Show Uccclmns pills arc for biliousness bilious-ness bilious headache dyspepsia dyspep-sia heartburn torpid lierdiz ziness sick lnndidicbnd taste in the mouth coated tongue loss of appuitesallow skinetc when caused b > constipation and constipation is the most frequent cause of all I o them Go by the book Pills lot and s5Q a box Hook Jut nt oui druggist or write II F 1 Allen Co JG5 Canal St New York YYII W 1 1U 011 nYl e4 111111111 1110x11 OIlIN 11etlla tlr 11 It I O 150 Anwe Lr a Lull Bat L le tllIUlloI I liYrIeld sal Look 7 II a in i M 0 In It 1 1 p In I cal µ I III I u m 10 ii > J I I III ono Vill l I µ u I r1lO µ t1u 114111 1 Uolly t olIIiUlluo Mulo I Y III 01115010 Ivory alloriioon und evening Dejior loriu I lIrat I rtJiiih an I 1 mirth Weti Far I fur nun I Irlp til tenli I IIly lick I ulUci COI Main Hirrrt II I N IlLllllV 1 Oen Act lur VII A I i Dont i Hobble l I Arnun 1 In stitT hoc I I full cf tacks niul nails v hin you call II = i I Buy a Pair I i of GOODYEAR j WELT SHOES = And enjoy n tramp i I in com rt The only i soft il I tb1v easy slioct or 2 Goodyear Welt sltoesl ASK YOUR i IIF SHOE I NAND tAM Ceadyrar Well 1e ltATDrR SDOU I I rot nlbor r AM IIMO UIC recently Mr J U I Ihomai of North Dakota vllted Ills hoolth Valley Virginia and after carefully namlnlng the country bcaltit ID I Wlncht Her h write to Air V Illch II till Land and Immigration Agent lUHIniot IL Ohio Itallruad llelllmore MaryliuJ at follower I have Iwn In nearly every 1le and territory nf lh > UnltoIHlitM and am Irank horny opinion that Ibti valley iiirrauei all other lecllone In the Union flu Until tie low In filer old plodur irclllaU crop thank you for ill reeling mo hut and lullrll Itioia inkIng ink-Ing rletianl and rofllabl < I liomit to locale In hula wuntry unruaI nri ii IIIAIMI Fnh fey 11 lobs Ie 0Irtl fM 00th In lit l fill Uke UiiItM I I IlirOelJ 1 Solt I ike it o > m M 0 in HJ p in 1 M Km IQ tu a in in li in I t m u m 4 w p m I M J I n nt I 10 I P ra I M JT m LWl1m 0101 ie dWpIw I H V m 11117 txccniMiiiilay Muvlc by Ulirut ircbrilra nor fitlltoon and f enltij Dipol corn cor-n r J FIt Houlli I and Fourth UI Tare for round lrli 6fI I cnU Cloy llcktUINcr SOI MIn Hired t > J llimiK lInl Agl 11 1pt I Who tMhy woo Mel wo uM tr C tt Aria Wha N o woe a CNU ilH irM 1 for l rood < Viomlw 1emmlMee alo t In I IMoM Who 1M1 lloWpllwal iiudurla a PEClol I1111011190 rr 1110 I nl irlrlr Jun l7lli the Union Iorlflo will tall rsriidlou llckfli a > nllown Oiuah founrll llluir Noon Cllyrilouo I Sly f woo 6t Ixiiil I 97 M ChlKO 4LW Ticket will lo gooJ lot return uulll HailrmlirSth Clljr rirkl inir SOI Main HI Tits direct Ilixto Kaman Lllr Ht Lout and Atlantis Maboard li I via Hi Mlioutl 1aclflo hallway from rutklo Through iltaclUK and obalr ran sod all connection mad In UnlouUt < > ttln lbs day tom If you art rlnl > ni