Show N S U R A 1 C E ut i A Name ou Can Oan Trust iou ONTI Agency ency Company a. a it Dial 4 2 o r 0 1 i J lEST ST GUARANTEED AR rT OH iN W 10 IIEr 7 i ON TItUS uS T flit EOW 0 u I Enlistments U U. U S. S Navy Salt Lake City Harvey City Harvey R. R Poulsen Ramona avenue James Ramon 45 West WeISt S Secand and South street meet BRICK CEMENT PLASTER WORK PATCH W RK Cf MENT WORK Remodeling and arches Work guar 7 or 6 CESSPOOL TANK CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS TANKS TANKS-P P W A TOILETS cesspools Cle Cleaned ned Int isit Rep ServIce 7 Free rea IMP than SEPTIC TANK AND CESSPOOL Cleaning Inspect Free 7 C. C Morrow CLEANING DYEING Foli HEALTH'S SAKE BAStE KEEP KER CLEAN Dial 6 or stop at So 50 tt State ta e. e SOUTH FB STATE A f CLEANERS FLOOR FINISHING L RS S laid Ia d sanded and and fin heaT aver aver ag age room surfaced d. d 4 By specialist Estimates I free Phone 7 ELECTRIC sanding machine for foi rent and polisher So State 4 rU FLOOR R sanding landing and polishing n mae machines l t for for rent Burton Lumber 6 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED LA W mowers sharpened bIcycles r eJ au Chas sfa A. A Fowler r r 1 i SHARPENED by machine w Work ri guaranteed So Bo W W. Temple 4 PLUMBING PLUMBING HEATING HEATING DAY AND NIGHT 4 Stoker Service 6 BILL BUL McCOMB says Do Do clearing 8 ei i is WEST aBic SECOND BOUTH PAl PAINTING cLEANING PAPERING CLEANING 1 PAP RI G Dapel furn fUm A l worK 81 Long Lone expo exp paint Jacobs Jacobi 7 REST BEST work prices Painting paper paper- banging F W CHARLES WALLACE DECOR DECORATING CO South East LasI 4 1274 WALLPAPER by exports experts Box Y 45 45 Tel Tei 4 EXP EXPERT wallpaper cleaning p painting r. Free estimate S 6 FOR FOR EXPER EXPERIENCED PAPER CLEANER i Dial 4 PAINTING paperhanging cleaning Dla Dial 4 1588 after 6 p p. p m. m EXPERT paper cleaning cl painting Kern Kem tone applied g 3 PATENT ATTORNEYS oM s Ik U 8 Reg Trad mark drawings Beason Season 5 6 PRINTERS PRINTERS BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDING FOR p public c library r binding n l G C Dust t ac Co Edison I it t 3 9 ROOFING 8 INSULATION 01 0 recovering any root Johns Johns- materials Phone Yan ev Insulation Co So State Stat it St for tree free estimates Dial 5 8 88 SURGICAL BELTS TRUSSES BELTS TRUSSES AnC ea Elastic I iery Crutches Belts ts Salt Mit al Lake Lak e Art Limp LImb Co W W. So Bo Temple 4 SURG SURGICAL stockings beit trusses Br M h 2 os outA Louth Math Main Salt Lake Lak Ctt FLORISTS ROSES carnations carnation sweet SWett peas peal heather md and all spring bl blossoms blossom art are P plentiful at ai rd t th the Brown Floral Our r flowers y always carry your message s properly anti and rids with dignity Their and beauty of arrangements n a are appreciated it by y all who receive t aU U them BROWN FLORAL CO Greenhouses lOth W th So 80 4 Uptown Store E. E 2nd So 5 FAMOUS FOR OUR FUNERAL DESIGNS Sam Earn Flower Shop 17 East Broadway Phone Phon 3 19 COLONIAL FLOWER HOUSE GOUSE FUNERAL FLOWERS VERS OUR SPECIALTY East South Phone 5 I SPECIAL SEct NOTICES ATTENTION MEMBERS OF CARPENTERS' CARPENTERS LOCAL UNION NO OGDEN OGDENA A dance will be gives given Iven Sat April 24 p p. p m m. All relatives of members members mem mern bers bela In the th armed forces are cordially Invited to attend DIES U LADIES LADIES' HATS 4 CLEANED RESTYLED BRYCE MILLINERY 48 STATE KODAK finishing U Established 33 years vear sti UTAH PHOTO WOT MATERIALS 27 Jt W. W So Temple 3 1404 A BOWL OF MADE HOME tiLl CHILI AT MOM POPS POP'S BIG 5 LUNCH E. E SO 80 3 2 LOST 3 AND FOUND FOUNDS O E bay mare white white on forehead C one II sorrel horse none white legs S white spot on forehead and one yearling year year- ling Pal amIno pony whitish gray color All 3 no doubt will wll will be found together Strayed from Murray Call Murray Reward BLACK with brown broWD le legs s. s Ige ears harness lost on aves ayes 3 IN LITTLE red C cola coin D J purse S 50 If In bills Li about 2 50 in change left t in tele ide booth tn to Temple Tample Square hotel or Greyhound Greyhound Grey Grey- hound bus bUI station Reward Call Cal