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Show THE MESSAGE IN CONGRESS A Bill Empowers tbt rrasldmt to Appoint a Commissloa reeeedkvlhe llaaie-Breelulleae lor lleuel llereaaee. WAfiniMnTON, Dec IH. Hill (Hep, lilt.) reported lu the Houie tbla mora. Ing aa toon at II had bean called to order, and oalled for un.nlmout con aeol for tb oonalderatlnu of a bill to empower tb President to appoint a communion to oon.lderlb Vooexuelan boundary queetlon and an appruprla lion ol $100,0(10 for Iba xpeaie. thereat. there-at. Tbe text of Iho bill la a. follow,: "A hill making an appropriation for th exneue ol a oumiuleeiun to lu-veatlgateaud lu-veatlgateaud report uu e true dlvlalnual Hue belweeu the republlo of You aauelaand Itrllteb Uuiana. "lie II euanied by tho Heuate aud Huue of Itepreaentatlvee uf the United Ulebteof America, In Coligrora aatembled, Ibet lha aum ul llio,uoo er au muok thereof aa may be ueoeaaary be, and Ihe aame la hereby aporuprl-aled aporuprl-aled for Ihe exiieoae. of a iMnioilt-tion iMnioilt-tion lo ba appointed by Ihe Preildeul tu Inveatigele aad ree.nl upon the true dlvlBlonallliie celween the republlo el Veneauelaand Hrllleh Uuleua." A acvue of ouueideiable excitement folkrwed Ibe requeat lur lluanlmoua oouaenl tn otnabler the bll wbloh bed keen loudly applauded when read by tho clerk. Heu telle (Rep. klale) atatrd that be dlallked toetjial In tbe reutlderalluii ol aueh a bill,"iiut," he .aid, it aeemt that Ihlaaubleol la eue ef aucb eorlou. Itneorlanue thai the lleuu, uf Heine- eua manner to contlder Ii. The Preti-denl'e Preti-denl'e meeeay wairead but yeaterday and It aeema to me the geollenieu wev nol be ready lo pan upou a bill ef this Impertaooe without deliberation.1' Crlea of ready, ready," fram the Hepubllcan aide interrupted Moutelle, hul he prucueded, u'vlng Ihel the metier wee one wtnoh aflncled there, lallona of lha two great Kngllth .peaking .peak-ing nallona of Ihe wortu. Heaaidl 1 have been aoouead ut being a Jlogo, whatever lhat may meau. 1 hope no eoe in Ibal pari ef Ih. country where 1 am known would b.llva I would boallale, If Ibe honor, dltulty ur tately ut Iho eainiry r. quire-:, to take up arms agala.l auy or ail ualloua of the world. Hut Ike preae abowa the oeuntry u bo lu a .lata uf fevert.b exollemeul. It aeema tual w ought to giva Una mailer aa much eonaldera- tlon of a lew toouaaud dollar.." Uoulelle referied lo the Preeldeut't maeeage a. aa exlreorilltiery ooe, and wanton: "It aaema we .koiild leud I a ei nmiHu to bo oalmly oontlder I thla great queetlon and the nieaaago In wbloh Ihe exeoullve blmtelf lur Ihe Brit lime lu tha blatory uf aueh per-reaponileuoe, per-reaponileuoe, has oullluod tbe poealhlll. Hot of e war kelweeo the two great Anglo.rl.xun natlnu. of the World." ripeakei "Done lbs gentleman o fried? fr-ied? ' Bout.llo aald thai be bad merely auggeated Ibal tb bill gu to lb com-mellee. com-mellee. Hilt aunounoed thai lie only do. aired lu aay a wurtl oiHtcornlug tha bill aud Ha puriioee. He would do ro, be aald, "wltbutil mentioning tbla elde or lhat aide," for he hoped thera would be no two aldva when It oame le a queetlon like Iblr, There waaarequeat made by lb Pr.ald.nl for help trum lb Houie to enable hi in to axerclae hla executive funotlona. Tba Aral thing for ut to remember at patriot," eeld Hill, "la that theauooeaa of uur oounlry deptnda upon our main talnlng a united front Dial aur guv-ornnfeiil guv-ornnfeiil ik. mid tpeak fur all Ihe peuple ol the Uulled rltater." The auimeallon of the Prealdeut was for B Judicial luveallgalluu. Ho wa. ture It waa made In Ilia proper tplfll and tbe oonailon required lhat tb country tbould act aa una uiau, lu turn a time Ihe exeoullve It hampered by every crllioltm that cnerea frrm uur own ouunlry. II woeld be urged ly tno Hnt th prera lint Ibe PriMldent wee mil harked up by hi. oounlry, but on'y Ly hie own p.fly, Wehaielivl a long tune todonalder Iho bt uroe ilocirilit; we mey act agree with all the driaile uut-Itned uut-Itned hy the Pretlilcnt a.l Hecrnteiv Olney, bin any iliecii'ilou h 'l will tn.veahelp lo Ibce rot. ta the aea. 1 oi e Ibe hill will pan." Hill muved Hie prevl itie qunitlno, butCrlrp (Dimocral, tieoruia) aaoured permiiauu le eey a word. He Levari 1 tpeak Inr all thla role of the Hnuae, where ttiere la uo dlvlalou aa to the propriety of pe.elug liie lull. lnl govnrnmenl reiect'ully Invlt'd ttn xoveriiuieut ol Ureal itrlleln l. eru.. irate the bounderv que.Ilou between Veneiuelaatidllnll.il Olilatia. Illeil llrllalu be declined. N whal are we to id? If the Ailieilci.. penpl haveoftieJoplul .il uu Buy que.Ilou, they have a declatve opinion Itial l.o I'-uroiwan c iuntry can a qulie territory on tno Ameih-au c nitln....! by I. roe." Hill entreated Clianlu view o! Ibo maKOllllde of Ihe llilelr.l. Involved not 'u precipitate auy baity diactiniu r of tlii ui. t'rl.p replied lhat Ilia llepulilloall. bed Introduced Hie bill h. anion pted toPribgln y.'.l. may, ami niiTli.iie.i, jt-(Ii.: tbr b'.ti't.iary o nhl uut l. .i:.ii ili:e.l y eriiuraiP'U, atth ltn I arili'lpation uf ti e. I llrllalu, the United atulee ahollld aacvrtulu It a. "An.l wl en we have aacrielneil a lie.,- It Ir," he c uclu ., d, "we e:i. d kaVe tbe kv..iree and tin. uialiUL.Jd to lll.K.t 1111 II," Mi l. n ary (Dent. Ky.)A-.d lliul.li. were mi utlti.t (oi if. o.t'iition, nut Hill rriii-i ; lu yield Ihe 11 i"l and tlie prevl. u. q nation wae tarried with a atu'iii c, ayet,'' aud uo eiq.-tlng Voire. A f uiitloii waa ii' pted It .1 tbo hiiiKlay ndtour i.i nl Uo (tool F'ldiy. II. o. in... r l, tu l'-'Jy, January It 1 tie llcuiv al 1-:4J aqoulu.d uutli Fllday. |