Show I I I i I I I I I JACKliNG TEllS OF FIRST TRIP ON ONi i HIS YACHT Coi Col D. D c. c Jackling managing director of the Utah Copper company compan arri arrived cd in the city at noon noon today toda- from San Francisco after nn an interesting and I somewhat exciting trip out mit of Seattle in his new yacht Cyprus in which he encountered R a terrific gale Reports of ofa a severe sovere coM cobi which Mr rr Jackling suffered suf- suf were exaggerated in transit to such an extent that his friends friends' here bere were given the tho impression that he had hadI pneumonia I I The I The rc report ort of my was exaggerated as Mark f rk Twain said concerning a report of hIS death many years ago I although h as a matter of fact I had a 8 I vicious cold The report originated from 8 a wireless s sent by ono one of my guest that I was was' ill of f cold on my mr lungs We hall had for forgotten otten that the wireless wireless wire wire- less som times I leaks and were surprised surprised sur- sur to hear it if when we return returned cd to Seattle Soon after leaving Seattle we bumped into a perfect hornets hornet's nest of wind iud The gale galo attained a velocity of se e seventy ty or seventy five miles an hour tIle the seas Beas were tremendous I wa waon on the tho bridge of the Cyprus in n. n seven seven- en- en mile ty gale and the ilie scene was the thel l most o t awe inspiring that one can imagine I Though I the seas rolled roBed hi high h and we were dri driven cn by this thia terrific wi the Cyprus rode like liko a sea lea bird She Shedid Shedid did not ship an ounce of rater vater and thou though h the deck doors were open no water came below The lifeboats D from the davits came through dry r as bones It is truly remarkable that so small a boat could bo be built t. t withstand such stich terrific Seas I am delighted with her performance and am wholly 01 h satisfied with her hor Cyprus did id not roll and not one or of my guests became seasick k though one or two of the creW felt the effect of the storm in hi that way We turned hack back in the heart of the gale rind and that feat of seamanship was was' done by the little boat in the tho most ratifying gratifying way I We I We turned back for Wo reasons On One was that m my col cold was fas really v very ry severe evere and I had jn in San Francisco that rc of nn an im- im nature We Te could not have arrived at San Francisco co in time for forme mile me to f fulfill those thoo eng engagements s so wo we turned back C Colonel Jackling does oes not nor knoW how howlong howlong long he will remain in in the city lb ma may be hero here ten days aj's or he mav may arrange ar ar- rali range e his business s so that I b he may remain through the holidays |