Murray Murra Ji 21 DOG DOG Brindle Boston bull buH female Answers to Trixie Reward 4 W WALLET WALLE 1 Black with i 1 zipper ripper HH g lj lost Mon day R Reward i d. d Call 8 6 TAX receipts auto license Missouri auto deed Dial 7 I Reward ward RING RIN ladys lady's diamond engagement t. t ring lo lost t Monday d Dial 5 Reward ENVELOPE containing union papers In Jn bus bes diet 4 Reward wt PERSON who took t. t purse Bennett Dennitts W WeM store Fri now o knows known o If ret no trouble trou trou- ble eM Mall kaii o or bring rI to owner n ES mans man's bifocal lost loat Sunday Apr nisi 7 Reward DUO DUG Loal Loti Dec Dee 24 liiK Uk mate male Cocker S Spaniel vie viC 1258 IJ Emerson merson ave 7 Reward LOST LOST Female Female wire fox terrier half ta tan bead head Reward Phone 7 leaf COMB billfold and twin coin nurse rM r r ladY lady's lost Saturday 3 Re lie- ward T 1 BA BAX BAJI horse brand W on left thigh V L Lon Lon Lon on right thigh wt Wi 1000 Ibs lbs I has hen 2 saddle marks mark on back Reward TeL Magna Magma 3 or 4 3 LOST 3 LOST AND FOUND 3 RED pigs lost i mOl old Cali 2795 Evergreen Reward 7 I LOST LOST Gold Gold parachute pin v Wings R C on side Liberal rew offered Mr Tolman Roosevelt Jr High Bount Roust 86 32 eves BLACK Bull Terrier White around neck k white while face and feet black harness Ant Ana to name Buster Duster 3 East 1st South BRA BRACELET L found Tue Theady dy on Main Maln st at Owner 5 identify Identity Dial 5 or 4 i 1 BLACK wallet engraved A. A N. N D. D I lost loet Keep mo money y as re reward rd Call 5 PA PAIR silver wings o ings b believed e t to be lost bf in n Paris Co IW Vat Val I for sentimental tI rca rca- sons Reward 7 1 LOST LOS Mans Man's ruby ring with sapphires platinum au b band f near f U. U I. I rew 4 LOST LOST 2 2 flowered red dress In Arden box Re Reward ard 7 4 PERSONALS 4 FINISH ATIN-FINISH calling cards The best Write now free sample or 2 32 D. D Hurley Burley Box Dox 1102 Ogden DESERET GYM 3 Enroll now Enjoy better health SPECIALISTS FOR MEN Dr Griffith South Main Ph 4 1717 ATE rv tutoring 1127 1127 Milton avenue 7 4 MASSAGE 5 5 AND BATH BAIl SCIENTIFIC Swedish massage Restful I soothing Miss bliss Peterson trained mas man scone seus Templeton 4 ROT HOT tub bath oil a and alcohol o rub Hours flours 1 1 37 36 t 1 Brooks o Arcade c IdE EXP massage s e bath a Franco American c tf R Rm 2 23 E. E 1st S Marie I Moms Morres EXPERT P massage Powder massage Powder Wd fl rubs bS baths bathe 25 E 11 2nd So 21 Houn r. r 7 12 z Z 2 J nf Sundays 5 12 Nurse urse 5 SWEDISH massage steam bath Miss il Lane 10 3 Templeton t id 4 6 TRAVEL 6 OPPORTUNITIES s SS SA SAVE VE MONEY 33 SS PIOCHE 53 5 LAS VEGAS LOS ANGELES 7 75 SAN D DIEGO EGO 9 50 WENDOVER ELY LY NEVADA t 2 0 Bonded Insured Reclining Chair Bus Bui PONY EXPRESS PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS A 40 EAST 2ND SOUTH DIAL 4 7 HELP 7 WOMEN 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN Waitresses Wanted WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE FOR LUNCHEONETTE LUNCHEON ETE I MEAL AND UNIFORM FURNISHED GOOD WAGES Those engaged in to war work need Deed cot act ot apply Apply W. W T. T Grant Co SOUTH MAIN Essential war workers must have certificate of availability L LW W TRA DRIVING A YELLOW CAB LEA OUTDOOR WORK WORE SLIGHT LIGHT DA i HOURS flOURS FIXED SHIFTS PERMANENT ANENT EMPLOYMENT RENT MINT Our Drivers Are Averaging OVER MONTH If It Zoo You Art Are Over 21 Year Yean of ot AC ACe Have Good Character Fat FaU of Cit CUT CALL c AT l' l Jf Salt Lake Leke Transportation Co FUR FOR INTERVIEW 2 S SOUTH TEMPLE ls l's Essential n a war workers rs must nav have certificate of availability BUS WOMEN tJ N tJ J-tJ 1 P Middle Age Preferred GOOD WAGES No Experience Necessary Apply Drug Co Office 63 S. S WEST TEMPLE E Essential war workers must st have certificate of 01 availability Chocolate Dippers Permanent Work Ideal Working Conditions Air Conditioned Room Good Wages Sweet Candy Co 2 I 8 South I 1 1st st sf West ESSENTIAL WAR WORKERS MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE OF OFA A AVAILABILITY V CASHIER and ond FOUNTAIN GIRL OR