Show ItSMMI I III 1111 IIUIIM According lobrecderi generally the bikeand the trolley car have Joel about conitted the detlructlou if 111 industry ol railing for power I Hales I lute IIIn cfl lnyoud all pre 1 vlout reiorli the demand It I at a minimum and prloi are ID low at to bn deeme I limply vulgar Ol courie I lew rich people ollll drlv team and carrlinei and farmere and relnhleri Interior and tbluly leltlcd lectloni till uielnnei for Held and road work Hut Iho great market for urvlceaule > l anlmiU which wan crtaled ly Ibe nerdi of heel tar uonij aulei U I utterly ruined he llveryilahle roprltton hat already mare itock than aru Ilio Iy for hy an i grain cjruuineJ and the great mlJillo olaii ii nil In Iho uobleit of iuadrtili no profit or Ilea01t which Iho spent wheel ol itutl or Ibu mighty eliclrlo car cannot iup ly I llderly reader will nu doubt remember re-member hit wills the IntroJucllon of rallroadi tlility forty or lilly yearn ito great dreaj wut etileilalnud ai totboextlugulnlimeut and future uie ImctM Uiu iUlnt > Truly hli Arid ol rufltalilaoiratloiiaeared lo be materially uarruwvJ Iiy llo advent of lull 0cIIJ IroDbrutuer Vtt ho woe not dnvin rnttruly out ol builueii on Ibe contrary new atht of emphy Mont went bpnud mid elncv that time loll 111000 ktreuKlh and iptuJ htvu ui4 In him more than eels the com an toll uud ImneUotor of linn Ho what Ibo hllUIO lIIy havu lu itore for him mint not ho regarded ai an allogelhor hopeless unit and If everything olo falls ul > al peamncii on thu table > eem rotiilln < unougn ran prrju ditto IDln1 hone niml li rapidly UU IIIIIOK In Amerlct nt U 1 liai Blrvid ilillrcly dlmipiared In tranoa an I lermauy and U I IMt 1 going III Borland 1 On Hip Koro 01 cleaiillnni and nulrl lliiiinon Iliti Huh if a wrlllt i bole liMld I tu be 1 far unollir lo liunj allivr HilDkt tint mtnktnil rate while ill irko li 1 atrjugly lu He favor at conl uriHl whh othtr meat IfjJuoli rhu uloIe rslolog of horiti for Ihu ibamblM clay Uoome within Ibe Lilt row roo ouool Kteateiiof Anuri can ItiJuitrU |