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Show r.TMiiial l'ariiKraili. Frank W. Tavlor, of (TiK'ago, laat tlin Ti.iupl".on. I'. I'.. 111. k, of Hau l raiiclavo, la at tb-Kuuialortl. tb-Kuuialortl. .1. i:. Ilran.lh.y, of Ml. Ixinla, la ri'gla-ti.ri.il ri'gla-ti.ri.il al Hie li.iiipli.lon. J. W. Hlall'.ir.l an.l wife, of Ht. l,oul., arc gueate at IhoColti.n. Charloa I. M""igan an.l family, of Hunt", aro Kuutafortl gileata. l. I.. Ilackar la ilnwn I'roni Ogilco and la alopt"lng at the Touiplolon. V. It. II o il ami .1. !'. Wrltihl are up Irom Nsphl and aialloliod al the Walkur, I. . M. Ilonuan anil I.e.. Illiai, of Chicago, Chi-cago, are ainung lbs lale arrlvala at llio Kuutaforil. II. I'. I'orry and K. M. Wheeling ar. rivi'd frinii tlg.lan aud rcglatureil al Ilia I'ulh.il laat evaulug. I'runk Janline, A. ('. Tnnnnr itn.l Frank lloilon, thrao Mnrrur iiilllitig anvil, are arrlvala al I In. Walker. W. Woaoinlnnck, pri"al.lnt ol the (ior-mania (ior-mania liiauritini c,.ui.anv, li.asa for liKiivor over the U..t It. II. W. Ihla evnli-lug. evnli-lug. I.oa Augelea llaraMr .lot, n Kvana and wlfi", ..I Halt l ake O'v. are In I". on. '1'liay will apt-n.l couoi.lalahlo lime In Soiitharn ('a.tfaruiii. Mr. Fvane la Ilia chief clerk In llio Irelghl de.arlmenl of llie ItluOrnndo Weatorn rallruad at thu Mormon city. W. i:. Ituhhard, tha wall known mil aalale man of Ihla oily, received word of Hie aerioua Ulnoaa of hla brother In Mllinea.ila yfauril.iy aliernoon. Ho tarled auat lual oviiuing, wbi-re heox-pacta heox-pacta lo remain until llio begiuulug of the uew year al leeu Wottd Itlvar Timea: Henry I'alin, nrelher-ln-law of N. J. 1-Viodman, who oauiH here day before yeatordev, left to-lav to-lav for hla homo in M-.lt Lake. Hiuce bla foruiur vlalt hare Mr. Colin baa vlille.l Furopa; vol he aaya that ha liowbeio founil aa ibillglitlnl a ollwata aa oura. Ho haled to leave ua. |