WOMAN DRUG CO Sugarhouse GOOD WAGES WAGES FULL FULL TIME Apply at t J 1087 East 2 21 1st st South or Office 63 So West Tem Tern Essential war workers must nav ties have certificate ot or availability W WANTED A TEO First class cl ss w woman man fry fry cOok cook room board and wages Canyon o. o food Lodge eb near SaIl t Lake Yag e Dial Tal 6 Essential war work worker rs must have ban cu of f availability POWER MACHINE OPERATORS mon HIGH SALARY DAY DAY WORK BROADWAY SHOE REPAIR 69 East 3rd South Essential war workers must have hav certificate of availability GIRL to learn typewriter repairing Salary I with advancement Be Su See Mr Jarman 44 Exchange place Essential war workers must enlist nave lave c certificate of ai availability availability avail avail- ability MAI MAIDS WANTED Come r ready f for work wont P. P fo M gH Wt Good wanes wages Apply MRS CHORN NEW UTE HOTEL Essential war wai workers must have has certificate of availability MAC MACHINE and HAND BAND SEWERS with or i eSE without lJ tan experience Steady employ IO merit To wares WHOLESALE SALE TAILORS So West Temple must 4 I Essential s war workers must have certificate of availability FOUNTAIN girl 25 29 wit wk No Sundays Sunday Uniforms Uni Uni- i forms meals furnished Clean pleas pleas- pleasant pleasant i ant im imla place la e all girl help North Main Essential war workers must have certificate of availability SMART QUICK SMART QUICK GIRL for office work No experience necessary good wages Apply Utah Oil 01 BId Essential war workers must have base certificate of availability ONE exper calculator operator o one caper riJo Moon Burroughs l b gE f billing IR mich mech g operator on ens exper er geni office c clerk wages or E Essential war workers o ff must i have certificate of nf availability 1 71 Mr Ridgeway W. W P. P Fuller Co for ew GIRL GIRT OVER R 18 for permanent work SI 18 8 wk wit Bunny Lunch stan stand l. l 2320 filch land Drive 6 Essential wa war work workers rl must have certificate of avail ability IF you cannot devote full time tire to defense work but would like an Income investigate in is Avons Avon's Plan of earning KOO cool commission and bonus Phone 5 1 for appointment GIRL for general office work Essential war workers must have certificate of availability Leeds So Stat state tat HELP 7 WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN TUB TILE AND T strive to protect their readers reader against fraud deception 01 os Injustice Readers are cautioned to males make NO payment m to get a tte position advertised a e In Is the Help p Wasted Wanted columns Ads Ada in other othel columns which require re n. require quire Investment v l in nr stocks samples P equipment equip equip- hui gt t d' d rou r Rent ment or a cash b bond should b thoroughly t before e paying out 9 any money f All Help Wanted ads MUST specify the nature ot of th the work Sales Help Wanted Wanted ads ad must mention ll the article or service tobe to tobe tobe be sold and state If It th the na pay Day U 13 tn In the form of salary commission or both bout Bonafide Bona Boss tide fide offers of employment with pay belong belong be be- long in iii the Help Wanted Wasted columns Kindly report any exceptions exception to this toll rule to th the classified advertising manager matac CURB GIRLS AND WAITRESSES I WANTED Good Salary and Tips rips APPLY v AW A. A W. W So and State ESSENTIAL WAR WORKERS MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE OF AVAILABILITY WOMEN For GENERAL LAUNDRY WORK Good Salary Sary Apply MR HAERENS HOTEL UTAH Laundry Department ESSENTIAL WAR WORKERS R MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE 6 OF AVAILABILITY AVAILABILITY- CASHIER-CANDY CASHIER CLERK GOOD WAGES SUNDAYS OFF APPLY StEELY'S SO STATE Essential war workers must have hav certificate certificate- of a availability GIRLS General Genera Laundry Work Good Wages Full or Part Time Single or Married APPLY PEERLESS LAUNDRY I 1184 East 21 st South ESSENTIAL WAR WORKERS MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE OF A AVAILABILITY V Combination BOOKKEEPER- BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER