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Show "ACOBEAN BOMASCfi,' Tbe Conspiracy and Ilia LhA Harder of (bo Qann. THE ItUTAL Lilll hAllI 10 HE A1.IVC Allhnngh horurul IVraun Mare lcn I.XtCuttd far Having Auaailu- atfd II rr. I INkw YnltK, Jan. IS, A. Ulipatcb to I the llarald from bhaiiKual aayi: K ruin a no equalling anything Wbtoh' Ulder Haggard tver wrote cointa from Heoul, tb capital of Coraa, trlatlug lo lb onlracy which broke out ther laat November. Tu fact ar known only to a few pereone, and all bav tb aUougrai tuu tlvia for concalmnt. It will be remembared on "v. 28 an Unauccaaaful plot culmlnaled lu an attack on tb palao by a number of Cureaiia belonging to lb tjtieen'a party. M. Waa oar, th Hiif Inn cbarg d'allalrea, t)r. Allen and (JnUerwuod and other American were aucuaed on apparvutly goud k round of belnt; privy tu th plot. Tuey Were, In feci, aald lo have been on th a put alinultanaoua-ly alinultanaoua-ly wltb th a bur live attempt, ibey, however, denied all ooniph.My. lite king and th Japan ear, belntt waruad bvlurehand, paated extia KuarJa aud folltd the coucpiracy. . Vour oorre. pou'ient'a Information now aliowe that M, Waeber auu th KnttbaU oouaul ahared the eecro', in otict being to aua tb mliiietera, axel the Jaiaueac, Ira th klug from in latter' lullueiic auu ria.ore Hie queen who waa repute 1 to b- ieu but wno waa In reality olive. Th Kuatlau aeorelary ul location waa the it-adiug eplili lu Ih cooplrcy aud waa deputed to conduct th queen from her place of biding tu ttie paiac. The fallaie uf the atleiupt ncaaaltated the keeplug of the avcrwl of the quean boing lu exulenc wuicli I now fur Urt time divulged. When, lu October! th Curttau and Japaiuae brwke luta lb palace, th" quaen aomtlng dtig-, had haalliy, wuoi-Ul apeaxing lo her women, lu au obioura oulbouae, aaw tbe budlva of ber la.llea lu watilutt dragged lo tbe pyre prepared for thi outaide, and w-lched the completion of the tragedy from bur biding place. I ha queeu Wa 0 uoald for nil hour and a naif, every moment' expecting dlacovery. Hh tli at laal through a turret paaaaa lu Hi old palace and thence, niter changing ber dcea, mad her etcap outatde tbe wHa of the city, whre aha reached a place of eafely. When the Japauea aud Cor uana ux-amlued ux-amlued Ih charred bodiee of tha Wiiiuwo who bad bean burned, the klug aud aome o'hur shrewdly f ned tuat they bad discovered ia iteutUy uf tb queen lu uu of tb victim, leal a ae ui eh ahjuld reveal ber wbnreabout and lead to her murder. Th Japan accepted the account of Urn qunvu'a death aa tru. M. Waeber and ililtwr, lb latter belug the Uerman couaul, muat bav beu privy u iheaetM, wnlcU waa, however, wall kept. Tu re Curaau wei atrangled laat weak aa Iha quean'a murder mur-der era while th trial of viitxmnt Muiu and other Japauaae otllulala la proceed-lug proceed-lug al Hlruahima foe tbe murder of a wuman wbuatill live. IA HanMhln, the leader of tbe laal atkiitlve plot, la lu hiding bar. Au Amerloaa friend who came here ou the Kuaniaj orui-er Olvauy, aaya that ItuaaU 1 ualng th uppuaj murder of lb queou aa a weapuu agatuit th Japan al tbuugb wall kuuwlng Its fatally, Tn queeu ba beeu killed by rumor twice before. Nerlbern TnelOe ttelvee n. WAHiiiNUioN,Jan. la. In lawyers of the Noriberu 1'aclflu railroad cuu have made au uiaemiml with Juuil- era liarlau, Klelu and brewer of th Huprerue court for the preatulatlun uf facts lu those care tomorrow. They will Mk tu have th ruad ell Her plod uuder ou rvovlver, or uuder oneeet of rclvera, who will have obargeof lb ruad aa au ullreiy luatead of th present pres-ent plan with numerous ludependeut reoeiver. Th circuit uf each of thea Judge oo vara a portion of th ruad. |