Show lA MAKERS IN IDAHO ur UP fouse ouse Passes 7 Bills 4 45 lAre Are Offered School Tax Levy Killed I I DOISE Idaho Feb 4 Leg AP-Leg- I ors of the Nineteenth Idaho sUpped slipped Into the hig V t of yesterday with a a when the house passed I Iren ren bills introduced forty five i measures while the senate leel the statewide school tax passed two house bills for tor the vernor's signature D teat of the statewide school ta tax known as house bill No 42 passed by the house Saturday tired the day Senators argued j 6 measure with great particular particular- well into the noon hour before a spelled defeat ot of the I by y a margIn ot of four votes 20 and 24 against Southeastern aho senators were mostly in far fa- fa r while united opposition ot of the northern Idaho senators was b by sufficient numbers and southwestern sen sen- sen rs senator ator TI R. E. E Whitten Boise ide de an unsuccessful attempt to row ow the bill Into the committee the whole for amendment His seconded by Senator W. W F. F Twin Fans Falls was lost on a ping vote 16 to 2 2 SS ss TWO BILLS of the house end end en- en d in their first afternoon sesO ses- ses ito O pass two bills In addition to toe e measures approved In the ruing Bills passed by the house House ouse bill No Ko 3 by MarIneaux e permits highway dis- dis as Th to make a special levy for ink highways when the bonded l does not exceed 10 per of the districts district's tot total 11 The bill Increases the bond bond- limit for this pur- pur 5 to 10 per cent H use bill No 52 by Fold Fuld Blame Blaine i the city charter ot of Bellevue r exclusion of agrIcultural Ids from id-from from city limits H use bill No 65 by the f increases the maxi maxi- ii i tax levy ley of independent and W 1 high school districts from 10 bs mills ris bill also provides districts 1 exceed the mill 15 limit upon of the necessity therefore e- e estate state board ot of House mem members bers accorded this asure Sure the only material of the day shOwIng 41 es 21 na nays s with six not voting BILL House House bill billo Nc o 66 by the i nce ance committee legalize leg life insurance ance p policies Ucles taken talen out by corporation corpOration corpor- corpor boards ot of directors on the lives of Its members House bill No 71 b b the cities and towns committee authorizes municipalities to regulate electrical wiring sale and Use ot of electrical appliances storage and use of photographic supplies and I operation operation opera opera- tion ot of motion picture machines House bill No 98 by the judiciary committee permits county Commissioners Commis- Commis slon rs to pay expenses of returning return return- Ing for trial in Idaho n t persOn ex- ex fro from n another state stat when state funds for return ot of alleged alleged criminals have become exhausted This bill bUl was pasSed under sus- sus suspension pension n ot of th the rules to permit Ada cOunty to return Allan Stein from Cincinnati Ohio Ohio Stein ls Is wanted here hereon n a ch charge rge of forgery forger Senate bill No 19 b byh th citIes and towns committee gives second second- class right of class first cities to en enact ct zoning ordinances These last two bUls bitis vere passed at the afternoon meeting SENATE PASSES TWO The senate bills passed are arc House bill bilI No 21 by bythe the irrigation tion reservoirs and reclamation committee empowers t the commissioner commissioner commis- commis of f reclamation to extend for tor two ears from January 20 1929 the I time for completion of Irrigation works House t bill ill No 40 b by Hoffman J Nez Perce repeals sections sections required the licensing of thresher thresher- men I Ot Of the fortY five ne neis bills Intro Intro- d ced In the the house twenty eight were special acts by the judicIary committee to legalize organization and acts of indivIdual highway lis- lis Is- Is with one bond issue out out- standing Two measures Introduced ester yester- esterday day clay afternoon ivere vere House bill bilI No by McCoombs Bonner and Keating up- up for tor the construction tion or purchase of a 1 gubernatorial mansion The commissioner of public works Is authorized to either purchase a site and build the governors governor's' home or to purchase an already constructed con con- residence for tor the chief executives executive's executives executive's ex- ex mansion House bill No by White and Brainard create fire protection districts in unincorporated ed districts The districts may be Included or er annexed by municipal municipal- |