Show Theres There's something doing all the time during the new show at the Empress Empress Em- Em press theatre this week neek Manager Chester Chester Ches- Ches ter Sutton otters offers a a. bill which has a real punch to It Every act is an enter enter- tinning one and not during the program program pro pro- gram Is there thero a a. tiresome moment The headliner thIs week is Cupids Syndicate with the ever pOPular AndreW Andre Tombes furnishing the comedy There Thora Is not much ot of a a. plot to the tho act but the tho comedy Is wholesome and clever cleyer Miriam 1 Carson who Combes has a 11 wonderful won won- voice and to her IS duo much cre credit lt In making the tho act go o big A chorus ChOlUS of eight pretty girls good singers erB an and excellent excellent excel excel- lent dancers put lots or of life uro Into tim act aeL Othello Outdone Is the title of ai an acts act by Clayton and Drow The Tho offering Is a modern travesty travest on Shakespeare and Is cleverly erly acted The act went equally a- a aJ good ns as Cupids CupId's SyndicateS SyndicateS' If Clarence formerly a a. member ot of the original cast of Is good goodin In a monologue lie Is an excellent storY storYteller teller toller and has a way of Putting his over that goes oes big with the tho audiences He Hc sings flings several songs In addition to the monologue Madolon Madalon Lear and Tom OBrien O'Brien are I singers and dancers and do a little skit that Is better than the average Both have havo good voices and the tho numbers they otTer are new Eunice Hello and Fred Snyder do n. n nov nov- city dance ance act They are graceful daneels daneel's dan dan- I eels eel's and offer the societY Texas lexas tango turk turkey e trot and others or of the rag arlet variety The moving pictures complete the bill S 4 Even the tho most blase censor of at vaude- vaude villo would find considerable to commend on the now bill at The Tho matinee found much to applaud applaud ap- ap plaud and so BO the tho show Is ot of pleasing cad cali- ber Back In town h Is Will Ill H. H Armstrong In his sketch The Express Express- man Ho and the tho sketch arc aro Just as welcome wel- wel como come as over ever As nn an Mr Armstrong makes makos a a. very ery funny trunk Juggler juggler Jug Jug- gler and no mistake As for tor the tho other members of his company any Miss Dorothy Dale Dala und arid Miss Ada Robertson are clever entertainers l who ho can dance sing to meet the requirements and anAl act er very well the tho amusing parts that are arc theIrs The Thc appear appear ap- ap pear as two vaudeville actresses In need of a partner Happens along the express express- s- s I man maa and he Is adopted lIe makes some sorno actor much to the delight of the girls The Tho act Is full ot of laughs and the tho Pan lan circuit Is to be congratulated for having ha roped It In Speaking Speaking- or of roping the Lowes who ho open the bill are perhaps the most expert manIpulators ot of the lariat ever to bo be sent ent her by Pantages and Cort The tricks Mr Lowe accomplishes with o of various sizes are aro remarkable an and p. p woman of the tho act Is also an unusually clever twirler ot of rope The act has a western setting and the Lowes carr carry out the illusion by appearing as cowboy and rl rI The Tho Terry troupe or of mad acroBats Is better than the tho average a aggregation of comedy tumblers Wh Why the they are styled d mad ma however Is open for debate The They did ld not appear a bit truculent yesterday I afternoon The troupe includes Include a tramp three clowns and a young bo boy who accomplishes accomplishes sonic some ot the most difficult feats tile the act provides The program does not stretch the truth trutha a lit bit b by describing the turn of Gene and Arthur as tin a dainty duo In and song meg TheY sing a number ot of catchy I I songs In good Food voice Miss liss Gene plays Playa the piano and some soma fairly clever chatter I is also allo put o out L A duet which the team sings s while doing a bit ot of on the tho ever convenient park bench Js Is the hit of the tho act Lamott brothers otter some somo mu musical corned comedy Some Somo ot of their stuff Is real come come- dy and Fame coma lt is nearly nearl- so They Thoy play a number of musical Instruments the bur bur- n I I lesque being provided h by a spindle legged Ic-cd proe professor sor wIth an oddly l shaped head hend The Tho movies are lite supplemented by TIlE EVENING ING TELEGRAMS TELEGRAM'S excellent views of the hunt for Lopez liS as well as the pIcture plc- plc ture of the Mexican which was waR printed ely l In TIlE TELEGRAM A. A S. S HArFIELD 4 The theatre notices are marked advertisement In order to comply coms with A strict Interpretation of ar arthe the new federl newspaper law In 10 no 50 seas ens are they PAI paid They ar an ShIm items furnished by the th pr pru alt of cC tho hI various SALT LAKE l LAKE Women enterS enterS' upon tIme the last 11 half hale ot of its enormously sue engagement at the tho Suit Salt Lake theatre the the- atre with tonight's performance The stage adoption ot of Louisa M M. Alcott's Immortal ira ira- mortal story tor will linger cr long In the mom mom- or ory No other play more thoroughly appeals appeals ap- ap peals to the s than thIs fascinating stor story of it 1 gentle family In New England moro more than fifty years eaIS ago aso or more tImer thor satisfied them and It fair to become as popular as the book Itself It teaches Its lesson In the most way and Is constantly fascinating and entertaining 4 4 4 U. r dancers at the Orpheum Orpheum Or- Or this week Fred Warren and genc Conic Conley shine Rhine resplendently It Is not only their nimble feet that command attention but also their good voices Time The sons songs the they have ha selected carry that snap and gln gInger er that are such Important factors actors In vau vaudeville entertainment and the bright ht flow of dialogue they have ha put together a adds ds to the worth of the act act- Mr 11 VarrelL War War- relL reit is IA n. n clean cut young man with plenty plent of pleasing personality and Miss onley Conley Is Isa isa a dainty and vivacious bit of lovable fern fem Together th they succeed In capturing cap cap- turing a hand han at ev every performance |