Show BABY HUMORS Instantly Hello cil Ad11 Ir jI And Speedily CurcJ Iy l < < l tit 1il1e MILS ALL lLSU PAILS AH I In nliCUIICUIJASOAl and a Sltllle In > 110 ul I GUI IGUIfA lire gnu iml II uTurd Instjiu Sep lid Se-p slit nM ant k 1 point tot srecJy iitomlcil iiul 1 cin anrnt cit nf Hie nest illstrtsuv ul I i ailni ant I IurnlriK skin and scalp di ess alter all other method bUr I bU-r rf rThI I Tho Perfumo of Violets rlimirllyof IJiellly lli3 lo or Iherou mil Iho buli or Hot cguUu a lu < io > i > I r 0 jr i A JI l1oul1tain rd of Dishes COllrmllt lie ntrrgn llott4e n wife nftcrall lb 1 fesniiyltaoedin i I 1 Tltnv I nr I too mill lianl io i t iuliv its m wih or hiurv I snap unit i water A gait fatty tfiiiUKhlCul sits ii has li 1 oind tlu I the lust caskt uuJ quickest uiy In wants dishes U to use GOLD DUST I Washing Powder Tin the dish war It acts like imtip cult the Krca c nndj j tnnkct the dishes rAir All il < stag h i ituik1 iiir by fits a great clcniir It thesis luuIh it t tu > Usloflt asc for large I > i agi tul1 I tsp all KI1J is TH N K FAIRBANK COMPANY II 101 c low 5 a 1 1 5 1 a Sn Feasnn l = iW HHflPFrI r m m M M 4fe > A V Sue Jk Tl WA Jf VK bralthi V nt 5 ppvgrow IP check 11 let tutu I rc < l uu Iliar Uix > inrMi I Ktnihcalili Ok IKV I > temp tutirc ilnnk 0 N ihouldbckl severs bernie lh Jf 1 > J It i I Il inl I tight c ymcttil fru I I faintly fioui On b anits I n nMiul I I i n thirst tatisrytny bciltdgo for enlIsts is I MM llilictim < M riling y Loan and nigUt > i the ium < fln S R b Tn Cn Hit Co POlndon r Osing lo summon rtqjtiti Mr bhclmerJine IIM conirntcil to sa ritige part of bit xaciitlon and truism in Sail Lake during June a n Hint host who hae been unabe to In I fittcil slits K > Sin S-in tan avail llunwcUc ol hu skill llaiiii I that do not fit arc ilcar at any price whether Ihcy losililly term or live tlollan ropcrly I fitted glasses will IcnKlhen I I the liSts and 1Il of the I ees by rcmovlne all strain 1r II g o and HO him II toe Iu arc not llRlit lie los gosh Such ulhcr il tamfacilon that you ulll not nuke a nilitnkc in calling and having a talk uilh him iniincdlatel > The foltoulni arc a few prominent people of the many that have boon bone tilted by Urbhelmertllnes antis KIIAS MORRIS 21 West South Temple A II WOOnKUIT lholele de parlmeni Z C M I 1 GiOUOi urVNOIDS iccrttary to the preildcncv Mormon church JOHN NICHOLSON O O IIYWATKK tipermtcndenl machinery bait Lake IVniplc CIIAKLHS W1LCKKN city uatcr mailer N A KMITV fire and police com miatlonrr of the hrm ol Clark Il OieiUe in Co ISAAC 1IAKTON Buttons 5u Co ltSip i TAYLOR the under tattr H G IcolIlCI > pastor 1lcaLylor last chulch THOMAS MUNTYKI grocery ala pailmint Z C M I I J V SHirilK the pholoRraphcr Ksanilniilloii Krro DR SHELMERDINE Olllce hours II lo n tcoltAutrbnli llulldlnz 1112 Jluln Street NEW EDITION OF THE LATTERDAY SAINTS o > = t1 YMN BOOK roALc DEsm News Publ COI PniCCSi 350 TO 185 GRAEF EPrOERG PillS CURE HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION Act Mildly but Suroly GRAEFENBERG CA THOLl CON Cure Wuiknoss Norvoiianu Gonoral Debility anal all forma of FEMALE COMPLAINTS An Infalllblo rcinody for tho Dlstrosang Dluoasos j To which worn on aru aubjoct SI hI I hr nruccl I nu < l Vliol nn and Ko all lij I I M I Suit LuU CIty I Graefenberg Company ui Chambers St N Y MaKe fiYOur r0 I 11 A LHr Wants I j Known E It WILL PAt IOU 10 DO It l CASH UNCLAIMED JUDGE CHAS WSTAVNTR hal toe many years been tecur lag a record of pcrioni entitled io money in Disbud and other hans 01 the lorld He can now supply valuable prellmnary in 10llnallun biorretpomlcnceon thIs subject on rectlpl of ONE DOLLAR A lull examination 101 each name iI 1 I Vi > DOLLARS Fur an entire laimly 1 1LN I DOLLARS Ills charge for ajvcrliicmenli I and collectioni are moderate Slilctly confidential and reliable relia-ble Adders G W I STAYNER ATTORNrYATLAW ball Lake Clly Ulah Send I O Order bumps taken lor sunis of Jiou CHURCH BLANKS lrlsihesl I snit lor isct st TJ DESERET NEWS OFFICE MALT iAm City aUn hyped an por dna 11d Ituporli II I i Uf hotiolv lei rt < la II Iuuinusry I Aoutsttsn llt < i TO II h I 5115 I I llxp u i M I it 1 A hief oct SVj r I iiLiaCnllniuio j I ehyK 7 HOIIIIlh book uW1 MSI I ilmiry mlAliiii 11011 out Itfcori t hook elan 1 I I St I I 5 II Ii all Horolll lIook I It 1 I Ir II I qr f uo It n I 101110 nlo I or < lo I w III < Ul < 1o Iu ur R < 1 I THOMMS 26 28 30 32 East First South Stroot Salt Lake City I GREAT I CLEARANCE i 1 I SALES I From Wednesday May 1st to May 15th l Two Weeks Two Weeks I 1 Save your dollars for it Come to town during j these days Remember the Dates i I I May 1st First Chta I May 2nd Second Choice May 3rd Third Choice May 5th Fourth Choice May Gth Fifth Choice May 7th Sixth Choice May 8th Seventh Choice May 9th Eighth Choice May 10th Ninth Choice May 11th Tenth Choice j I May 13th Eleventh Choice I May 14th Twolfth Choice I May 15th Last Choice j r u Wo nhatl tako tho Intnrvunlnp days goIng through tho stock and ninrklnc ovorythlnn down for this salo It will ombraco Hoods from ovory ilopnrtmont Morchandlso tins novor boon offorod as low aa prices wo shall nnmo nnd It will pay you to coma from all distances to attend this GREAT i I CLEARANCE I SALE Specialties Ladles Waists Boys Waists Ladles Wrapper Boys Pants I Ladles Capes Mens Ties Ladles Jackets Mens Suspenders I I Infants Cloaks Mens Shirts Infants Capes Mens Shoes Summer Knit Underwear Ladies Muslin Underwear Straw Hats for Boys and Girls Hosiery Gloves Ribbons Etc1 Etc 1 Ro 1 < THOMAS |