Show PIONEER MONUMENT A List From Mloemlllt Beam Coooly torn > unir MLUN niotmm flit Nunurou iililrltli of Ltih Hut Oalj rirllall Ituuooded lathe la-the 1 CAIIII HIOM 7HB murr IHUIIDKNCV Hill l kn Cltr Jn Ibl Nolle li I hotiby l en Ib1 call tullcni In lh nionumenl la la eiectoJ In Hull Ja Cllr In rntraory o lllljtlum Young and tin floneiii will IiertiMir and until further uollcf In acknowlcdgod through lha oolumni ol Hi DIJIIMIT Nk II Uoioclod IhilaKouolos lot lha oollictlonot funds lor thli worthy iiurpoin will U I eilab lltliej In etch win In 1 th Htakei and thai 1 said funJ with lb till I will U fori nimnot UK ronltlbutotf wil L warded Mfriiuontlyai oonToulnt lo wI < rIUnl 11Let M Welle itclilaryuf Ititllilc biro YOUDK Manorial AteoclillonHilt IikoCII who will i < IliiUimite iroteily acknowledged In the manner Hatea W nrnril bop thm lh < > icotlo will letiioad gauerouily audI aud-I rotally lo Ibis call so thai If puiilbla Iho monument may bo oompMttl dedicate I and uuTilleil lo tho public by Ibo Ulb day of nfilOctobtr lltoHli WoomtUir UIHKUI < I CANXUN Juan K hiimi Klnt Ifeildency of the Church ol Jtiui Chrlt of Latinday Halnli |