lad lea ol every ahejaof rellgloua and IKillllcsl banter on IbB va.lou. com-inltlee., com-inltlee., makeiUIIB a leuglhy Hat and ar a guaranl! It auco.. 7bla eveniag they ni.et to formulate a program, pro-gram, A grand liaoiuat Bud ball bava already been decided upon; tua bau-tjoat bau-tjoat In be given In lb bameut of in lebern.oie, aud lb bail lu the Palaoe ball room. Hl.t.r Hannah Jacobean and llrolher H. W. Hall, of l.oxau, hav r awed the aad uawa of the death of their moll ar at her bom lu Klverod, Mwedon Hevcnol her elhl chlldreo ar In Utah, an I they were looking lorward lo a uBppy reunion will the r pareuta In Ihe ap.log, aa lliry bad ar-ranged ar-ranged to emigrate at tbal lime, and one dauithter rant back li BMbl them In making Hi i.eceeaary pr.pialn.a fur tha louruay. On Prlday allarooon Dre. Hn-.w and O. uiaby cerformad an ami utation on II. a raon of Ml.a Auguaie Johlianii. The young lady had bean aullarlug for B'.nie yeara from a dlaeaae ol Ihe knee Joint, whlrb had caueud ber miIoui trouble during lh peat year and grrat-ly grrat-ly Impaired ber general health and vitality. Tha limb waa amputated between be-tween Ilia kne aud Iblgb, and although al-though In ber e-iuiJtiloa thu.bot waa a eerb.ua one, II la believed aba will recover. At lb annual moel'nt of ituch-boldeli ituch-boldeli of lh Thatoui r llioa. llanklug Co. Iha oi l b iard ol dlreolula were re. 1..H..I. and al a mrellni held by them Inimediatnly afterward, Iba oid ofllciri war raluelalled. Tba aieiuueii of lb l.ajan choir held a very pleaaBllt reunlun wlilcn Included In-cluded a bai.quai and ball, on Kilday evening. On tha aame avening a leap yaar ball In th bcoud ward hud a large aitandauce. The arreela during Iha quarter, aa reported by Manual MuCullooh, nun tiered twenty-nine. In lh lie gtibol-bood gtibol-bood af lwntyof litem were cauied, either dlreuliy or ludlreolly, by Jobu Harlayoorn. Die Prautaat, arraatad for obtaining mouay under falia praten.e, by Ihe aewlug machlo repair game, h.reto-fer h.reto-fer uetatled, baa been held lo await the action of lb dlaincl oourl. Large quanllllea of lea bava bean pul up during lb paal week, ll la beautifully olear aud from M lu Hi Inchee tlilek. During th February eonferenc lh Horn lliainatlo ompauy will play "Iha Nubia Outcait." Tha advent of atalehood waa aullably celebrated lu every eity and tmporiaul town In lh valley. Th Relief aoclallca nf Iba Cache Hlake will bold a conference br ou tb iotb. |