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Show Life Closes . . . . s I U. HAJiBY MADSEN , Active Career. Ends DEATH CLAIMS BUSINESS MAN H. Harry Madsen Is Pneumonia Victim ' H. Harry Madsen, 51, prominent Salt Lake City business man, club member and wall known for charities, chari-ties, died at a local hospital at 13:25 p. m. Thursday of pneumonia. He was taken to ths hospital Wsdnesday night, after an attack of Influenza developed complications. complica-tions. Mr. Madsen, who was secretary of the P. W. Madsen Furnlturs company, com-pany, was perhsps best known for bis club and lodge affiliations. He belonged to several organisations and had held office in virtually all of them. His charities were numerous and ths kindly business man contributed (Continues en pees Sevan ) (Column Five) DEATH CLAIMS BUSINESS MAN (CaaUaaaS (reel rase Ooa) widely la his quiet, unassuming wsy. Mr. Madsen was born In Salt Laka City October 30, 1888, a aon of tha late P. W. Madsen and Ellas C Madsen. His parents, natives of Denmark, were married in tha old Salt Laka Endowment house. Attending public schools hers, he was editor of the old Bryant junior high school newspaper and captain of tha 8ixth East Buckers, the school football team. His first employment was in his father's furniture store and at ths Utah Stove and Hardware company. As a youth, he served six years In the Utah national guard. In he began a sO-month mission for the L. D. 8. church to Denmark. Upon returning, he became president presi-dent of the Scandinavian Mutual Improvement associatidh of the Third ward and beaded ths organisation's organ-isation's charity committee. Later he became chairman of the entertainment committee and a member of the Richards ward finance fi-nance committee. Mr. Madsen was a life member of the Loyal Order of Moose and a past dictator of the Salt Lake lodge No. 2S. Hs was a member of the Mooaeheart Legion of the World and president of the fellowship degree de-gree of Moose. He had served as worthy president presi-dent of Salt Lake serie, No. 67, Fraternal Fra-ternal Order .of Eagles, and was a five-year trustee of Salt Lake lodge No. ss, B. P. O. E. He was a member mem-ber of the Country club, chamber of commerce, Business Men's Alliance, Alli-ance, Belt Lake nest No. 109, Fraternal Fra-ternal Order of Orioles; Apollo lodge No. 287. Danish brotherhood; Salt Leke camp No. 338, Woodmen of the World; Salt Lake camp No. 1, Pacific Woodmen. He also belonged to the Inter-mountain Inter-mountain Furniture association. Mr. Madsen is survived by Ills widow, Mrs. Dora Godfrey Madsen; a daughter. Miss Ellse Christine Madsen, and the following brothers and sisters: R. W. Madsen. E. W. Madsen, V. R. Madsen and Mrs. O. R. Meredith Jr.. all of Salt Lake City: Mre. Laura M Hardy and Mrs. Louise M. Lund, both of Los Angeles. |