Show A PET PROVIDED WITH SILVER JOIN With an elbow joint of SIlVer I chilled steel a little P pct t San i is proving by y hi bi bi i that tho artificial union umon is 19 a j jays a writer in the December Str lie He is d demonstrating what hat is provo prove a tremendous discovery jn in that jOints harden and stiffened by disease disc can bo I by bj an operation that is u ii necessarily costly or dangerous T samo sort ort of operation has been pi formed with equal success upon a do dog and ancl in this ca case o the tho hind leg e l' l the tho animal was provided with a joint metal which appears to be as tor for the tho possessor as the one p pJ vi vided ed by nature In the near is planned to provide a human with this style of steel and silver pair and the tho perfecting of this devico i restore to usefulness many people w have absolutely 1 reason reason of acci ont or or disease Thare The arc various causes for this t partial rigidity of the joints joints' sec l rheumatism gout goot and and in extreme cases it has been sary to break a joint about material had nad deposited course it is only in cases after other othor methods metho s fail that it bo be necessary to perform this of removing the natural joint and andt tJ placing it with metal In the op upon animals it was wag found tb wIlen tendons on wore extended PT the muscles did their work as p as in a normal limb Rn and t joints responded with the tho natural once The rhe are aro capp with sockets which arc aro or silver a these arc aro joined to a 11 joint of ste The Tho inventor in l' l of this thill joint a San Sait co J Milton Francis Franci Clark ho 1 whose c eX t amOD among crippled worl men in a hospital led him to search for tl of relief |