and car for a daylight lid throuin tba grandeit > cuerj of ha nook Mouutalnt rn rout > M that your tlckt lead tit I MIourl echo Hallway Elegant Chair can poilliTilj frt to holder of ruulir 1 rain tlokau H V DlllKill C P A IA il Idorlan Block Hall Ik City Chill lam llnlmint allay turn loitlllM li > ared at t UoJba Mil Ulur Hlol L1rla l0 1 Jon Inll JUII 9UIb oh 1 1111 1111 On abut Oslo Unloa 1aoino will mil round trip lIcKtla to Iron at IPO 1 good for return uhtll Jun Clod RETTUB Hat lulttr in ctnti i > ound ilx I for 100 l at lUruriHardy Co I lIu1 ell your Inediclasa at < bilk flit Drull CO I AMItSKMKMH I UttK 1i ItilNNISU e e s June 10 J S La11g11 N TIII t ti 1zs vIih Or > > J31A CO Inn magnificent production of TAR ANn TARTAR Spnul SIC norY Gurtcotn Costumes < 1 ikei joe and sjc Mntlnie every Saturday adiuUtlo 35 iiveningn s I 0 Matinee J 30 j ONDERLAND THEATER = ukol HIM 17 naalns IarJheails Conrlslili 11 I r nulern lrr nairo rbinctrr na npp rur Ii 111 hurwn Uc 1 In du 7 1010 c ear r 01 1 elOttl L I 7 r1 u u t urv h0l r lu larnll d Ya 01ra as ktint 01 Ibolol 100110 1111 IRIcrllountalo Electric Co 1 111115 hooter i 010 11 0 u01ao snd term Pill 0101010 Ilell 1 LcAOJcent UJ Knit Klnl Sotilh Sorrel Suit luke CIII tttb H A LJ I I We eAro All ii Summer Warmth Outings Travel Pic Hies Park Canyon Lake and Home Cooking Assorted Portable Foods are the Rage Being Firstclass Economical and Always Ready I 1 Z O GJVI 1 O 1 Carries an Immense Stook of I STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES PROVISIONS And everything that a family needs for the table Or for outdoor enjoyment Call and see the stock a I T G WEBBER Supt I yy YO nnT to nr 1TIInffTTnli i I rni 400 Pantsl W 001J 1 I 1 ° ANTED V Mndo to ordor torn choapor thnn any Eastern Goods 1 I Tho cloth Is Provo slid Dosorot Wcolon Mills mnko Suits Made to I nnd our tailors mnko thorn up HO that If you buy n pair all tho monoy is kopt at homo Order From I Wo koop a full alack or roadymado clothing a 15OO Up JOHN C CUTLER o TAILORS 1 TRIMMINGS BROTHERSa Wholesale v C in o a Wholesale I Agents 36 Main Street Salt Lake City and Retail I WANrrlm rATKII lltltl I roll COOK AMI 1 > ttoeiil houiwott at 400 lultClm NI l TVIilY INK 10 kSl THAT WI AltK JU burmc mil kolhoff moro new tn4 ierno4 lnUiHio irr Qlhrlioullll i Ul weal kl Woliler IIO Mi ill stale fU 7 AHU 1It Will UIIIII rILl lilt Ij now KU eaa 0117 m1 11 JJJJi 1117 a roar eon IMr 1 10010 Vernn I fleet llVlr < rri liit < mjil tlTleioi Worn d lu a a1 110011 o Joliet II TlULAIir OIla OKNTIIU1XTU VAnTIU1a11Y 0a11y 11001 wilt 1r to laarl n 1 1100 permeel 1 101111 N1w7 fu rl a fi l111 1r 11ar1 07 111101 01i00011rot I La104 li J J AVC traps VL tole uiiooi lompy e07rd OItEASg All rle11d I wort lbrr ruhiiiii r i lI > TitEiT TI I n IIOXK so 171 LOOK HCflEI I 11 ISt I AlUir HUM DIM Fee IITU 1111 