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Show ' a da tight r of Henry and Ellen ftindrMi , Ptcraoii. and cam with her pa rant a tc Sandy when 2 year old. She lived at Hand) , a a child and moved to Eureka In 1MB following her marrla? to Mr. Thompeon Th family lived In Eureka Until 1911, then moved to Murrav. wher they rmln1 13 rear. Sine 1024. when Mr. Thompaoti dten, Mra Thompaon had lived In Murray and In Paaadena, except for a reatdanca ol two years, until laat year. In Kama. Surviving are four aon and a daughter. daugh-ter. Uwrifi W- rnd Roy Thompaon o( Malt Lk City: P'.y Thompacn of Olen-da Olen-da le, Ca I. Ca rl Thompaon of Ba n Fran-naco. Fran-naco. ait! Mra La Vet t a Stankcumb of Paeadiua, Cal., and a brother and Ihre liter. Jnaeph Pier eon of Mid vale, Mr. Emma Nclxm and Mr. Mead a Pearaon of Murray, and Mra. Loula Andaraea of Pari, III. Puncfal aervleag will b condticted her Prdlay at 1 p. m. In th 8vnth-day Ad-ventut Ad-ventut church. Burial will b In Waaatch Lawn ourlal park. Katherine Carroll Mlaa Katbertn Carroll, 42. aorrettrr to Ovorg Jay Othaon, attorney, died Hi a local bovpltal Thuraday morulng of pneumonia. pneu-monia. 8h wat horn tn Omaha, Neh., July 12. 1884, daughter of Anna and Patrick Carroll, Car-roll, and cam la Salt Lak Ctty 30 yean ago. 8h wu previoualv emptoyed a a tcrelary at a brokerage firm. Aettv tn Catholic church affair, ah wa a mmbr of th lsaeue of tht Sacred Heart. Cathdral of th Madelelna. . -OBITUARIES- Ernest Quayle Funeral atrvlctt for Ernaat Quay., 70, 478 Third avnua retired St, Anthony, Idaho, taryatr aad atoi-kralar. who died Wednaadar after a long Mliiea at hU horn, will h conducted Saturday at 2: JO p. m. In tha Evan A Early gaortuarv.. Burial wUI b m City cmtry. u Mr. Ouayla wat bora la hail Lak CMy November 1 1888, 1 m 8 Thorn a a and Ha rah Partington Quay.. In 1HK4 h oln) hit brother, la latt Henry Quayl. " wa 4m a en Hw ah pralalw; bulna tn Utah and Wyomtng. In 180I, Mr. Quay It purrhaatl S ranch on Egln bench, near St. Anthony. wnr he tngaged In farming and atockraiatng with a partner, Em (I Booth. He waa active In tht vekpmeui f IriigatMi. km that rtglon. Surviving ara bit tries, Mra. Julia Young Quayle, and 'h following aon and daughter: Stanley and Toe Heury du.yle. SL Anthony; Pat Quayle and Mra. Ilia Pearaon. Lot Angclee, Slain Quayl. San Bernardino, Cal. ; Mra. Sarah Q. Terry, Whit tier. Cal.: Mra. Ida Snarr, San Pran-ctaco. Pran-ctaco. Cal.: Mra. Perala Ooodabcad. Palo Alto, Cal.; Ted Quayle, Ontario, Cel.; Julian, Ju-lian, tjuayl aad Pete Quayle, halt Lak City, and Mr. Anath Faulknr, Wnoda Croat; a elifer, Mra. Ella Q. Van Cot l, halt Lak City: two brother. Bert La Roy Quay., Ely, Ntv., and Charlet Quaylt, Oahiand. Cal. and 15 grandchildren. iirwvni, are in re tttra. aiarjone Carroll. Rtnn, Nev.; Nora Carroll. 811 Lak City, and Mr. Anna Sellar. Bo He. i Mann; three brother. John Carroll. Den Motnea, Iowa; Richard Carroll, Reno, and Franc la Kraytnhuhl. halt Laka City. Mary Skelton H. Eddy Mary Skelton Haiightnn F.ddy, 82. a former for-mer realdciit of Brlgham, died at her home In Phoenix, Aria., t 11:30 p. m. Ttieaday of a heart attack. 