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Show ULD CAhES LNKAVELLEll. lalareitlag Caata iirteleped by the Proilaa r.iamlaar. Cbarlea Wbltobead, aoll ponalon aiamlnar la In lba city, aaya tin Ho a Hlataman of January It. tlia ulialou ber t to look up vldoo In u f lb many caar that ar referred lo blm to flud mlaelng llnba needed to oom- plt applloatlona for paualona. Tb caa Ibat brought blm bara haa turned out In a very Inlereatlug manner. man-ner. Marlon E. Maaoa married lu Iowa la Una and detailed bla wit all-tn all-tn montba later, la Inco bla wife married again, bar new buatiand b.lug laaao Wllaou, of Ilia Klghtaaulb Mia. aourl lufaimy. wnaoa bad a foinier wife Who deaarlad bitu aud nam lu Hole, whra eb dlaU twelve Jaera ago- Tb aeooud Mra, Wllae appllal for a boueloti, aud,in ber proof eat up that bar lermar baeband (Maaou) baj bn killed by 1 udlena balor aha utar-rld utar-rld Wllaon. ToatimiHy ol nalgbbora, bowavar, waa to Iba effect that aha bad received a lltr front hlra uiuob later Ibaa tba tlma wbea ehe alleged ba bad been killed, ijttra ware al received by ueigbbore from a Wiley Maao from Bolea claiming to b a brotbor of Mrtu b. M. Wbllbad same bar t bunt up thla Wiley Maaoa lo learn what became be-came of bla brother. He baa found that uoauab man waa vr koewu bre; but he bae fuitner fouud from lb county record lhat Mellon K. Macon lived neel Mlddlelen and waa kuew a to aoma people bar. It le evident tbal ba uaetl an allaalu wrlllug I In old neliib-bji-j aad It waa aatlafaotorlly proven tiii ba waa alive wbea bia wile ro-a ro-a arrl.d. Wllb acme further proof ou the ieiut yet lo be eecured Iha oat will b uaravvllad, aud tb widow will be abowa lo la nut milled to ponalon. Another vary InUraatlng oaia re-oonlly re-oonlly unravelled by Mr. Wbltebaad waa lu Ilia outh.lra prt of thla atv. A Moimoa named Ellaba Heed lelt Iba Church and look bio eecoud wife with blm, loltllug In tbia aialr. Ilia widow waa anlltled to a peuilon, and Mr. Whitehead waa luatruoled lo 'earn whlob of th two women waa bla letial widow. Upon viatllliglhe Idaho Widow ha fuuud tbal al waa tha leoond wife aud that the other waa entitled lo me ponalon, au far aa avlopm.uta abowed up lo Ibat point. He laid Iha Idaho widow of thla, whereupon, wllb anap-plug anap-plug eyee, ahe declared ttiel tb other women ahould not have It, al aha could form.b lulurntatlou ahowlug that tbeta waa anotliur wile before ba married either of bla Muriuoa wive.. Kje pro. cvol lo glv lb luforujatleo, ud uiou luvealigalloa II waa f uuj that ha deerted a wife In Ml.anurl and that the latter waa living and uot uivorued al Ilia Ulnae uf bla luuaiijiient war-rlagea. war-rlagea. Ho ueltber of tba claimant got Ilia peneton clalmaJ. |