Show SENATE n AGAINST SI TAX lAX REDUCTION Resolution for Public Debt Cut Passes Passes-b Vote J of 3 f-f f T WASHINGTON Fe AP- AP P- P The senate senate- today nJ record the forthe use of the tre ury surplus f Or r reducing the pu d it rather r ther than for tax reduction A f such a a dec dec- bY bYSe Se lator ator Norris d das das as a subs f te for one by S n tor Harrison Democrat Democrat MississippI l which have declared for a tax tax r reduction at th the present present ses- ses sion The Democratic organization oPposed opposed oP- oP posed the the NorrIs res resolution and the Republican organization aided by some of the Republican insurgents supported it The vote was 46 to 33 i For the first time In years on apolitical a apolitical political Quest question on the Republican Insurgents lined solidly with the Republican regulars There was but one break in the Democratic ranks s Senator Blease of South Carolina supporting the Norris resolution |