n0 1101811 toolit no I VI J Irlon Iwirilitoum > oJ lrc nauel ilniti ruriile eltip An II ly loll IMiwl Unlce THE UTAII JUNK HOUSt lir > 11111101 Ta n 01e11111110411111lC i r d 1 lode 01 110ttte U M Ill rumu 5011101 MONEY TO LOAN > A IIjAI IMIIV I IIIAI KSTATE nUCllo 1 > Uulhl a 4 oil unnor II lon at nontble rata lijlcr llniiVa 141111 etna IIoAS 0517 I lIY UWS IUSIT 11I011 1 t n ooo 11 0 0 dolly n Ile1 tern ComV17 w 11111 I wlrb gU no lart Varll to rnfn 0111 lour 11111 LYewOH 4111rho MleUlM lota will bt wim oie luji > ilu l lh alloa alloaRUSSEL L TRACY 1 OiDilOComtmrcul 111011 I TERRITORIAL CERTIFICATES AND WATER SCRIP lloughl mid Mil ty H DAMDCRGCR 11 U Fir t lIlIh McCornlck lllook fOil HEN I NFH TEN llllul IIKICk 1101 UK I 0ITE A 011th 11 moAru eoa11ollrk P Ie i reu nnhle So 11 II llrt Cola S F BALL TEMPLE CAFE 16 MAIN STREET I or Cakes Cmdis tread etc loumti Lunches and Sandwich ilol Lunch u till FRED Je MAY Ihtopcnitln Meat MurUcl it No H t liual 1 1 110 1 South Street and Kill I be leased touallcn I Ills Iricnd mid the I enuai public with a holce selection of prune meals al totioiii ilcet 1 Free Delivery IUOFESSIONAL = liltllllilKUllllllllIK Attornoys at Law ItcennMI loKU MoCurnlrk IIInok 411 II illUHU Attornoy at Law Inomt UllolOdConnliullonlUIMInr lop y I M 1 11 ALEX MCMASTER Attorney atLaw llooint 4311 I 114 H Commercial lllCHlt It I 1111t11lll El Tll111115 I Attornoya at Law ar d Land Attornoys 1111 I > McComlck Illock Salt Lake tllv 1 111111115 lATcST 0771154CC I r r Hr tO a I a Inl I oa Ia11lol alalt r o I14 set modI t0 Of4e Uinta I1 Solo II hall Lt Clu 01 M UHOXI Dontlst llcnmi 4CC1 Conmillion 11011111111 Mile E 1 31 1 KEYSOII Dontlst Room a and t hcollAuerbach Duilcl lug lloor l6j Main bl 111I J TIIOJIHI burgoon Dent at I MMilnM Anailhellc Adiilnlilerttl Chicago Denial Parlors Can 011111 Nllb out Ialn1r III 01 hrtnl t rol lor Irfll 401 lira I welt1 LiMiia tml r BiVi r nod crown Aul Ui rrnwo UUI 0014 UIII 1100 0 r eOOI All wak t pro 0 I oltd IH Stale 0111 I t tell La lIIT McMAHANS S Dotoctlvo Agency M Cut rhlrtt South Mriml lloom Tel lurid IIUxL lalt hobo Clly 1fIlloM 1 J JIuMAlUS I Supt WISCOMB COMPANY 1 Menlo Pnnoy nnd Ooen 0001 1 all EantFlr1 0011 AtrenI SPE1tY lclloil TAILOR Room 803 CONSTITUTION BUILDINO CONIrlsl f STJJfMEll TIME Ilrlngt hot weather and IU adttnt II i the call lo draw A allow hal i > for the head what Ice U I fur moa a cooler Our new roller brims are the coolest unit Iianilianic9l productions ever armo In itrau fho beauty ol our h lob < s their tlupe and the mitcrUI There l big ilillcrcnco In hall and the dflcr once U all In fivor uf ours which are mado from fine cooili One of our hats will look as new at the end of ite icnon as al thin beginning and that makes It cheap ONE PRICE I J P Gardner 136138 Main Street 0 I y1P Ts I J3ESr SIXCORD Spool Cotton |