Show 1943 Winter Smoke Pall Over Salt Lake Shows Lowest Density in Decade City Learns Despite a third one-third increase in fuel consumption per cent in increase increase in- in crease in railroad traffic and increased Increased in increased In- In in 1 creased industrial and commercial activities smoke density was lowest lowest lowest low low- est in Salt Lake City last winter than at any time during the last 10 years W. W I L. L Butler chief smoke abatement engineer reported Fri Fri- day Not only was smoke density lowest lowest lowest low low- est but duration of the smoke pall I the area covered and cloud depth were also lowest for tor the decade Mr Mr Butler said In the report he presented city commissioners at a special meeting Progress made in the industrial commercial and residential classifications classifications classifications reflect total smoke reduction reduction reduction tion of per cent for the 43 1942 season over oer the 42 1941 season even enn though production from the railroad district showed a per cent increase the report stated During the winter of 43 1942 the smoke cloud remained in the concentration area an average of minutes minute at a maximum density during the early morning hours and covered an average of ot 66 square miles mUes or approximately 12 per cent of ot the total 54 H square miles within the boundaries of ot Salt Lake City Mr Butler said using a huge map to explain methods of ot measurement I |