Show DUTY OF ROAD j TO FU FURNISH CARS WASHINGTON De Del DeC 4 Hopes l that the cost or of living might be redu reduced ed by free reo Importations of wheat flour and other wheat heat products from the great South American grain producer the Argentine Argentine Argentine Ar Ar- gentine Republic were ere dissipated yesterday yesterday yester yester- day when notices Were sent to collectors of ot customs that the retaliatory duty on wheat and its products must be enforced against against- Argentina and most of the tho other nations of the world Under the new tariff laws law wheat and Its products arc are to tobe tobe tobe be admitted free tree from countries which admit such products free freo from tho the United States Argentina Imposes a duty on semolina A product of M wheat and although both the he president and the c congress of ot that nation are understood here to favor a are re repeal repeal re- re peal of or this provision of or their tariff law suCh net action Ion has not been token taken On wheat the retaliatory duty will amount to a few cents a n bushel on flour about 1 45 cents a barrel and on other products product 10 per c cent nt ad valorem n. Under the he treasury departments department's de decision wheat t ton on only from Denmark Finland the Nether Nether- Netherlands lands and Great Britain Housewives cs however howe may n-my find some ome comfort In a second s order to collectors whereby the 10 percent duty on potatoes and potato products will not be he t fre fresh h dried or ground potatoes from rom Denmark pota potatoes and potato products potato flour from rom the he Netherlands and potato flour nour from New Zealand |