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Show itriniiio. i on pa NT. rrepnelllnn le Cr,T ainerlrea rre- Han Fhani'poii, Dec. 18. Meyor Huiro hai received a long letter froai K. A. Kf.liBg, aerretarr uf the Amerli'ou lilpeillllou cumpeny In reatetiie lo a leiler of inquiry concera- Ing certain detail, ol the working, of the aaenctaMnu, I he beedjuerlere uf the Amelioau Kxpedlllon eeaocie'lou It at pre.ent at the Hherraan llank, New York Clly. The F.luedlllnne will be uf two rtiereetere the flrrt furely aerial, ibe .rcitid coiiiiuurciai. n tbe flrat ln.lai.re It I. propoaed lo oonairuol a niagnttl.ioul aieam yacht for Ihe ptirpjae uf furulahlog a oon Veyanoe Willi c.mmodl.u. living apirimeatr fore ooiumntion to be com pored ul i lllelell a.d repreeelilalivu 0ltll.ua, nolli invlal and 1 1 1 1 lore I. who rh.ll vlet! lorelgu o.ubtrlet .. .enil-olTlelBi .enil-olTlelBi de;egale.. Ihe power appointing appoint-ing lliete Ueietele. i,ot to he vt'iiru elouelnlhe Plc.lu.nl ul Ihe Uultiu Hleter, but al.o lu govetu.ir. .! elatll, meyoro nf ollle., coniuili' At l. 'ill.. aad .octal organiftittoiie. lu thiiwar the yacht eaprdlllon I. ti br.''iiek octal all. Il for the imp ee ot enter-talnlng enter-talnlng and becoming more li.ttlnntf and heller arqualliled with the rrt.re-eentallve rrt.re-eentallve N,nple ol torelun coun'r.e''. 'ihe eeutiiiil plan iui.!cuip:m.-. vne Ihe circling of Ihe eellh Willi e fl-et :l ploudld ex tdlllnll eblp-, tu e iuw Ibe world Whel America can niekd aud grow. The iFherao oalla fur the riti.ttruc. Ilcu of on or more exio.ttlon tlilpi where .pace oiu be ri-nted for Ihe dia-plty dia-plty of Ihe produrie of holh .ml aud null, upou Iheaame prlilrllea.lrdone at vxf notion, rxoet t met In the proposed pro-posed U .atlug oxpeelllon only Anierl-ceil Anierl-ceil product, ahall b exhlhlled, A uiovument. It la antd, la already on foot to carry out both plant. |