Show lard Hard Boots 1 Lean to Long Shot By Sid SW Feder LOUISVILLE Ky April 23 UP jp Big Big Jim Healy leaned against the corner of the barn and contradicted contradicted contradicted contra contra- the turf writers Sure he argued with a laugh there was was' ne son SOIl of Jean Valjean Valjean Val- Val jean who ran milc a-milc and a s. quarter once Oh I r dont don't remember when or where but there really was one of em So why beef bee about Gold Shower This chums was your Introduction introduction introduction tion to the darkest of ot all the Derby dark horses in Derby town Just now now now-a a horse so dark that midnight looks loots like the sun coming up alongside of him They pick him as the two sixty question in these parts because he ho had one whizzing workout at Belmont park before he came down here for the theMay theMay May ray day barn dance and because I he handed Count Fleet a beating I last summer at Empire City What's more the solid soUd looking son of Jean Valjean Is the only one of a dozen or so colts the Knock Down the Favorite Marching Marching Marching March March- ing and Eating club Is banking on for the May 1 shindig at Churchill Downs The and the plain guys as usual are looking for something with four legs and an appetite to beat the boys' boys ears off Big Jim shipped the shower of gold in tn here only day before yesterday yesterday yesterday yes yes- and already the wise guys are Impressed by him The chief argument against the pride and joy of Mrs Vera S. S Bragg the theone theone theone one time Californian who migrated to the Blue Grass Is that hes he's a ason ason ason son of Jean Valjean Jeans Jean's offspring offspring offspring off off- spring up to now have been marked by the handy habit of being able to run but not very far |