8ht wa th wift of Daniel Dan-iel L. Kddy. protmlnant la Maaoah, clrclta ta Utah, Chira Simons Mr. Chlra Simon. T9, died at a local hnanlta) lata TiieaH.e af n,.mla Ua -i Seth A. Langton III Funeral ttrvtcea for Beth A. Lanaton III, It. who died m a local hospital Tit ad ay of tnlurtet Buffered Saturday in 8 toboggan amaahup near th mouth of Dry canyon, will a conducted Saturday at 1 p. m. lu tha F.vane a. Farly mortuary, 574 Eat Ftrit South trt. Interment will ha la th Salt Lak Memorial mauaolaum. H waa born In Salt Laka City November 22. 1917, a aon of Seth A. Lanaton II and Joan Roberta Lang ton. Mr. Langton, a tlnlveraily of Utah etudent. rld4 with hi paranta at 1400 Parry avenue. Paul F. Smith Paul F. Smith. TO, pkmeee cleaning- and dvetng tabllshmnt owucr In Salt Lake City. dtd at 8:18 a. m. Thurdy at hi reeManr. 741 Slgbtb IKaat trt, f a hart dtat. He waa born hi LHtla Vtllty, K T.. Auguat 31. 1888, a aon of Mr. and Mr. Paul Smith. M ram to Salt Lakt Clly1 SO yeara ago and founded th old Salt Lake Cleaning and Dyeing company, first talab-M talab-M ah meiit ef It kind Tn Salt 1-ak Cltv. Ten yean later h began th Pioneer Cleaning gnd Dyeing rompany. which h owned ana operated until th tlmt of hta death. , Surviving art a ton. Paul Smith. San Jo, Cat.' a ttp-daughtr, Mrs. Roland Lee, Salt Lak City; seven grandchild rt, and thraa aittcra In tha teal. dene wat 382 Third Ratt street. Funeral aervicet were held Thuraday. with Rabbi J. K. Krtkateta officiating. William Isaac Hargis BRIGHAM CITT William Isaac Hargl 88. of North Wlllard, died at a local ho-pltal ho-pltal Tuesday at 8:40 p. m. of a heart ailment following an llln of thraa wka. Barbara Weeks VFRNAL Barbara Week, daughter of William tnd Donna Brick aon Wttkt. died at 1 :30 p. nv Tuesday of crmip. Sh waa born March S, 18.1.1, at Vernal Funeral ervtces were conducted Thursday, Thurs-day, undtr tha dlraetloa of Biahop Pool ha Caldtr. Charles Peel i MT. PLEASANT Churl Peel 18. a ton of O. Frd and Johannah Olaon Pl, died Tuesdsy alghl. following a lingering aeaa of kidney and heart ailment. Funeral Mi-vice will b eonduettd) Saturday Sat-urday at 3 a. m. tn th South L. D. S. ward chapel, with Biahop a. L. Petersen officiating. Interment will ba In the rlty cemetery, under tht dlraetloa. off tha Harris aortuary. William H. Kilpatrick' Funra1 atrvteea for William H. Xtt-pa Xtt-pa trick, vie praldnt and general manager of th Chrvsler Motor Part corporation of Detroit and former Salt Laka Clly resident, resi-dent, will b conducted In tha Hamilton funral chapel In Detroit Mnndav, th family Mr. Kllpa trick died In San Francisco Tuesday of a hrart ailmnt. H had bn ill In California a year, having Buffered a heart attack shortly after hie arrival (her. Whll a ridnl of Salt Lakt City ht waa tmploytd for a tlm In tha Denver e. Rio Uraiine western Railroad company , shop with Walter P. Chrysler and C. B Hawlty, Salt Lak City busUi men. H waa later associated with Mr. Chrysler whan tht latter entered tha automobU manufac luring bualneaa. Rose Virginia B. Kirkwood PROVO Rose Virginia Brown Kirkwood. 