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Show (Mil KoU lluuurt'il. hi'iti.xj C'nY, Jan. loin, lbutj. Tu tli. Killtort '.null tu. l report an li.m of lutnr-at lutnr-at whloii ucourred li.ra on Ih Uth lutt. In ooc.tluii uf b reuolott of th. old fulkt(lnoludlng lb wldowt aud poir, whu Are b.vrr f, rnlleu.) wno w.r Invited tu attend a well prepared luett al 1 u'co k p.m., lu lue upera bouar. I be building waa III ad Bl lue llui name I wiiu a liapry iitufle tlelh. having b.i-u pitt'.l.d lo b'll g tlieiu loiolii.i. Alter a litiy Dive.-Illg Dive.-Illg a'l round tt'ey wre aeeted Br Ulid the llnt'e ul lablit, wulglite,! dowu wtt.i the gouj thluga pruvnlud by Ihe t-.)Ul uilllieot arrtu.eineulr, male and If m.iv, lu whom lu'j luui'll ptrlae calillut be given lur their enwgatlo Ithurt lu lurulthlng aud prep.rti g the Ivaet I r the boo,, red unea. Alter a bleeelug .at prouuunced by lllanup Jauita A. Allied upou the prool. and relr.au-uieiita, relr.au-uieiita, all roceedvd (u tbe work belure tlieiu. Alter the lablea were cleared Btid,Ui. peupla o nufurlably aoaled, the t rogram wa, lurtlier cained uut by a apeeuh Hum Ihe lllahup, Hi which be referred lu the p.eataul tlru nJ yed A year agu B, well Ba to (preeenl; talil he WB a glad lu at thuta lliliiga lb i-ord bad Inrblddan war uut Indulged In no lea ur corte being atrved Bed be boid thai at Iha Utile that wte tn lullow no on would oall fur wailx( which 1 waa lilal lo te waa uut dona), Th rail uf th Afternoon wee epeut lu loechBB Aod eobge, Ae lua uiutlo, true lo Iba lata eiyl ol nolcomlug until lb veuiog la half gone, did Bol aiar, the time fruiu u:gd p. nl. uutll toward, II wa, takeu up In luur aotig, aud ,iaohtt. In which our mlndB wera ri,frv,hed by cnngratulatloua uu the glorloua aveul ofHlatehoud aud our elevation, mele and feniele, to full rltlaenablp. 't he tiiualo uew being here, all, old, older, uldttl, went merrily lulu Ilia Qaoc atatil midnight, whu all wot lo tbir houie wvllaalltlled. Ileeiealfullr. Hkdick .N. alluku. |