Who Desires Permanent Position Needed by Local Firm Good Salary with Regular Salary Increases Pleasant Working Conditions Call 4 For Appointment Middle-Aged Middle Woman FOR KITCHEN HELP GOOD WAGES APPLY A W ROOT BEER SOUTH AND ST STATED STATE ATE ATEE Essential E war war workers must n have hav certificate of availability EXPERIENCED EXPERt FOUNTAIN GIRLS 30 PER WEEK 7 HOURS PER DAY APPLY WASATCH SPRINGS 12 TO 2 P. P M. M Essential war a workers must have hav certificate of availability WOMEN FOR LAUNDRY L D S HOSPITAL Needed at once GOOD WAGES WAGES GOOD GOOD HOURS See Mr Webb Essential war workers must have bay certificate of availability GIRLS for retail work Apply bet 9 12 a a. m. m New England Bakery E E. So 60 Essential war workers workers work work- ers era must bay bave certificate of avail- avail ability CASHIER l. l FLOOR GIRLS ARCHERY GIRLS No Experience Necessary Up to 40 Per Week WeekS S Plus Commission and Bonus The T e South Main MainEs Es Essential war wax workers must have hav certificate of availability EXPERIENCED competent girl wanted wasted by Utah OH Oil Refining company for foi responsible secretarial position Must blunt be efficient at shorthand and typing Ideal working conditions Permanent connection good s salary Apply In Ia l AJ person floor r Utah Oil building ln for application form and nd Interview lerv Essential war workers er m must have bays certificate of availability WO WOMAN to act as counter u girl Wages e er rsc a Imperial 1 Cleaners Dyers B. B 0 9 S. S GIRL for f fountain nt full u or part time Ume Wages s. s 80 E. E 2nd So B Essential Es Es- war workers must have cats cate of ot availability USHERETTES WANTED Full or part time Wages Genii Gem theater Essential war workers must have certificate of availability Woman to work in store as sto stock anc and price clerk Fair wages wagon See Mr Cox KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY WEST SO I Essential war wan workers must have certificate of ot availability GI GIRL RL IRL Gen office work for nations national concern Good Salary Western uto Supply West 3rd So 3 Essential war wu workers must have certificate of ot availability GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OVER Prefer one who can type and take dictation j Essential salary t r war Dial workers 5 1781 i must Ext ti have certificate of availability WANTED MIDDLE AGED MIDDLE AGED WOMEN for foi tor d day work SOc HOUR Time A plant i gl OVER h 40 41 r 1 HOURS flOURS cg R CA Apply 9 COLVILLE ICE CREAM CO WEST l iKI T SO Essential war workers must have certificate of availability f EXPER r GIRL GIRL GEN ri ST STAY A NIGHTS cele Wages 3 S SILK LK presser Ci to assist as 1st 10 In cleaning clean In plant Call 2nd ave Essential war workers workers work work- ers ens must have certificate of avail avail- ability WOM WOMAN or Japanese 11 housework e and aE care oi of i 0 one child 1 Good Waged wage G. G So 5 7 HELP 7 HELP WOMEN WANTED-WOMEN CASHIERS CASHIERS' SALESPEOPLE FOUNTAIN WAITRESSES Good Wages W PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY ITY FOR ADV ADVANCEMENT ENT EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY DRUG CO OFFICE 63 SOUTH WEST VEST TEMPLE Essential war workers must have haVI certificate of availability WAITRESSES KITCHEN HELP AND SHORT ORDER COOKS AFTERNOON SHIFT EXCELLENT SALARY If You Are a Good Steady Worker Looking for a Job Hour 40 Week Good Working Conditions Conditio s APPLY AIR BASE EXCHANGE OFFICE ARMY AIR BASE TAKE NO 18 IS ESSENTIAL WAR WORKERS MUST HAVE RAVE CERTIFICATE OF AVAILABILITY Combination BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPER- STENOGRAPHER ALSO TYPISTS Who Desire Permanent Positions With a National Firm Good Salary With Regular Salary Increases Pleasant Working Conditions Apply Room Utah Oil Essential war workers must have hav certificate of A Availability WAITRESSES WAITRESS ES DAY WORK ONLY Sundays and Holidays Off GOOD HOURS EXCELLENT PAY Uniforms rm and Mea Meals s Furnished 4 PERSONNEL THIRD FLOOR DEPARTMENT 1 AUERBACH'S WAITRESSES AND FOUNTAIN DISPENSERS GOOD WAGES SUNDAYS BUNDA YS |