23, wlf f Bert L. Kirkwood. died Wednesday Wed-nesday at tha family horn, 5J North Sixth Weat i reet, of pneumonia, follow in g a abort lllnes. Mr. Kirkwood waa born April 1. 1913. la Tooele, th daughter of W. B. and Ruby L. Snyder Brown. When a amall girl her family moved to Park CHy, where she received re-ceived her duratlon. Sh wa married to Ifr M irk WYWaea at i-tr fit ..lw 1 inn Nick Bonome rtlrh aWHMMna, AS, roe 33 years a reetrlent nf Self Lake Cltv. died tn I,oe Atigele. January f of a heart altars, according t. word reralveri here Wedneadav. He wss sorn In Tyrol. Austria. January 1. IS... and rams to Ihe United Stales 4.1) yeara ago. settling In Leedvtlle, Colo., where he lived for 11 years kef or. removing ta Salt Lak. City. H. Is survives! h his widow. Matilda: two sons, taonte and Nlrk Jr.; a daughter. Linda, and two grandchildren, all of Los Angeles: three sisters, Mrs. M. Bertagnole, Salt Laha City: a sister In Munlrh. Germany, Ger-many, sod a alstsr In Tyrol. Funeral service, ser-vice, wer. held m Lo. Angela. Weaneasar. They movaa la Frovo and raldd jUr alitoe. Diirvlvlng, beatdea her husband, ar her mother, who reitdea In Tooele: a ft-week-old dauphter. Florence Roberta Klrttwood. and a hrother. ),kvd Rrown. Park Cltv. Faieral aervtrea wilt h rondurted Frt-dv Frt-dv al 1 :.10 p. m. In th Fmvo U D. . Third ward ehapel. Burial will ba ta th , Provo city burial park. Sarah Annie H. Thurgood , FROVO Mra. Sarah Annta Hamaon Thursimd. aa. wtf of William Thurcuod. died Tuaday at th family horn. T77 South Wt Tempi. Salt Lake City, of a ccrabral Mmorrhac. Sh waa born March Iff. 1AT4. In Provo. a daughter of William and Ann! K. Kll-bourn Kll-bourn Harrleun. Sh received hr eduradoii In tha erhoola ot tht city and had resided her practically bar ntlr Ufa until alx month ago. when ah moved lo Sail Lake City with hat huaband. Surviving, baai.de hr husband, ara a aon and I wo daughter. Hbr William Thurgood, Salt Lak City; Mr. Vert a Bad-ham. Bad-ham. Payaon. and Mr. Mlba Daniels. Fauat; two grandchildren: a brother and ihrea alstra. Walter Harrlaon, Pocatllo. Ittaho Mra. Mary Redman, Kureka: Mr. batlM Klllaoa and Mra k-lfla araham, Prou. Lucien Hammoa Belnap 0llKN Mrs. Lucien Hsmtpum i,lnap, 114. pHMtver resident of Weber county, Uiel WMtwesilav morn lug at her boma, Jt'J9 Thirty -fourth sirt. of atlmeot Utculanl to age. FMneral acnle wHI b hM Friday at 1 fv m In lb First ward r ha pel. with ( Rtahop M P. Fo of lh Twnt'-aconl jwara hi charga. James Christian Reich ert lame Christian Rek-bert. 4-month-old aon of Julius C. and Donna Hanson Rtchrt. 