Show War Board Doubles Auto Replacements The following ord orders rs were Issued by bythe bythe bythe the civilian war agencies Fur Further her information in formation on specific orders may be obtained obtained ob oh bv by calling callin the Palt Lake offices of these agencies at 5 W hI P 1 AdvIsed B-AdvIsed n Advised the automotive Industry Indus try that additional allocation of mater mater- f the for second automotive T quarter t replacement of ii 1943 n will parts give e fg the forthe for forthe almost per cent of th the amount requested for that period o OTA Revised A-Revised P Revised MPR No major changes chanes In poultry price ceilings s sand and simplifying the regulation to facilitate enforcement ment Issued MPR No ut establishing maximum max ium prices for used washing macht machis Amended MPR No 27 to authorize regional or o district 0 OPA P A offices to grant distributors of selected white seed DL n. toes permission to rem remove ve tags or lab lal laband laland lat and resell the table stock potatoes at lower table stock ceilings where there Is danger of ot spoilage |