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Show MUNICIPAL HATTERS Cooncllmaa Wilson's Vacant Clair Approprlitilj Draped. B. T. IAOTD TO M'CCKED HIM. Cattk-VsslB IfasslBlleri KillidCom-sanalcatlee KillidCom-sanalcatlee af Thanks Irem dor er nor elect TOIIs, ' I BeJeaked with crape li memorr of the departed eoueollruen J. It. Wet-an Wet-an wm lb ooaclltlen la which the ebelr made vacant by hl Hidden calling cal-ling Bwey, waa found at Ibe council meeting laat night. Upon reeolutloB ottered by ConnollmaD Matrla, and passed, aulhorialng tba praaldant to nana a commUtM af tbraa la draft ullabla raaolutloaa of raapaot an tba daath of Uiali lata aullaagua, Clawaon, Morila aad C'obo wara namad aa that oomrulttee. Other bualnaaa waa trana- ; ! aotad aa fellow.t ! HTIT10KS AKD OOStMUMC'AtlOtrr). ' ' JuaaibHuilthandJaoJDUallaypat. Ilonad for Iraa paddlat'a lleeBsee. : ! Oraalad. Millar and WaUoa aakad Ibal tba , city lake all Ilia malarial Ukan Iran ' tba Brlghaaa Yautg Tmal com pen j I . elcetMlon on Kltat Bouth betweea i j Kaal and Waat Temple, and pay lliete. fur Ilia uaual prlra. Mrael commltlee. Tha Brlgbam Vauug Tiual eomi.aa j pailtlonad lur, and waa grantod per-, per-, luleelon, ta pi la building malarial lu 1 ; front of 61 U 6U waat Firat ttouia lar a ported af MO daya, , i j Birroma ov cm ohnub. j Tha walarworka committee reperted 1 advaraaly on tba palllloa af Ur. r). Jiiigaaa aaklng for an eitenalon 01 ' ' wetermatne lu Floral avenue. I 1 Adopted. Tha board af public warka Informed Hie Council IheUhe eontraote for the ooiialruotlrB of a aawar along Klral boulb, and far Ika oonalrnctlng of de. lackad aaclloua af plpa aawar, to oob. i naol with Iba gravity aawar, had barn f ; lalta Frank ilarrlgeo for I5.lm.l8. j '' Approvrd. 1, 1 Tba Urn and polio board gava no Ilea ol tba Inoroaaa ruada lu Clark Kelt's aalary on July I, Iraoa :tt to , U par month. Approved. ; rBoai oovunoai.icr will. ' Tha following cwmaualoatlon of i . ' Ibanba from Uoeeraor-eleol Walla waa 1 . laad to Iba Uounoll and flladl j . Kilt Lao Citt, liee. 17, IK'S. O. II. liaehmen, Keq., I'liy Recorder i pear flirt I have tba honnr to ao ; t knuwleiltre reoalpl of yuur enmrnuniea- ; '' tluu uf Iba 141b mat, trannilullitf oepy ot reeulullone edopted by Ilia City Com). S ii nil of Hall Lake I lly. lux-ember 10, leuo, ' ' tendering to the Aral lgtallura of the . T. KUII of Huh, Ilia eeeuf the lilv I'oun. i oil ehainbar lor Iba henece aad Iba ball ; on tka Ibird Hour ol Iba Joint cllr aad i ' onuniv bulldiug for the lluueo ol lupre 1 1 eenietlvee. I : l'armll ana to convey to Iba.Tlly ' Coiiiiail, through you, uiy appreciation ,' ; ( of Iba oourliwy and publlo eiilril which I i proaaiiled Uila laodar, aud lo eipreea In I advaaoe to Ilia City Ceunoll tba Ibaoba I I of tba ltglalatura. whlob, I am aura, , I themembeie will lake pleaure in m- '. j "i firming at Ibalr eeaalun aoii lo oonvana. : , 1 alao nota Iba further raaulutlon of III ; I U C:lty Ouunrll providing for a oonforenoe ij Itetwaan tba Joint oily and eouulv build li lug cmmniltla and Iba eiaoullre-cle.'! H with rttlerenoM loquartera In the building ;' for tho mala otlloera, and In uruui'.f aame have a.'aepled an luvltallon to meat , f I lila bouor, iba Mayur, and helarliuan l 'ii (ItKldea ou Tburaday ueal for,lnk,wUou j . j I of tba premUoe. ; J WO, YUO UOM'T. i ! Tba oounty oourt of Davia oukmlttad , ! a aonimuntoatloo Informing tha Coun- 10 all ol luelr raiuaal lo permit lu court cou-rt alruallon af a dltoh althar epen or , V oinarwlae, tooonvey ihaaawaga lo lha I i ,M Jordan river, or oilier uutlat. ' B. T LLOYD BLKOTgU, I - fjounallman Morrla at Iblo point j i ' oiaea aod plaoad In bomtnatlun, lo I I' taba lha plai-a of lha lata C'ounollmau 5 Walaon, 11, T. l.loyd, Iroin tba Tblrd i 'V preatnel. AtoUorulok, l.yuu and j Clawaon oppoaad fllllug iba vacancy, ' ' butavula waa lakan and Mr. Lloyd wai daolarad alaclad. ; , OAlOU BaalM RBBULVI'IUN. ) Clawaon oflarad Iba fallowing rrao- i luliun, wbluh praolpltatrd a lively dn- ouaakoo and waa llually load ! : Kraolved, That tba hoard of public i . Wurka be aud Ibvy era herutiy Inatruoled toMtorimtvlv-BrtlM fnr bid tor the work nl rpplarlnn (krU-tmitlnii on NUtnurtnt with rovurnd ounfliilH HitnUar to IboM mw In uinn t Trmle Rtrnt, tha work in lit ilnna a narly in Lb iprinfi m the WAftibftr will prinil. jVariiwkI'L, cohi.r.kuvu. roUDOlloaaD ICiawMR, la ml ftitd Wll-r-orlTni irlil Mkd to ! K cumU from bUviiiJIuk furth-r waalona of th Council, M h lnlndd to Uwn and would r.ot reium until a(if bli Irrra hal ripita). "Iurlu mjr hioumboPT," iu b, "ailhouih mi timet w havn not ifrifd na ortalti ubjaott, I hT fntntd mm uf lh mott plMtant oquiintancrt of my lif-p, and I l-T wttu tiotliluK but Ibr lwt of wlabM to ona aoJ all of taf .-1-kgiiM." Mr. Clawnoo w -teutfd. CoubcII than ftijiuntaj until Bait Mnndaj ninsi owing lo TuatJay ul(bt balag Chrfalruaa a. |