330 Harvard Svaaua, SK4 Monday hi a ecal hoapltaL aid bis parent, tha ehlM la aurvtvd bv slater. Mary Loul; hi grandmother. Mra. EilsabMb Rale hart, and hla other grandparents. Mr. and Mra. Alma (X Haa-aaa, Haa-aaa, all o halt Laka City. David Charlea Burn David Chart Bum of 1117 Twenty-third Twenty-third East street died at a local hospiial Tuesday. H was born August 27. IHhL Im Wyanlotts count t, Kansas, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Oavtd Burn. He had been a resident resi-dent of Salt Leak City 23 yeara. blng oa-pktvd oa-pktvd a an aiitomoblt mechanic. He la survived by his widow. Mlnnls Net-cm Net-cm Burn: two daughter. Marian and Barbara, and three eon a, David Jr.. Jam and Bobbt Bum, all of San lUak City. Fiwieral rvtce will M ronduetecl Fri-dav Fri-dav nivw In the Nell CDonmtU morttiarv. 171 Eat First South atraat. by Bishop .trveerth E. Kiar of parley's L. T P. ward, lutrant wUI ba ht th City aaaaatary. Mary Pierson Thompson Mra. Marv Ptrtwa Twaanaana, wtavw of Ntela TVrmpaoa and long ridnt of Utah, died Tuaday at b a. m. Im Paaadana, Cal., of paaumonta. aceordlag ta word received re-ceived by relailv her. Rha wa born m IwedM Jut 14. 1 7 , Elizabeth Miller Conklin OODICN Funeral service fnr Mrs. Fllaa-betk Fllaa-betk Miller Conklin, 7g. wtdnw nf Thnmaa K. Conklin, who died Tueartsy afternntNi at a local hospital, wr hedl Thurslay at 1 30 p. m. at tha ehapel of Klrkendall-DaHtng Klrkendall-DaHtng asortuary. The Rev. William H Fowl of tha Flrat Baptist church wtli ha la charga. Thomas .Allen Taylor ODIN Thomaa A Ilea Taylor. 4S. af th La Franta apartments, died Wednesday morning of a heart aitaeh. For tha laat 1.1 year be had been employed a a eaddl-aaakar eaddl-aaakar ai tha J. O. Read A Brothers plant. Hendrijke Aardema OODKN PujtI aenneo for Mra Ren-alike Ren-alike Aardama. who died Tuesday, will ba bald Friday at 3 p. m. la th Ocrtea U O. S. Third .ard chapel, with Biahop Myron B. Rk-hardaon In charga. Burial will b ta ttcden city eeaaeterv. aitder tha airaatlom wf Uadajum A Soua asortuary. Clara Lillian Garner fXiniCN Funeral servtre for Clara IM-Han IM-Han tlaruar will be held Sunday at 2 p. m. In the I- D. S. Fourteenth ward chapel, with Rtahop Thomaa Parker Jr. In charge. Burial will b n Mt. Ogrten Memorial park, undar tha dlraetloa af tha Ml Ogdea aortuary. Dewey F. Adams ! PLEASANT tJROVE Funeral aervtrea fnr Dewey P. Adsma. 21. wha 4td at hi horn her Tuesday mornlna. will he ron-ductad ron-ductad Prlday at 1 p m. la tha Timpanoaua U D. M. tak tab rear le Mr. Adams, a aon of Benjamin F. and Marearat Adamaon Adama, died Tuaaday at T 45 a. m . followlns a tw mooLaa' U-aaaa U-aaaa al tftMumatta fever. Robert Edward Knight FARE CITT Puoeral mrvtcaa tor Kob-rt Kob-rt Edward Knlcht, 11. aon ot Henry and Verm Lord Kniot, who died hi a local hoepttal Sunday. wiH to held Thuraday at 1 m. tn Use Park City First L D. 1 ward. Blseoe Jo . Holla-Kla wUI afO-ctata. afO-ctata. 1 Annette Filmore CHERRY CRKEK. ftev., Jan. 11 Pn-rl Pn-rl sarvtee were eoodaetad Mocxlay af-tenNKNi af-tenNKNi in Cherry Creek lor Mra Annette Pi l more. S7, White Pin county pMer, who died at her horn Saturday. Mrs. Pl. wer. with her late husband, had bee a r ld-.t of Charrv Creek 50 vesrs, Swrvlvtnc ar a daughter. Mra. A ttre ?'"v aad aaa. M. U FUmora. CWrry . |